How water learned to fly - SoleBerlandieri (2024)

Chapter 1: Sit here with me

Chapter Text

What have I been? An ally or an enemy? What purpose did I achieve, what was my place, in what direction did I choose to go? Will I ever find inner peace? Maybe I was just trapped in an existence that had no truth to it. Itachi, you were right about my fate, but did you then understand what kind of man you were at the time of your death? I don't know, but maybe it's not true that as a human being I'm worthless at all.

Kisame began to feel light, he no longer needed to breathe, he no longer had any physical needs, the pain of the bitten tongue had disappeared, just as the weakness and fatigue of the battle had disappeared, indeed, in reality, the body did not feel it just more. You could feel the difference, he had always been there, his body, enormous, massive and strong, a mass of muscles ready to spring, but now, this evanescent consistency made his head spin. A dizziness, but he was pleasant, he was floating in extreme bliss, the pain of his soul had also disappeared, the one he had felt for the loss of Itachi and which had crushed him until he stopped breathing. He no longer hurt him but he remembered it very well, he had expressed the desire to take a few days off with an indifferent air, but the truth was that he didn't want to be seen crying by others. He had entered the woods screaming and destroying everything that came to hand by hitting it with Samehada, he was throwing slashes so strong that, for a moment, he even feared he might break the handle of his sword. He had cut through several towering trees with a single blow, shattered giant rocks, dug holes in the ground that looked like shell craters, until he fell to the ground without strength, only then did tears begin to flow from his rounded, silver eyes. . His white leg warmers were still stained red, he had held Itachi's body tightly until he had made that last and absurd request as he breathed his last. He had satisfied him, but even now he wondered what he had had in mind, he hadn't understood. There had been several occasions in which his friend had been totally incomprehensible to him, but by waiting and having that patience that was so difficult for him, he always had the opportunity to verify that Itachi always hit the mark, understanding everything quickly and with precision starting from very few clues. He had always admired his genius, he was perhaps the only one to do so since everyone else could only envy and hate him. He had taken away the necklace and the ring in order to keep them for himself, logically he should have returned at least the ring, however he did not do so. His heartbreaking moans had been heard in the woods until late at night, under a beautiful calm sky dotted with stars, they had slowly died away, leaving room for silent sobs and, subsequently, for a restless sleep full of nightmares. The next day, waking up with a splitting headache, he staggered back to what was left of Akatsuki and was ordered to capture the Eight-Tails. When he left, deep in his heart he already knew how the matter would end, to be honest, he had already decided that his life was over. And now here he was, remembering all these unpleasant facts without them hurting. Samehada wasn't with him but she was starting to understand why, she was still alive, probably grieving for the loss of her even though she had already chosen a new owner. He realized he was on a beautiful beach flooded with sun, he smiled, he was truly in seventh heaven, the sea murmured calmly and serenely, the reflections on the waves were an expanse of sparkling diamonds, light everywhere, he could feel it descending even to the bottom of the sea. soul, on the opposite side of the sandy strip an immense emerald green forest, the coast curved into a gentle inlet. She walked but her feet didn't seem to touch the golden sand. Yet she knew that place, it was familiar, a place where he had been happy. There had been few happy occasions in his life, which is why joy, such a rare event, every time it came she had surprised him so much as to leave an indelible mark in his brain. And this was joy, the real one, which happened when she was alive. A wooden pier in the distance, of course! So was this Paradise? He asked himself, already knowing perfectly what he should have done, could he make you relive the best day of your life over and over again? He had had the impression that the pier was very far away, but all he had to do was wish to be there to find himself in front of its beginning. He placed his right foot on the wooden planks blinded by the glimmer of the sea, he still had a body then, only now it was pure.

