Application by a person of full age for naturalisation … Version 5.7 June 18 FORM 8 – IRISH NATIONALITY AND CITIZENSHIP ACT 1956 CTZ3 Application by a person of full age for naturalisation - [PDF Document] (2024)


Version 5.7 June 18


Application by a person of full age for naturalisation as an Irish citizen

A person who gives false or misleading information is guilty of an offence under the

Act and liable to a fine and/or imprisonment. Giving false or misleading information

may also result in an application being refused or, where a certificate of naturalisation

has been granted, the revocation of that certificate.

Do not submit your application form without properly completing the statutory declaration and

enclosing all of the required documentation specified below. If documents are missing or if the

form is not fully completed, your application may be refused as the requirements under the Act

have not been met and your application fee will not be refunded.

Your application is not fully completed if you have not:

Completed all questions on the application form, or

Inserted your full name and signed the statutory declaration in the presence of an approved

witness, or

Enclosed the required documentation to support your application, or

Enclosed the statutory application fee of €175 (no assessment of your application will be


If your application is successful a certification fee of up to €950 may be payable by you, see

the citizenship fees page on the INIS website at If your application is refused

you will be advised of the decision and, where appropriate, the reasons for refusal. There is no

appeals process; however you can re‐apply at any time if you believe you meet the criteria.

1.The following documentation must be provided with all applications:

1. The statutory application fee of €175 in the form of a Banker’s Draft only, made payable to

the Secretary General, Department of Justice and Equality. Postal orders, personal or


business cheques are not acceptable. This fee is non‐refundable and is required for each

application for a certificate of naturalisation.

2. The original of your current passport and any previous passports valid during periods

of residence in the state, together with a photocopy of the biometric page of each


3. A certified copy of your original civil birth certificate, and a copy of a translation into

English if the certificate is in a language other than English or Irish.**

4. Two colour passport photographs taken within 30 days of the date of application,

signed and dated on the back by the witness who signs the statutory declaration to

confirm they are your photograph.

5. A copy of your current Immigrant Registration Card issued by the Garda National

Immigration Bureau (GNIB) or the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS)

as appropriate (this does not apply to EU/EEA citizens).

6. Three different proofs of residence for each year of residence claimed, showing your

name and address and date of issue, e.g. mortgage/rent agreement, household bills

(gas, electricity, phone or cable/satellite TV), bank statements, revenue letters, social

welfare, letter from employment, etc.

7. A letter, on headed paper, from your current employer showing the date of

commencement of employment (if applicable), and copies of 3 recent pay slips (dated

within the previous 6 months), and copies of your P60 or tax statement from the

Revenue Commissioners for each year of residence claimed.

8. Copies of bank statements for all of your bank accounts for at least 3 of the previous 6


9. Evidence of marriage to, or being the civil partner of, a deceased person who, at the

date of death was an Irish citizen, if applicable. (Certified copies of certificates, court

documents as applicable).

10. Copy of your completed online residency checker (see page 4 below). Not required for

EU/EEA citizens.

11. As and from 19 September 2016 all applicants for a certificate of naturalisation aged 18

or over who are resident in the state must be registered with the Department of Social

Protection for a Public Services Card (PSC). This is an important measure to identify the

applicant, protect against fraud and identity theft and uphold the integrity of the Irish

naturalisation process.


Note regarding copies and certified copies:

Where a certified copy is required, you must take your original certificates/documents to

your solicitor, or a notary public, commissioner for oaths or peace commissioner and ask

them to make a photocopy of each document and certify that it is a true copy of the original

i.e. stamp and sign it “True copy of the original”.

If certificates/documents are not in English or Irish, a translation by a professional

translator is required. A copy of the translation as well as the copy of the original document

must be provided. Please note that we may also seek to establish the authenticity of

documents submitted with authorities of the issuing country.

* Persons making an application for a certificate of naturalisation are required to provide

satisfactory evidence of their identity and nationality. This is usually in the form of a currently

valid passport and may include other original supporting documents, such as a previously held

or out of date passport, birth certificate and marriage certificate. In rare circ*mstances where an

applicant cannot produce their current passport, or a previous passport, birth certificate or other

supporting documents the applicant will be required to provide a full explanation. Such

explanation should, where possible, be supported by satisfactory evidence that they have

attempted to obtain such documentation and correspondence from the relevant authorities or

embassy responsible for the issuing of passports and birth certificates in their country, clearly

stating the reasons the documentation cannot be provided. INIS will consider the explanation

given and, if satisfied it is for reasons genuinely beyond the applicant's control, may suggest

alternative means to the person to assist in establishing their identity and nationality.

** If you do not have your birth certificate (or marriage certificate/civil partnership registration if

married to or are the civil partner of an Irish citizen) you should get it from the relevant

authorities in the country where your birth and/or marriage/civil partnership was registered

before making an application for a certificate of naturalisation. In certain limited and exceptional

circ*mstances a birth affidavit may be accepted in lieu of a Birth Certificate where you can show

satisfactory evidence that the certificate is not available and cannot be obtained. If you are not in

possession of, or have lost, your birth certificate, an affidavit will NOT be accepted. You must

obtain it from the relevant authorities before applying.