He advanced surrounded by the light and the soft muttering of the water, this time he wasn't doing this following an order, he was doing it because he wanted it, he wanted it seriously and ardently. Yes, someone was present, the silhouette appeared black against the light at the end of the pier. Now, however, it wasn't enough to think about getting closer to obtain the desired effect; rather, he felt like he was walking on giant chewing gum and had the impression of never arriving. He didn't matter, he smiled, he was joyful, no one could take anything away from him. Of course, it was Itachi over there, it couldn't have been any other way, he was in the exact same pose as the first time. Small differences were evident, there were no sharks swimming insistently under those boards, the first time he had evoked them himself for fear of some reaction from his new companion, he had decided, in that case, that prudence would not be it was too much. There was no Samehada which he had previously relied on for the same reason. The most obvious difference of all, however, was Itachi. As soon as he sensed him coming he immediately stood up and turned in his direction. It had been a wonderful sight, he was wearing a white kimono that looked like silk, his beautiful hair let down loose like Kisame you had seen on very few occasions, he seemed to give off a brilliant aura himself. His beautiful lips curved into a smile, true, sincere, Kisame had rarely had the pleasure of seeing this ornament on that wonderful face, eternally marked by pain and tiredness. They ran towards each other without hesitation, everything went accordingly, without thinking, they found themselves locked in an embrace. Everything exactly as they remembered, perhaps better, Kisame's smooth skin, his large hands whose size was capable of causing tenderness, his statuesque body always firm and strong, his bare chest as he liked it as he suffered eternally from the heat. The scent of Itachi's hair and its softness, Kisame couldn't stop himself from stroking it. They kissed immersed in the light, since they no longer needed to breathe they realized they could go on forever. Itachi's lips always soft and velvety, Kisame's warm, and plump, as they remembered each other, now completely pain-free, worry-free. They broke away for a moment to look into each other's eyes, Itachi tightened his arms around Kisame's neck, the shark man caressed his face with the back of his large hand, with a disarming delicacy, his mouth which had been so often bent into an asymmetrical grin of defiance to hide her sadness, she now bared her large pearly teeth in authentic lightheartedness. Itachi's black eyes, devoid of that constant undertone of pain, captured Kisame's clear ones with their nocturnal and brilliant charm. They resumed the kiss from where he had left off, time did not exist, Kisame held his companion's slender waist with sweetness. Itachi slowly moved away from his body, slowly grabbing his large hands.

“Sit here with me,” he told him, leading him towards the end of the pier.

The shark man smiled thinking about how it had gone the first time, Itachi had snubbed him accusing him of talking too much and of being there only because he had now become an outlaw with nowhere to go, without mincing words he had explained to him that whoever kills a companion he will never find an honorable death. He had gone away, leaving him there like a stockfish already struck by his gaze and with his heart racing. They sat side by side, Itachi with his legs crossed under the white silk, Kisame letting his large feet go down towards the water, their gazes lost in the blue.

"Now that nothing has the power to hurt us, we can talk about anything we want" Itachi's voice was always the same, calm and persuasive. Kisame could hardly believe his ears, his friend, always so silent and icy, was asking him to speak, how many times had he wanted to do so but had held back for this! Always, on too many occasions, which is why he now felt so radiant about this opportunity he had been waiting for all his life, he decided not to let it slip away.

Our first meeting, in truth, wasn't this, on this pier, I perfectly remember seeing you much earlier. Maybe you, at that moment, were so blinded by pain that you didn't even notice me. Pain had just informed us that a new recruit would be arriving in Akatsuki and ordered us to welcome her. In truth, I was there exclusively because I had been ordered to, it's not that I had all this enthusiasm to see yet another bad guy or criminal join us. I saw it as another problem, a new guy to watch your back. I didn't know who you were or why you were there, at the time the... news hadn't yet reached all ears, including mine. In any case, Samehada was always with me ready for any eventuality, including that occasion. A silhouette was drawn on the door of the room where we were waiting, the sunlight outside was intense and this only made a dark figure. From that moment I could only make out that you were thin and had a sword handle protruding from behind your right shoulder. A swordsman, well, he certainly wouldn't have had enough ardor to challenge me, it would have been a real suicide for him. Pain announced your name, I must admit that I felt a cold shiver run down my spine, I was aware that the Uchiha possessed very special eyes, as I call them, and I still wasn't aware that yours had an edge. The others twisted their mouths, snorted, rolled their pupils and narrowed their gaze, but not me, I was curious, I already knew that you could be interesting, just by seeing your black silhouette. I felt the envy of those present filling the air like a thick jelly, soon it turned into hatred for someone, I felt it around me like electrostatic charges, no one had yet looked at your face and already all these negative feelings jumped out at you as if a stone had been thrown into the midst of a herd of locusts. I felt a little tickle in my stomach, yes, but out of curiosity, that legendary look I wanted to know how it was made. Finally you decided to take a step forward to get out of the gray area. Here is that look, lost in the void, full of pain. I had to hide half my face in my cloak so they wouldn't see that my mouth had opened wide. I wondered how so much affliction was possible, I had never seen such a quantity of it all at once in my existence. I mean, you were little more than a boy then, and yet life had already dealt you so much torment. That's why you were there, you were running away from something, I told myself that that poor boy could have run away from everything except suffering, it would have been glued to him like his shadow. You were assigned Juzo as your partner, the Decapitating Cleaver swordsman grunted in disapproval, you simply nodded and then went to get your new equipment, only I noticed the paleness of your face and the fact that your legs were trembling, despite you you tried to keep your shoulders straight. I looked at your long pigtail, smooth and black, going down the middle of your back, I immediately found your hair enchanting. I lowered my eyes and sighed, you can't understand the disappointment, up until the end I had harbored the hope that I could be your partner, if I had been nominated instead of Juzo, I would have had to make a huge effort not to give in to enthusiasm. That was the last time I saw you in your ANBU uniform, now that I'm here I can confess how much I thought it suited you, you were truly beautiful. Immediately after collecting your things, you locked yourself in the room assigned to you, you didn't come to eat, even some people hadn't even seen you yet even though they knew you were part of the group. Shortly afterwards, passing casually in front of your door, I heard you crying. It was something so heartbreaking that it had the power to instantly split my heart in two, something that had never happened even on that occasion when I was forced to eliminate my companions as a young man. I felt compelled to do something so I gently pushed the door open to enter. Your uniform, which I liked so much, was thrown on the floor without the slightest attention, you were curled up under the covers, only your hair was coming out and spreading on the pillow, I approached slowly and in silence, yes, I must confess that a little 'I was also afraid of your possible reaction, after all it would have been enough for you to look at me. I saw the outline of your body shaken by sobs, without thinking too much I sat on the edge of the bed delicately placing a hand on that trembling bundle.

I stayed still for a while, then I started massaging you slowly, I don't even know what part of your body it was, you looked like a roll, you couldn't calm down, I had the impression that at any moment you might stop breathing. I kissed the little bit of your hair that I could see and then left the room, maybe it was better to let you vent, even now I'm still haunted by the doubt of whether you noticed me or not. You began to wrap yourself in that damn black cloak that was three times too big, hiding your face, the shape of your body, even your hair. Naturally I found out everything, I felt infinitely sorry for you, especially that head that could barely be seen, I wanted to caress it, hold it to my chest, I didn't know how that fragile body, so wrapped up, could handle such pain, I would have done anything everything to soothe him at least a little. Maybe I think I understand why you were hiding so much, you were trying to hide from the sadness itself, or you wanted to keep the outside world away to prevent it from hurting you again.

A tear rolled down Kisame's blue cheeks, running along the small gills under his eyes, Itachi intercepted it with the back of his right index finger, drying it with his graceful hand, he smiled surrounded by the light.

“Why are you crying, Kisame? It can't be pain, it doesn't exist here."

“In fact it is not pain, but love”

“I always knew it, even if I didn't show it” Itachi smiled sweetly, he seemed to give off the glow himself “Just as I always knew that it was you, on the day of my recruitment, who tried to console me, I am aware that I did not I've never thanked you for this, I'm doing it now. ”

Itachi's hand was now stroking the shark man's thick crew cut. Kisame decided to make the most of the opportunity to talk, a need that had remained unsatisfied for so long that it had transformed him into a kind of train running without brakes.