You must also provide additional information/documentation as follows:

2. If you are a non‐EU citizen making a standard application based on having 5 years residence:

Evidence of your residency permissions that cover a CONTINUOUS PERIOD of 365/366

days in the year immediately prior to the date of application (date of Statutory Declaration)

AND periods totalling 4 years in the 8 year period before that (i.e. a total of 5 x 365 days

plus one day for each permission period in which 29 February falls (leap year). Please

submit three different proofs of residence for each year showing name and address for this

period i.e. mortgage/rent agreement, household bills (gas, electricity, phone or

cable/satellite TV), bank statements, revenue letters, mortgage agreement, social welfare,

letter from employment, etc.

Residency permissions are evidenced by stamps in your passport, while additional periods

may be covered by letters issued by the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service

granting you permission for a specific period from or to a specified date. Please note that

any failure to register with the Garda national immigration bureau within a reasonable

period will be taken into account in assessing your application.

These arrangements are on the basis that the person with residence permission is also

continually physically resident in the State. Where there are significant absences from the

State during the currency of permission further enquiries may be necessary and your

application may be refused.

Dependent children, who entered the State with their parent(s) as part of a family unit may

be covered by their parent’s permission for the purposes of this application while attending

secondary school and may continue to be covered up to age 23 where they have been

continuously dependent on their parents and progressed from secondary school in the

State directly into third level education.

A printout from the online residency checker showing the above permissions. The printout

must confirm that you are eligible to apply. If it does not your application will be deemed

ineligible. Do not add in days not covered by permissions to try and satisfy the conditions as

these will not be reckoned. See note below for more information.


3. If you are an EU citizen making a standard application based on having 5 years residence:

If you are an EU citizen for more than five years please submit proof of residence in the State

amounting to a total of five years in the last nine years, to include the year prior to application.

Please submit three different proofs of residence for each year showing name and address for

this period i.e. mortgage/rent agreement, household bills (gas, electricity, phone,

cable/satellite TV), bank statements, revenue letters, mortgage agreement, social welfare,

letter from employment, etc.

If you are an EU citizen for less than five years please submit copy of your passport showing

permission to remain stamps from date of arrival in the State to date of becoming an EU

citizen and proof of residence in the State from date of becoming an EU citizen to date of

application. Please submit three different proofs of residence for each year showing name and

address for this period i.e. mortgage/rent agreement, household bills (gas, electricity, phone or

cable/ satellite TV), bank statements, revenue letters, mortgage agreement, social welfare,

letter from employment, etc.

Please note that failure to provide the required proofs may considerably delay processing of

your application. In addition, if you fail to provide the proofs within a reasonable period, you

application may be deemed ineligible.

4. If your application is based on marriage to or being the civil partner of an Irish citizen:

Note, you must be married / in a civil partnership to the Irish citizen for not less than 3 years, and

be living together at the date of making an application and have the required residency in the

island of Ireland (see below).

Documentary proof of Irish spouse’s/civil partner’s entitlement to Irish citizenship

(certified copy of Irish spouse’s/civil partner’s birth certificate if born in Ireland / certified

copy of foreign birth register entry / spouse’s or civil partner’s parent’s birth certificate if

latter was born in Ireland / certified copy of naturalisation certificate / certified copy of

passport page with photograph).

Certified copy of marriage certificate / civil partnership registration**. NOTE: If your civil

partnership was registered in a country other than the State, then recognition of this

relationship by the State is determined by reference to the Civil Partnership (Recognition


of Registered Foreign Relationships) Order 2010. You should satisfy yourself that your

registered relationship is recognised before making an application based on being the

civil partner of an Irish citizen.

The relevant sworn Affidavit (at the back of this application form) must be completed by

the Irish spouse/civil partner in the presence of a legal witness after you have signed the

statutory declaration (Commissioner for Oaths, Peace Commissioner, Notary Public or

Practising Solicitor).

Copies of three different proofs of residence in the island of Ireland for both applicant

and spouse/civil partner for 3 months prior to the date of application showing date and

name and current address. Proofs include mortgage/rent agreement, household bills

(gas, electricity, phone or cable/satellite TV), bank statements, revenue, mortgage

agreement, social welfare, letter from employment, etc.

Evidence of residency permission i.e. your passport(s) showing residency permission

stamps for a period of 1 year immediately prior to the application and a further 2 years in

the 4 year period before that, equalling 3 years in total, or alternatively proof of residence

in the island of Ireland for this period. Please submit three different proofs of residence for

each year showing your name and address and date of issue i.e. mortgage/rent

agreement, household bills (gas, electricity, phone or cable/satellite TV), bank statements,

revenue letters, mortgage agreement, social welfare, letter from employment, etc.

Where the residency is in Northern Ireland, evidence must be given of being lawfully

resident in that jurisdiction for the period of 1 year immediately prior to the application

and a further 2 years in the 4 year period before that, equalling 3 years in total, on foot of

a permission granted by the immigration authorities of the United Kingdom, which period

was granted other than for a period of

o enabling you to engage in a course of education of study; or

o having a claim to be recognised as a refugee within the meaning of the 1951 Geneva

Convention relating to the status of refugees and the 1967 protocol relating to the

status of refugees determined by the UK authorities.


Section 15A applicants (spouse/civil partner of an Irish citizen) must ensure that the

relevant declaration at the back of this application has been signed by your Irish

spouse/civil partner and witnessed on the same date as the statutory declaration is

witnessed or after the date you signed the form.

The Minister may, in his absolute discretion, waive some of the conditions for naturalisation

for Section 15a applicants (spouse or civil partner of an Irish citizen) if satisfied that the

applicant would suffer serious consequences in respect of his or her bodily integrity or liberty if

not granted Irish citizenship.