Finally my wish came true, after Juzo's death, you were left without a partner, I couldn't believe my ears when Pain chose me. As I set out to reach you here, where we are now, my soul was a battle of contrasts. The awareness of your special eyes made me decide to take Samehada with me, I admit, a certain amount of fear was present, the fact that I was so fascinated by you did not necessarily imply the opposite, on the other hand being faced with a a big, fat guy like me with a shark-like face cannot inspire tranquility at first glance, any reaction on your part could also have been triggered out of prudence. And then no one yet knew the real reason why you had carried out certain actions, including me. Walking along the wooden planks I decided to summon some real sharks, you never know, they arrived instantly and started swimming under the stilt, they would never have been able to say no to me. I knew very well that my presence had not escaped you, as you had felt that of the predators darting beneath you, but you didn't make the slightest reaction, you didn't lose your composure. I must confess that this attitude of yours has put me in crisis countless times, the most impressive was when Deidara made the decision to go and face Sasuke, you didn't blink, your breathing didn't undergo the slightest alteration, your muscles didn't they shuddered, like a wax statue. I always wondered how you could maintain such self-control. Yet perhaps something in the non-verbal language escaped your will, the way you kept your shoulders hunched that day, and your gaze lost in the horizon, towards the sea, betrayed an extreme fragility that I immediately noticed. I decided to start with the introductions, immediately feeling stupid. The emotion took hold of me taking me by surprise, I still couldn't believe that I had you there a few centimeters away and that from that moment on, we would work together, I would have you by my side every day and for the whole day, my legs they began to tremble. You didn't even spare me a glance, as if I were an evanescent presence for you, I decided to show my understanding since we had had similar experiences, we had been forced to eliminate our companions. Nothing. How many times have I spoken out of turn to manage the embarrassment generated by your silence, it also happened that day, the first, I immediately regretted having explained to you the cannibalistic habits of sharks, I felt my mouth dry and my head spinning, the threshold of fainting it seemed very close to me, I found myself thinking that maybe it would have been better this way, at least it would have stopped the unstoppable flow of nonsense that was coming out of my mouth. Still nothing. Empathy didn't work, neither did nonsense, I absolutely had to find something more sensational. I grabbed Samehada, made her twirl in the air pretending to hit you while I warned you that you should watch out for me, she hadn't managed to impress you either. You stood up with that phlegmatic way of yours and, finally looking at me, you reproached me, stating that I would never find an honorable death, you accused me of being someone who talks too much. You left annoyed, leaving me there with the image of your face still in front of me, so beautiful despite being marked by pain, your eyes had the power to strike me, I don't think I've seen a wonder capable of surpassing them in my entire life , needless to say that my heart seemed to want to break through my chest, perhaps he too is bigger and stronger than normal judging by the blows he was giving me. What an idiot I had been, for sure, by acting like this, I had forever denied myself the possibility of kissing those full and velvety lips and of holding your thin body, yes, because I loved you right away, you don't know how I would have wanted to cradle it. that suffering of yours. Don't think I'm stupid now, but I already thought of you as a little thing to take care of.

Kisame blushed, looking down in embarrassment, Itachi grabbed one of his large hands and placed it in his lap, he smiled while his black eyes shouted: please, continue!

I also admired you, very much, and this generated immense respect in me. I couldn't stand it when I realized that it wasn't like that for others. You will surely remember the day we recruited Deidara, he had such a high level of exuberance that it blinded him. I could understand his young age and that this made him feel authorized to unrestrainedly reel off all the characteristics of his abilities. You have never been like this, even though you were definitely the best of all, you never slipped into arrogance, you never liked being the center of attention, you never put on a show even though you would have had every right to do so, my admiration also came from from this. Sasori began to snort annoyed, stating that in his opinion Deidara was one of those destined to die young, I, rightly, tried to find out more about what he could do and how he could be useful to us, you, as always, analyzed in silence. I couldn't believe my ears when the blond decided to challenge you, I felt my heart almost stop, I wanted to scold him and ask him how he allowed himself, but after the fool I had made on the pier the first day, I decided that perhaps it would have been better to hold a I hold my tongue a little, also because, if others had noticed my feelings towards you, how could it have ended? To tell the truth, the most atrocious doubt was the one you felt towards me, I loved you madly, but what about you? I was afraid of even touching you by mistake at the time, the possibility of your refusal could have killed me. You didn't get upset, as was your habit, you made him promise that if he lost against you he would join Akatsuki and then you made him fall victim to his own move, enveloped by the explosive creature that he wanted to throw at you, of course you didn't let him of evil. At that point I found that the opportunity was favorable to talk without arousing suspicion, I took as an excuse the fact that I wanted to explain to Deidara what had happened to finally let you know how much I admired you. I told him how he had been captured by the Sharingan without him even realizing it, all he had to do was look at you for a moment. He was ecstatic only that he never admitted it, this later led him to be prey to a deep envy towards users of ocular abilities, it was perhaps also this that led him towards his end. Envy can truly be a terrible and destructive beast, but admiration, love and respect cannot, they can only lead to positive things.