5. If your application is based on having Refugee Status you must provide:

Copy of the letter confirming your refugee status,

Original of your passport and any other identity document,

Original of your Travel Document, if you have one

6. If your application is based on Irish Associations you must provide:

o Certified copies of all documentation proving your Irish associations** e.g. all birth and/or

marriage certificates or civil partnership agreement needed to show association, certified

copy of foreign birth registry entry, copy of naturalisation certificate etc.

o Evidence of residency permissions. Residency permissions are evidenced by stamps in

your passport, while additional periods may be covered by letters issued by the Irish

Naturalisation and Immigration Service granting you permission for a specific period from

or to a specified date.

** Section 16(2) of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956 defines being of Irish

associations as meaning: related by blood, affinity, adoption to, or is the civil partner of, a person

who is an Irish citizen, or a person who is deceased and who, at the time of his or her death, was

an Irish citizen or entitled to be an Irish citizen.

The Minister may, in his absolute discretion, waive some of the conditions for

naturalisation where the provisions of Section 16 apply. As a general rule, where this

Section applies you will normally be expected to have a minimum of 3 years reckonable

residence in the state. There is no right or entitlement to have any conditions for

naturalisation waived, it is entirely at the Minister’s absolute discretion.


7. IMPORTANT ‐ PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING POINTS: Naturalisation is a privilege and not a right. The onus is on each applicant to disclose all

information and evidence to help demonstrate that he or she satisfies the conditions for a

certificate of naturalisation, including being of good character. The Minister is not obliged to give

advance notice of adverse information of which the applicant is already aware. Should adverse

information come to light in the course of the processing of the application which the applicant

could reasonable foresee could be taken into account, the Department will not correspond with

the applicant on the matter. However, such information will be taken into consideration in the

decision making process.

You should be aware that citizenship legislation requires the publication of details of all persons

granted a certificate of naturalisation, including name, address and date of issue of the certificate

of naturalisation, in the official journal ‘Iris Oifigiúil’. This is a legal requirement, there are no


Applications where the applicant has a case pending in the court system will not be processed

until the matter is concluded. Therefore do not submit an application for naturalisation until the

case is closed.

8. ONLINE RESIDENCY CHECKER (not required in respect of EU/EEA Citizens):

An online residency checker is available to enable you to check if you satisfy the residency

conditions for naturalisation before applying. You are required to use the Online Residency

Checker, available at

This will indicate whether you satisfy the naturalisation residency conditions and, if not, indicate

how long you should wait before signing the Statutory Declaration and lodging the application.

You are required to print a copy of the result and enclose it with your application. Some

applications are ineligible as the applicant did not have the full required residency at time of

application. As each application incurs a €175 application fee, sending in an ineligible application

is costly. Please note that residency is calculated back from the date of application, i.e. the date

you have signed the Statutory Declaration on the application form.


Detailed guidance on filling out the application form

Answer all questions. If a question does not apply, write “n/a” in the box provided.

A person who gives false or misleading information is guilty of an offence under the Act and liable

to a fine and/or imprisonment. Giving false or misleading information may also result in an

application being refused or, where a certificate of naturalisation has been granted, the revocation

of that certificate.

Important – your Name, Nationality and Date and Place of Birth which will be recorded on your

certificate of naturalisation, should your application be approved, will be as stated by you in your

application. Please ensure the details you provide are correct. Once a certificate has issued it

cannot be amended.

Section 1: Name

1.1 Write your current family name (known as your surname or last name).

1.2 Write your first name and any middle names. These should be the same as on your passport.

1.3 If you have ever used another name, write it here and answer 1.4 and 1.5.

1.4 Please give the reason for name change e.g. marriage, deed poll.

1.5 Please give the date your name changed.

Section 2: Identification

2.1 Write your birthplace as recorded on your Birth Certificate.

2.2 Write your Country of birth as recorded on your Birth Certificate.

2.3 Write your Date of birth as recorded on your Birth Certificate.

2.4 Tick the box that shows your gender.

2.5 Write your present nationality.

2.6 Write your PPSN, which has 7 digits and a letter at the end. It is issued by the Department of

Social Protection.

2.7 Write your Registration number (This is found on your GNIB/IRP card. This is not applicable

for EU/EEA Citizens).

2.8 Write your Person ID Number, if applicable. (This is specified on all correspondence

Issued by the Irish Naturalization and Immigration Service since October 2011).

Section 3: Residential Address

3.1 Write your current address.

3.2 Write your Eircode

3.3 Date you started living at this address

3.4 Write your e-mail address if you have one.


3.5 Write your evening telephone number.

3.6 Write your day-time telephone number if you have one.

3.7 Write your mobile telephone number if you have one.

Section 4: Previous Addresses

Please list all your addresses for the last 9 years if a standard application or 5 years if

married to an Irish citizen. Include Irish and overseas addresses.

Section 5: Residency Permissions

5.1 Write the date when you first arrived in Ireland.

5.2 Write your Passport Number at the time of arrival in Ireland.

5.3 Confirm if you have entered all of your permissions into the online residency checker and

verified that you satisfy the conditions.

5.4 Tick the appropriate box. Please give details of any period spent studying in Ireland for the

last 9 years.

5.5 Tick the appropriate box. Please give details of any period spent in the asylum process for the

last 9 years.

5.6 Tick the appropriate box. If you were absent from the State for more than 6 weeks in any

of the previous 5 years provide details of all absences on a separate sheet and include it

with your application.

Section 6: Residence following Naturalisation

6.1 Tick the appropriate box.

6.2 Tick the appropriate box.

6.3 If you answered "no" to either question 6.1 or 6.2 please state the country that you intend

residing in following naturalization.

Section 7: Status

7.1 Tick the appropriate box that indicates your marital status.

7.2 Tick “Yes” or “No” 7.3 Tick “Yes” or “No” 7.4 Tick “Yes” or “No”

Section 8: Family Details

8.1 Write the full name of your father and mother and in each case their date of birth, the

place and country where they were born and their present nationality. Write their birth

name if different from their current last name.

8.2 Write the full name of each of your children, their birth name if different, specify whether


they are male or female, state their date of birth, the place and country they were born and

their present nationality.

Section 9: Means of Support

9.1 Tick the appropriate box.

9.2 If you have ticked “OTHER”, please provide an explanation why your status is this and detail

all sources of income.

9.3 Write the Name and Address of your employer if you are in employment. If you are self-

employed, or you are a partner or director of a company, write the address used for


9.4 Give details of your periods of employment, if any, in the past 5 years.

9.5 Tick the appropriate box.

9.6 Give details of any social welfare payments that you are receiving and/or have received in

the past 3 years and the reason why you obtained that payment/support.

Section 10: Previous Applications

10.1 Tick the appropriate box.

10.2 If applicable, write the date on which you made a previous application.

10.3 If applicable, write your previous application reference number e.g. 68/1234/12 (old type)

or 1234567-CITZ-10 (new type issued from Oct 2011)

Section 11: Background

11.1 Tick the appropriate box. 11.2 Tick the appropriate box. 11.3 Tick the appropriate box.

11.4 If applicable, write the date of conviction, judgement or offence (please note paragraph 7 in

the Guidelines above).

11.5 If applicable , write the place where the conviction, judgement or offence occurred and give

full details of the outcome.

11.6 to 11.11 Tick the appropriate box for each question.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should provide details and an explanation in

the additional details section provided for this purpose.

Section 12: Irish Associations

12.1 If you are applying for naturalisation on the basis of descent or Irish associations (related

by blood, affinity, adoption to, or the civil partner of, a person who is an Irish citizen)

please tick the appropriate box and give full details, which should be supported by

documentary evidence. If you need to you can provide additional information on a

separate sheet.


Section 13: Application based on Marriage to or Civil Partnership of an Irish Citizen

This section must be completed if you are applying on the basis of marriage to, or being the civil

partner of, an Irish citizen. Evidence is required and the relevant Declaration at the end of the

form (blue pages) must be completed by your Irish citizen spouse/civil partner and witnessed by

an authorised person (e.g. Solicitor, Peace Commissioner, Notary public, Commissioner for


13.1 Tick the appropriate box.

13.2 Tick the appropriate box.

13.3 Give the date you got married or the date you registered your civil partnership.

13.4 Give the place and country where you got married or where your civil partnership was


13.5 State how your spouse/civil partner gained Irish citizenship.

Section 14: References

14.1 This section should be completed by 3 Irish Citizens who know you and are willing to act as

Referees for you if we contact them.

Statutory Declaration

A Statutory Declaration is a written Statement, declared to be true by you in the presence of an

authorised person. By signing this Declaration you are stating that you understand the

application form and that the facts provided in the application form are true and correct to the

best of your knowledge.

You should complete boxes A1, A2 and A3 and your authorised witness should complete

W1, W2, W3 (either W3.0, W3.1, W3.21, W3.22, W3.23, W3.24 or W3.25), W4, W5, W6, W7

and W8.

Important: When completing the Statutory Declaration, clearly print your full name as you

stated it in section 1 of this form. Ensure that you sign and date the Statutory Declaration in the

presence of the witness and that the witness signs and dates it in your presence. Check that

the dates match before you post the application. ENSURE that the witness has ticked the

relevant box showing how the witness has identified you. If you have identified yourself to the

witness by presentation of an identity document you must provide a copy of that identity

document with your application.


Section 15A Declaration

This Declaration must be completed by your Irish citizen spouse/civil partner where you are

applying on the basis of your marriage to or being the civil partner of an Irish citizen. There are 2

versions of the Declaration, one for spouses the other for civil partners. The appropriate

Declaration must be signed in the presence of an authorised person (e.g. Solicitor, Peace

Commissioner, Notary public, Commissioner for oaths). Ensure that you sign and date the

Statutory Declaration in the presence of the witness and that the witness signs and dates it in

your presence. Again, check that the dates match before you post the application.

Note re identity documents

If you do not have your birth certificate (and marriage certificate/civil partnership registration, if your

application is based on marriage to or being the civil partner of an Irish citizen) then you should get

them from the relevant authorities in the country where your birth and/or marriage/civil partnership

was registered before making an application for a certificate of naturalisation.

Use of Birth Affidavit

In certain limited and exceptional circ*mstances an Affidavit may be accepted in lieu of a Birth

Certificate, where you can show evidence that the certificate is not available and cannot be

obtained. If you are not in possession of or have lost your birth certificate, an affidavit will NOT

be accepted. You must obtain it from the relevant authorities before applying.

Note: This form is for applications

by persons aged 18 years or older only


Data protection

1. The data you provide in this form is collected by the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration

Service (INIS), a part of the Department of Justice and Equality. The data controller for the

information you provide is the Department of Justice and Equality. The data controller’s contact

details are: Citizenship Division, Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service, the Department of

Justice and Equality, 13 – 14 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2, D02 XK70.