Chapter 2: Please continue

Chapter Text

Yes, I understood what kind of man I was at the moment of my death, a wretch who was even ashamed of being a hero having not been able to do it according to what are considered the canons, but who established them, after all? Stereotypes are part of the vast world of lies. I found compliments embarrassing since I was a child, and I didn't think I deserved anything, including love. I was convinced that I counted so little that I didn't even have the right to feel emotions, but I did, and perhaps I wasn't worth anything at all.

If I decided to wait for you here it means there is a reason, do you see that I have always known what the best day of your life was? The reason is much simpler than you think, it was the best day of mine too. I expected to see you again shortly after my arrival. I have always been aware of your thousand attentions towards me, your desire to take care of me has never fallen on deaf ears. I am aware that I hurt you with my attitude, but unfortunately I was lost in a pain bigger than me. I had wanted to do too much and all alone, only a madman can take on a boulder of this magnitude without sharing it with anyone. You must have asked yourself a thousand times why I refused to open my heart to you, and why I was sometimes too hard on you, I could see your eyes screaming these questions. But between me and the world there was a gap, you couldn't see it, no one could, inside it there was a road littered with bodies, the same road where I too had grown up and which I had traveled billions of times. Bodies of children, friends and relatives. Inside this cavity, there were also those who had given me life, I never confessed to you that their bodies were cut in half. No longer perceiving your own hands as part of you, your head refuses to still have them attached after they've done all this. The gap between me and the world was filled above all with the tears of my little brother, he couldn't understand that I had destroyed his heart and his feelings to save his life, this tore me apart so cruelly that I don't even know how I managed to survive . I spent all the wretched time I had left trying to redeem Sasuke with the result of irreversibly hurting him too. I succeeded, but doing good, very often, means losing your life remaining in the shadows, but it was the right thing to do so I will never regret it. I have had these images before my eyes every single moment of my life. You had become aware of something, it was inevitable, everyone knew by now, but I never explained to you how big the monster I was carrying inside me was and how much it hurt, tearing me apart and screaming, the intense pain takes away all your desire to talk, by force I got sick of swallowing it, you were the only one who understood it and I immediately understood that you were so worried about this too. You too had an experience similar to mine, it's true, but it's the contrasts that are created afterwards that destroy you, day after day, they slowly devour you, this is another reason why my body was so debilitated. You started to understand it the first time we tried to capture Naruto, as infiltrators, maybe even much earlier. That day I was burning with fever, I could see that you had sensed it, from a thousand little details. You insisted so much on making me eat even though this exposed us dangerously. The moment Asuma and Kurenai discovered us, you did everything you could to take control of the situation, avoiding making me tired, you wanted to finish everything immediately and alone, showing Samehada sure of intimidating them by breaking the pavement of the road with his tip, you started from there to behave in this way and I immediately understood the reason, you were doing it exclusively for me. You see? It is not true, as you always thought, that I understood absolutely nothing about you. I had started to love you already then, it couldn't have been otherwise, but I was afraid of adding more pain to the already immense one I was carrying with me, I was afraid that this could completely stop my already shaky heart; I felt that it had no longer had a regular rhythm for some time. I sensed I had a short time to live, but I couldn't leave before I had redeemed Sasuke. It was also for this reason that I tried to keep you at a distance, the more I forced you to become attached to me, the more you would suffer following my loss, to achieve this goal I hurt you, you don't know how much it afflicted me, I felt my soul being torn apart every time I turned my back on you, I denied you my gaze, a caress, a smile or a simple word.