2. You can contact the Data Protection Officer for the Department of Justice by writing to:

The Data Protection Officer, the Department of Justice and Equality, 51 St. Stephen’s Green,

Dublin 2, D02 HK52. Or by email – [emailprotected]

3. We will use the personal data you provide in this form for the following purposes:

1. Assessing your eligibility for this application

2. Verifying your identity

4. We collect and process this data in order to comply with our legal obligations or to perform

tasks in the public interest. The specific basis for collecting and processing this data is as follows:

1. Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956,as amended (Part III) Naturalisation.

2. To fulfil the function of the Minister for Justice and Equality {granting a certificate of

naturalisation to applicants that satisfy the statutory conditions as set out in Section 15 of

the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956, as amended} as designated in the Ministers

and Secretaries Act 1924 (as amended)

3. We are obliged to collect and process this data in order to perform a task which fulfils an

important public interest. The public interest includes ensuring the effective and efficient

operation of the immigration services of Ireland.

4. To protect the integrity of the immigration process and to ensure that the statutory

provisions of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956 are complied with.

5. The personal data provided here will be stored securely in INIS’s databases and the Garda

National Immigration Bureau’s databases. It may be shared, if necessary, with the following third


1. The Department of Foreign Affairs

2. An Garda Síochana / UK Border Agency

3. Department of Social Protection

4. Department of Children and Youth Affairs



5. Health Services TUSLA

6. This data may be retained until INIS can be sure that you will have no further contact with the

immigration services. This is an indeterminate period as your immigration history in the State may

span a full lifetime.

7. The personal data you provide in this form is necessary for us to determine if you meet the

criteria for this scheme. If you do not provide this data, your application for this scheme cannot be


8. You have the right to request access to, and a copy of, your personal data that we process.

You can do this by filling in a Subject Access Request form, available at, and

sending it to [emailprotected]. You may be required to verify your identity

before we send the information to you.

9. You have the right to request us to rectify any errors in your data or to erase your data, as well

as to seek a restriction of the processing of your data or to object to the processing of your data in

certain circ*mstances. To do this you should write to Citizenship Division, Irish Naturalisation and

Immigration Service, the Department of Justice and Equality, 13 – 14 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2, D02

XK70 explaining what errors need to be rectified or erased or your reasons for seeking the

restriction of, or objecting to, the processing.

10. You have a right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Commission if you believe your

personal data is being processed by us unlawfully. Information about how to make a complaint

can be found on


I acknowledge that I have read and understood the information outlined above, which relates to

my data protection rights.

Name _____________________________

Signature __________________________ Date ____________________



Version 5.7 June 18

Please note before completing the form: Ensure that the information you provide is true, correct and complete. WARNING: Giving an untrue answer in this form is an offence. Section 29A of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956, as amended provides that a person who knowingly or recklessly makes a declaration under this Act, or a statement for the purposes of any application under this Act that is false or misleading in any material respect, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine now exceeding €3,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months, or to both, or on conviction on indictment to a fine not exceeding €50,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years, or both. A certificate of naturalisation may be revoked if the certificate was procured by fraud, misrepresentation, (whether innocent or fraudulent), or concealment of material facts.

Use a black pen and PRINT IN BLOCK CAPITALS.

Cross out any errors – Do not use correction fluid.

Answer ALL questions. If a question does not apply put N/A as your answer.

1.1 Surname(s) (as shown in passport)

1.2 Forename(s) (as shown in passport)


Application by a person of full age for naturalisation as an Irish citizen

Section 1 Name

In this section you will need to provide some personal details about yourself. Please refer to the glossary at the end of the form for more information about the questions below.

1.3 Previous names


1.4 If you have changed your name, please explain why: (you will need to supply documents)

1.5 Date you changed to present name


Section 2 Identification

2.1 Place of birth

2.2 Country of birth

2.3 Date of birth


2.4 Gender ( )

Male Female Other

2.5 Nationality (currently)

2.6 PPS Number

2.7 Registration Number


2.8 Person ID

Please supply a photocopy of your Long Form Civil Birth Certificate. If you do not have your birth certificate you must get it before lodging this application.

Section 3 Residential address

3.1 Current address

3.2 Eircode

3.3 Date you started living here


3.4 Email

3.5 Phone (evening)

3.6 Phone (day time)

3.7 Phone (mobile)


Please provide details of ALL of your addresses, both in the State and abroad, starting with the

most recent one:

Address Country Date From Date To

Continue on separate sheet if necessary.

Section 4 Previous addresses


5.1 Date of Arrival in Ireland:

5.2 Passport Number :


Statutory residency conditions are prescribed in Section 15 and Section 15A of the 1956 Act and compliance with these conditions is assessed on the basis of your legal reckonable residence immediately prior to the date of application i.e. the date you sign the Statutory Declaration at the end of this form. You should have one year’s continuous reckonable residency in the year immediately prior to the date of application and, during the 8 years immediately preceding that period had a total residence in the State of 4 years - i.e. 5 x 365 days (366 days in a leap year). A Residency calculator is provided on the Citizenship section at HTTP://WWW.INIS.GOV.IE As a guide to assist you in checking if you satisfy the statutory conditions for residency. You should enter your permissions as evidenced in your passport or in the letter issued by the Department of Justice and Equality granting you permission for a specified date. Entering your permissions correctly will enable you to verify that you satisfy residency requirements.

You must print a copy of the report and include it with this application. If you do not do so your application will be deemed ineligible.

Yes No

Yes No

Section 5 Residency permissions

I have entered my residency permission stamps in to the online residency checker and confirm that I satisfy the residency conditions:

5.4 Was any part of your time in the State in the nine years prior to your application for the purposes of study?


If any of your time in the State in the nine years prior to your application was for study purposes please complete the details below:

From To Name and Address of School/College/University

Yes No

If any part of your time in the state in the last nine years was spent as an asylum seeker please complete the details below:

From To Outcome Current Status

Reference Number

Please supply a copy of the letter confirming Refugee Status if appropriate

Yes No

If you answered YES to Q5.6 please provide details of all absences from the State on a separate sheet and enclose it with your application.

5.5 Was any part of your time in the State in the nine years prior to your application spent as an asylum seeker?

5.6 Have you been absent from the State for more than 6 weeks per annum in any of the past 5 years:


Yes No

Yes No

Not Applicable

7.1 Give your current status:

Single Married Separated Divorced Widow(er) Civil Partner

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Section 6 Residence following naturalisation ( Tick one box only)

6.1 Do you intend, following naturalisation, to have your usual or principle place of residence in the State?

6.2 If you are married to, or are the civil partner of, an Irish citizen, do you intend, following naturalisation, to have your usual or principal residence in the island of Ireland?

6.3 If you answered No to question 6.1 or 6.2 please indicate your intended country of residence following naturalisation:

Section 7 Status

7.2 Are you the Widow/Widower or were you the Civil Partner of a deceased person who at date of death was an Irish citizen?

7.3 Have you, since the date of death of your spouse/civil partner, married or become the civil partner of another person?

7.4 Have you, since the date of death of your Irish spouse/civil partner, married or become the civil partner of another person?


Civil Status at the time of marriage/Civil partnership

Single Married Separated Divorced Widow(er) Civil Partner


Your Spouse / Civil Partner

8.1 Please complete the details below in respect of your mother and father and spouse/civil partner (if applicable):

Full name

Birth last name (if different)

Date of Birth

Place and country of birth

Present nationality



Spouse / Civil partner

8.2 Please complete the details below in respect of all of your children

Full name Gender Child’s place of residence

Date of Birth

Place & Country of Birth

Present Nationality

Section 8 Family Details


9.1 Are you:

Employed Self–Employed Retired Studying Unemployed Other

9.2 If you have specified “Other” above, please explain and detail all of your sources of income:

9.3 If you are in employment, please give the full name and address of your employer or if you are self-employed, a partner or a director of a company, please provide the name and address used for business:

9.4 Please provide details of your employment(s), if any, in the past 5 years:

From: To: Job/Role: Employer:

Yes No

9.6 If you answered ‘Yes’ to question 9.5 please give:

Type of Payment / Support: From : To : Reason for obtaining Social Welfare Support:

Section 9 Means of Support

9.5 Have you received a Social Assistance payment or other state support in the past 3 years?


Yes No

If you answered ‘yes’ to question 10.1 please give:

10.3 Application reference number:

Yes No

Yes No

If you answered ‘yes’ to question 11.1 of 11.2 provide details in the additional details section. Please note that you must disclose ALL offences, even those for which you received the benefit of the Probation Act or which you consider to be not relevant or spent.

Yes No

If you answered ‘yes’ to 11.3 please answer questions 11.4 and 11.5. If more than one instance provide details in the additional details section.

Section 10 Previous applications:

10.1 Have you applied for Irish citizenship before?

10.2 Date of Application:

Section 11 Background:

11.1 Have you ever committed any offences against the laws of Ireland or any overseas country?

11.2 Have you ever defrauded any person, company or state agency for financial or other gain?

11.3 Do you have any convictions in the State or any other country (including traffic offences) or any civil judgements made against you?

11.4 Date of conviction or judgement:


You must include evidence that you have paid any fines levied against you with this application.

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

11.5 Place where conviction or judgement took place and the outcome:

11.6 Have you ever been charged / indicted inside or outside the State with a criminal offence for which you have not yet been tried in court?

11.7 Are you, or have you been, the subject of an investigation in Ireland by AN GARDA SÍOCHÁNA (Irish Police), including where you were not charged with any offence? Give details below.

11.8 Have you ever been involved in, or been suspected of involvement in, war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide?

11.9 Have you ever been associated with, been a member of, or given support, to a terrorist organisation, or been involved in, supported financially or otherwise, or encouraged terrorist activities?

11.10 Have you ever, by any medium, expressed views that justify or glorify terrorist violence or that may encourage others to terrorist acts or other serious criminal acts?

11.11 Have you ever engaged in any other activities that might indicate that you may not be considered a person of good character?


If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions11.6 to 11.1 please provide details in the additional details section. You may also use this section to give details in relation to questions 11.1 – 11.5.

Please note that reports are obtained from An Garda Síochána and may be obtained from other Government Departments and other agencies. Failure to disclose any

material matter means that you will have made a false declaration, which will adversely affect this application and may also affect future applications for up to 10

years. Even if you do not believe a matter to be material or you believe it to be “spent”, it is important to disclose it.

Additional Details

12.1 If your application is based on your Irish decent or Irish Associations, please give details below: Details: (Irish Associations is defined as being related by blood, affinity or adoption to or being the civil partner of an Irish citizen).