Despite everything, our mutual feelings were able to climb these barriers, I believe that in the world there has never been something stronger, truer and more tenacious. The moment I was forced to use the hypnotic Sharingan against Kakashi, who came to the aid of the other two who were about to succumb, I couldn't help but remember how dangerous it was to abuse it. You were right, as always, I was left completely without strength, from that day my sight began to weaken. You would have liked to continue the fight, you, brave and combative as always, but I couldn't take it anymore, which is why I asked you to leave, reprimanding you for being too exuberant and that I wasn't there with the intention of starting a war. You don't know how much it pained me to tell you these things in front of our adversaries, but I feared that perhaps one day you would dump a comrade who didn't last long like me. Yes, I would have been sorry to part with you. However, I was already realizing that there was something more, your remaining by my side was part of all those things that I was convinced I didn't deserve, a wretch like me couldn't be worthy of love. While we were returning after that clash, the fever and weakness took hold of me, I tried to hide my face shiny with sweat and my tired breathing until the last moment by wrapping myself in that cloak that you detested so much, it was for this reason that I asked for it much larger than the actual need. You looked at me sideways without saying a word and pretending nothing was happening, in the meantime, however, you slowed down your pace, your concern was tangible to me, just as the respect you had towards me reached me, you being so loud and talkative by nature, you forced yourself to remain silent solely for this reason. I never showed it to you, as usual, but my heart melted over it. I couldn't hold on any longer, my stomach flipped and I had to free myself, I just had time to reach the trunk of a tree to place my left hand on it. After the first violent retch I fell to my knees, you came up behind me and, without saying anything, you wrapped one arm around my torso to support me while you held my head up with the other hand. The way you touch me has always given me a sea of shivers, you continually try to measure your immense strength so as not to hurt me, even in that situation it was like that. I also expelled some blood, completely dirtying the front of my cloak, I could sense your fear, it was intense, but despite everything you remained calm. I had more and more difficulty breathing, it felt like I was inhaling incandescent lava, I abandoned myself gasping sitting on the ground with my back on your chest, I couldn't look you in the face in that decidedly undignified situation, but I trusted in your hands as it wasn't never happened before. Without hesitating for an instant you lifted me in your arms to carry me near a stream that flowed nearby. You laid me on the bank, freeing me from my stained cloak and scratched forehead protector, an irrefutable symbol of all my mistakes, you loosened my belt so I could breathe better. What a crime it would have been to lose a companion like you, and what a crime I would soon have had to commit by grieving you with my imminent death. Your powerful hands didn't have the slightest difficulty in tearing off a shred of the cloth band that wrapped your waist, you used it to dab my hot forehead after dipping it in cool water, you passed it on my neck, on the back of my neck, on that part of my chest that my uniform left exposed, on my wrists, you cleaned my lips that were encrusted with everything, your touch had a care that was out of this world, no one had ever touched me like that, nor given me such attention. I closed my eyes so as not to see your face distorted by anguish, managing only to pant, initially the wet cloth made me shiver with cold, but your loving care quickly allowed me to feel better, I breathed more regularly. You noticed it instantly, I could never hide anything from you, your hands became less feverish, I opened my eyes seeing your more relaxed face, I smiled at you, you replied in the same way stroking my hair. You were perhaps happier to see that rare expression on me than the fact that the fever had passed. You moved away just long enough to wash my cloak, all these gestures of yours only left me stunned, I managed to sit up while I watched you hang my cloak on a branch to dry it. You came back offering me water directly from your hands, you had the power to take in as much as you wanted, however you begged me not to overdo it to avoid my stomach rejecting everything again.

By now sunset was approaching, I was starting to feel cold with only my short-sleeved uniform to cover me, I have always had little tolerance for low temperatures and you have always shown that you have understood this too, Even though I was able to walk on my own again, you wanted to carry me again, this time I wrapped my arms around your neck and it was almost instinctive to put my head on your shoulder leaving a kiss on your neck, you stopped for a second to enjoy the moment. You sat with your back leaning against a tree placing me on your lap, I immediately curled up against you, in the heat of your body, I felt exhausted and cold and it was almost as if my limbs moved on their own, while you wrapped both of us with your cloak, I drifted off to sleep almost instantly. When the sunlight forced me to reopen my eyes, I found myself still lying on your legs, in the same position as the previous evening. I realized I was keeping my mouth ungracefully open, but true love doesn't care and I was lucky to have found it. I muttered, immediately but without wanting to attract your attention, I realized that most likely you hadn't slept a wink the entire night, your left arm remained firmly supporting my torso for fear that I might still have breathing difficulties. I felt the warmth of that love, considered undeserved, enveloping my heart like a chimney in the coldest winter in the world. However I didn't tell you. Our gazes merged into each other, surely you were able to equally perceive everything that I tried so hard to hide. You kissed my mouth, barely touching it, your full, warm lips rested on my neck, I could feel your breathing already accelerating. I sighed, leaning my head back, savoring that very special moment while you scattered me with many delicate little kisses, you stopped, looking into my eyes again, it was as if you had tried to test the waters, the silver of your irises became even more brighter, your face, despite being exhausted, was lit up with joy. You took off my shirt before laying me flat on my back on the grass. You always suffered from the heat and consequently, under the cloak, your broad and sculpted chest was always naked, all you had to do was take it off to expose your blue, smooth skin without any hair bulbs to the sun. You lay on top of me, making our pelvis adhere while you continued to keep your eyes inside mine, with one hand you pushed back the hair that fell on my face, I know that you have never tolerated my mania for hiding myself by any means possible, I felt your erection of considerable size but still imprisoned in your trousers, pressing against mine. You kissed my chest with a tenderness that I didn't think could exist, almost barely touching me. You passed your arms under my waist, lifting me up a little, I wrapped a hug around your powerful shoulders, massaging your thick but smooth skin. Everything happened silently and slowly, only our sighs existed. Your face sank into my belly, you continued to sprinkle me with kisses everywhere, always careful not to touch me with your teeth which could have torn my skin in a single instant. I wrapped my legs around your torso while it was instinctive for me to slowly move my pelvis to rub myself against you, it was the first time that my self-control had dropped so much with someone, I was sure that I might regret it, but at that moment I didn't care. I was as if dragged by a strong current. I gasped feeling your lips rest on my intimacy through the fabric of my trousers. A moan escaped me as I rested my thighs on your shoulders using them as a lever to arch my back, it was wonderful, my mind was completely confused, I followed those sensations as if I had been tied with a rope behind a train moving at maximum speed. Today I am aware that at that moment I was thinking only of myself, but such intense pleasure as I had never felt before put my lucidity to the test. You kissed me several more times in the usual spot before taking me off your shoulders to place me on the ground, stripping off the last of my remaining clothing, I writhed on the grass. You turned me onto my side, forcefully but always careful not to hurt me, this is the contrast that I have always loved most in you. Keeping one hand pressed to stimulate my erection, you insinuated your face between my buttocks, I sobbed feeling your hot lips smacking a kiss on my opening, followed immediately by another and immediately after by your tongue which was instead fresh and velvety. I was shaking. It was divine.