Continue on separate sheet if necessary

Please submit certified copies of all documentation proving your Irish Descent/Associations e.g. birth certificates, foreign birth registry entry, naturalisation certificates, proofs of citizenship. All

copies should be certified to be true copies of original documents by a notary public, commissioner for oaths, peace commissioner or solicitor

Section 12 Application based on Irish Associations:


Yes No

Yes No

If you are married to, or are the civil partner of an Irish citizen please complete the additional details below:

13.5 Spouse/Civil partner is and Irish citizen by:

Birth Descent Naturalisation Post Nuptial Declaration Honorary

Your spouse or civil partner must complete the applicable Section 15A declaration at the back of this form in the presence of an approved witness on or after the date you sign the Statutory Declaration.

Please supply proof of your spouse’s/civil partner’s entitlement to Irish Citizenship e.g. a copy of birth certificate certified to be a true copy of the original by a notary public, commissioner for oaths, peace commissioner or solicitor.

If married, please supply a certified copy of the marriage certificate. If the certificate does not show yours and your spouse’s marital status immediately prior to the date of marriage, please complete a marriage affidavit and enclose with this application. The form is available on

If a civil partner, please supply a certified copy of the civil partnership registration.

Section 13 Application based on Marriage to or Civil Partnership with an Irish Citizen:

13.1 Is your application based on your marriage to an Irish citizen?

13.2 Is your application based on being the civil partner of an Irish citizen?

13.3 Date of marriage/registration of civil partnership:

13.4 Place and country of marriage/civil partnership:


Please supply three references from Irish citizens with the following details:

Name of Referee 1: Present Nationality: Referee’s Address: Date of Birth and Country of Birth of Referee: Length of time Referee has known the Applicant: Signature of Referee: Contact number for Referee:

Name of Referee 2: Present Nationality: Referee’s Address: Date of Birth and Country of Birth of Referee: Length of time Referee has known the Applicant: Signature of Referee: Contact number for Referee:

Section 14 References:


Name of Referee 3: Present Nationality: Referee’s Address: Date of Birth and Country of Birth of Referee: Length of time Referee has known the Applicant: Signature of Referee: Contact number for Referee:


Statutory Declaration:

I , do solemnly and sincerely declare that the foregoing particulars

stated in this application are true, and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1938, as amended by the Civil law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008. Signed: Date:

Declared before me a [notary public] [commissioner for oaths]

[solicitor] [peace commissioner] [person authorised by to take and receive statutory declarations] by the above named applicant

[who is personally known to me]


[who was identified to me by who is personally known to me],


[whose identity has been established to me before the taking of this Declaration by the production to me of:

passport no. issued on by the authorities

, which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government. of

OR national identity card no. issued on

by the authorities of , which is an EU Member State, the Swiss Confederation or a Contracting party to the EEA Agreement.

OR aliens passport no. (document equivalent to a passport) issued on

by the authorities of , which is an authority recognised by

the Irish Government

OR refugee travel document no. issued on by the

Minister for Justice and Equality

OR travel document(other than refugee travel document) issued on

by the Minister for Justice and Equality

NOTE: As the Witness of the Applicant’s Signature, Please ensure that the Applicant has entered the correct date above which should match the date you enter below.

At this day of



















Full Name of Applicant A1

Signature of Applicant A2 Date Witnessed A3









Name of Witness in Capitals W1

Insert Authorising Statutory Provision W2
















Name W3.1

Passport Number W3.21

Date of Issue W3.21

Issuing State W3.21

Identity Card Number W3.22 Date of issue W3.22

Issuing State W3.22

Passport Number W3.23

Date of Issue W3.23

Issuing State W3.23

Document Number W3.24

Date of Issue W3.24

Document Number W3.25

Date of Issue W3.25

Place of Signature W4

Day W4

Month and Year W4

Signature of Witness: W5


Name of Witness: (Capitals) Address of Witness:



Day-Time Telephone Number:










I , do solemnly and sincerely declare that I married on the at in and that we are living together as husband and wife, that our marriage is subsisting and that no proceedings for divorce or annulment of this marriage have been commenced, or are about to be commenced in any court of law. I declare that my spouse was born on the at in a national of and I make these solemn declarations conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declaration Act 1938, as amended by the Civil Law ( Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008. Signature of Irish Citizen:

Date of Declaration: Current Address: Name at birth if different: Date of birth and place of birth: Passport number: Declared before me a [Notary Public] [Commissioner for Oaths] [Solicitor] [Peace Commissioner] [ person authorised by

to take and receive statutory declarations] by the above named Irish citizen spouse of the applicant

[who is personally known to me]


[who was identified to me by who is personally known to me],

OR [whose identity has been established to me before the taking of this Declaration by the production to me of:

passport no. issued on by the authorities

, which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government. of

OR national identity card no. issued on

by the authorities of , which is an EU Member State, the Swiss Confederation or a Contracting party to the EEA Agreement.


aliens passport no. (document equivalent to a passport) issued on by the authorities of , which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government

OR refugee travel document no. issued on by the

Minister for Justice and Equality

OR travel document(other than refugee travel document) issued on by the Minister for Justice and Equality

At this day of

Declaration to be completed by the Spouse of the Applicant where the applicant is applying for naturalisation based on his or her marriage to an Irish Citizen