Your tongue made silky strokes, I was going crazy, I started moving instinctively again, pressing on your hand. You turned me over again, placing me on my back, I was completely at the mercy of your hands. Now your tongue moved rhythmically on my most sensitive point, you touched me and withdrew it with perfect pauses, applying the right pressure while my pelvis managed to fit completely into your large hands. The heat suddenly flared up on my skin, you felt my breathing go crazy and yet you insisted undaunted with your velvety tongue to lap me on the same place, the one created specifically to generate discharges of delight. I couldn't resist any longer, I released myself on your face to avoid exploding. I was dumbfounded by seeing you collect everything with your tongue while I was already regretting, lying panting on the grass, having literally crumbled my control, more than anything else came the awareness of how selfish I had been, but you hadn't stopped by bringing me on purpose at the terminus. You undressed completely and lay down next to me, you held my trembling and sweaty body in your arms, kissing my hair just enough to calm me down a little. You knelt on your imposing legs, you were perfect as a statue as you positioned yourself astride my body I grabbed your steel buttocks pulling slightly to make you understand to come closer to my mouth. Your size prevented me from going all the way, but you were able to understand this too by being satisfied with my kisses and caresses. With immense patience you always waited for me to let go of my brakes, perhaps even that day I hadn't managed to do it completely, however, it seemed that it absurdly amplified your pleasure. I still couldn't believe it all was happening either, I melted like snow in the sun. Suddenly I was attacked again by the temptation not to let you get too attached to me, I was aware that I would die soon, from that day you began to understand it too, the certainty that you would suffer hell was now solid and this hurt me so much that it made me have a moment of hesitation. Before I could retreat, run away or push you away, you grabbed my body again, so small compared to yours, to lay me on my side; lying behind me you entered inside me as if to remove all doubts, your ability to read my mind with just one look is incredible. A groan of pain escaped me, so you stopped for a moment, hugging me and breathing hard into my hair. I could feel your powerful muscles trembling as you began to move slowly, kissing the back of my neck and the center of my shoulder blades. You whispered in my ear that you loved me and that, whatever happened, you would stay by my side even at the cost of suffering, you understood everything, even that I was about to die and my fear of forcing you to face my loss. I felt your hot tears wetting my skin as you swore to me that you would be the last image I would see when I closed my eyes for the last time and that you would face every pain in the world to stay by my side until the end. A somewhat rude statement, but worthy of your big heart. It was incredible how you managed to move so sinuously inside me, I felt you fused with my flesh and my soul. I felt myself melting into the boiling lava as you released your heat inside me. I turned around attaching my forehead to yours, you looked into my eyes, holding me and confirming that you had never left me. You kissed my forehead and eyes with infinite sweetness.