Spouse o

f A


ant to



te this


n in

the p

resence o



Name of naturalised applicant Full Name of Spouse of Applicant

Date of Marriage

Place of Marriage

Country of Marriage

Date of Birth

Place of Birth

Country of Birth


Day Month Year

Day Month Year
















Insert Authorising Statutory Provision


Passport Number

Date of Issue

Issuing State

Identity Card Number Date of issue

Issuing State

Passport Number

Date of Issue

Issuing State

Document Number

Date of Issue

Document Number

Date of Issue

Place of Signature


Month and Year

Signature of Witness: W5


Name of Witness: (Capitals)

Address of Witness:



Day-Time Telephone Number:









Declaration to be completed by the Spouse of the Applicant where the applicant is applying for naturalisation based



I , do solemnly and sincerely declare that as and from

And I are parties to a civil partnership registration/have entered into

, being a legal relationship of a class that is the subject of an order made under section 5 of the civil partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of cohabitants Act 2010, at in , that we are living together as civil partners, that our civil partnership is subsisting and that no proceedings for the dissolution of or grant of a decree of nullity in respect of this civil partnership have been commenced, or are about to be commenced in any court of law. I declare , who was born on the at

a national of and I make these solemn declarations conscientiously believing the

same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declaration Act 1938, as amended by the Civil Law ( Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008. Signature of Irish Citizen:

Date of Declaration: Current Address: Name at birth if different: Date of birth and place of birth:

Passport number:

Declared before me a [Notary Public] [Commissioner for Oaths] [Solicitor] [Peace Commissioner] [ person authorised by

to take and receive statutory declarations] by the above named Irish citizen spouse of the applicant

[who is personally known to me]


[who was identified to me by who is personally known to me],

OR [whose identity has been established to me before the taking of this Declaration by the production to me of:

passport no. issued on by the authorities

, which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government. of

OR national identity card no. issued on

by the authorities of , which is an EU Member State, the Swiss Confederation or a Contracting party to the EEA Agreement.


aliens passport no. (document equivalent to a passport) issued on by the authorities of , which is an authority recognised by the Irish Government

OR refugee travel document no. issued on by the

Minister for Justice and Equality

OR travel document(other than refugee travel document) issued on by the Minister for Justice and Equality


Spouse o

f A


ant to



te this


n in

the p

resence o



Declaration to be completed by the Civil Partner of the Applicant where the applicant is applying for naturalisation based on his or her being the civil partner of an Irish Citizen


Full Name of Civil Partner of Applicant

Date of Civil Partnership

Name of naturalisation applicant Specify Legal Relationship entered into

Place of Civil Partnership

Country of Civil Partnership

Name of applicant

Date of Birth

Place of Birth

Country of Birth


Day Month Year

Day Month Year
















Insert Authorising Statutory Provision W2


Passport Number

Date of Issue

Issuing State

Identity Card Number Date of issue

Issuing State

Passport Number

Date of Issue

Issuing State

Document Number

Date of Issue

Document Number

Date of Issue

Place of Signature


Month and Year









Signature of Witness: W5

W6 Name of Witness: (Capitals)

Address of Witness:



Day-Time Telephone Number:


Please note: If you submit the application form without all of the required documentation or if photocopies of certificates are not certified as true copies of the originals or if the form is not fully completed or if the statutory declaration has not been completed correctly, your application will be refused as the application requirements under Section 17 of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956, as amended, are not satisfied and your application fee will not be refunded.

PLEASE ENSURE THAT: The Statutory Declaration is completed correctly i.e. you have written your full name in box A1, signed and dated the form in boxes A2 and A3 in the presence of the witness who is solicitor or commissioner for oaths or notary public or peace commissioner. Check that the correct date has been entered by both you and the witness. If the Statutory Declaration is incorrectly completed your application will be refused and a further application will incur a further fee.

You have answered all questions in this form

Please re-check your application and ensure that all questions on the form are answered. Ensure you are completing the current version of the form by downloading it from the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service website at If the question is not applicable to you, please answer with N/A (all questions must be answered). Failure to fully complete the currently prescribed form will result in your application being refused as application requirements under section 17(a) of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956, as amended have not been satisfied. You have enclosed all required documentation with this form

Please re-check to ensure that you have all of the required documentation/certified copies of documentation available to include with your application. Failure to submit required documentation will result in your application being refused as application requirements under section 17(b)(ii).of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956, as amended have not been satisfied. You have enclosed the Statutory Application Processing Fee of €175 Failure to enclose the prescribed fee will result in your application being summarily refused under Section 17(b)(i) of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956, as amended. Please note that if your application is successful a Statutory certification fee of up to €950 will also be payable.

All photocopies of certificates are certified i.e. stamped and signed “true copy of the original” by a solicitor, commissioner for oaths, notary public or peace commissioner

You have enclosed copies of certified translations of any documents which are in a language

other than English or Irish

If you are applying on the basis of your marriage to or being the civil partner of an I r i s h citizen, then that Irish citizen must have completed the appropriate declaration at the back of the form after you have signed the statutory declaration. The declaration must also be witnessed

by a solicitor, commissioner for oaths, notary public or peace commissioner.

Please be aware that only valid applications, fully completed with all required supporting documentation and statutory application fee enclosed, are acceptable. Deficient applications may be refused. The statutory application fee is non-refundable in all cases and must accompany every application for a certificate of naturalisation.

Please post the fully completed form, fee and all required documentation to:

Citizenship Applications F8 Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service PO Box 73

Tipperary Town

Application by a person of full age for naturalisation … Version 5.7 June 18 FORM 8 – IRISH NATIONALITY AND CITIZENSHIP ACT 1956 CTZ3 Application by a person of full age for naturalisation - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.