Kisame looked at Itachi in surprise, from being a champion of the game of silence he had suddenly become talkative.

“I know what you're thinking, Kisame, you've never seen me talk so much in your life. In reality we are not talking, here where we are our thoughts and memories can be transmitted directly from one to another through the mind, in reality it takes a fraction of a second to do this, but we have the impression that the experience is much longer. I have always realized that when you have suffered from our lack of dialogue, can't I now make up for my mistake?”

“Please, continue as long as you want” this time it was Kisame who found himself in the position of not knowing what to say.

Itachi smiled while still massaging his hands.

You walked in the direction of the nearby stream, taking my hand that remained passive inside yours, as if it were a force, we were still completely naked, I was only wearing my necklace which had not moved from my neck since the day Sasuke he had given it to me as a gift, tying it himself. You had expressed the desire to wash yourself while I continued to say nothing, it had been perhaps exactly twenty-four hours since I opened my mouth, I kept my gaze lowered, that desire to keep you at a distance to prevent you from becoming attached which had now returned never left me again. You immersed yourself in the water holding out a hand to help me get out, it was fresh and clean, I must admit it was a relief. You sat down taking me on your lap, I let you do it, abandoning myself to floating, however I had stopped looking at you, I found it unbearable that in a short time that face, so loving, would be destroyed by pain. You rubbed me, washing my body and asking me to relax, I decided to listen to you, I closed my eyes and lay on my back in the water, you held me delicately just to prevent the current from dragging me away, you massaged me, you slipped your hands into my hair which they floated in the water. Finally, after you lifted my torso to kiss me, I decided it was time to stop. I had made a mistake, I had no right to make you suffer, my fate was already sealed, it was probably not too late to go back, I couldn't be so selfish for the short time I had available, I had never enjoyed anything in my life might as well have stayed that way. I got out of the water leaving you there without warning you, I quickly reached my uniform with the intention of putting my hands in its pockets to retrieve the pills that I had been stuffing myself with for a long time to forcibly prolong my life and that I had kept hidden from you, I swallowed them two without a drop of water, quickly, before you could see me, made me drowsy but at least calmed the irregular beats of my heart a little. I stayed in the sun just long enough to dry off, I intended to get dressed and start our life again as if that day had never existed.

Chapter 3: Steam

Chapter Text

The thing that prevented me from considering that too one of the best days of my life was the resumption of your shy and silent attitude. You literally ran away from my arms to get out of the stream we were washing in, you did everything you could to get dressed in a hurry. I was stunned, I felt a pang in my heart as my facial muscles refused to obey me, leaving my mouth wide open. I approached you calmly, I didn't feel like showing apprehension this time, I was almost angry not knowing what the hell was wrong with you. I was still naked, after everything that had happened between us I didn't think it would cause you any problems, instead you dryly ordered me to get dressed while you continued to turn your back on me. I was more and more astonished, I grabbed your arm forcefully forcing you to turn in my direction, you were staggering, your face was so pale it looked like wax, you kept your gaze down and I thought I saw a tremor on your lips, I loosened my grip sighing but without leaving you. I asked you for explanations by giving you a little tug but you were stubborn in not giving me an answer. I let go of you, my hand falling dead to my side as I watched you bundle yourself back into your cloak. I felt like my heart was sinking into the ground as I wondered what the real reason was for giving yourself to me. Among the thousand suppositions that crossed my mind, two seemed the most plausible to me, the first was that your mind was not completely clear due to the fever that had consumed you the entire previous day, but the second and even more terrible, was that this was merely a thank you for the care I had given you and for having washed your clothes. I, on the other hand, loved you. I found it divine to make love to you, to hold and caress your perfect body, so thin compared to mine that it inspired tenderness in me. The extreme acuity of all my senses had literally made me lose my mind in the scents and flavors of your body, that day I understood that there is no one in the world who has them as intoxicating as yours. I shook my head, something like this wasn't like you, deluding myself like this just out of gratitude, it couldn't be possible, your black eyes, eternally veiled by sadness, used to intensely cry out a search for affection that only I was allowed to see , it was real and I was sure I wasn't wrong, I was going crazy imagining it. I was awakened by your voice that was talking to me about work again, it was calm as always, but it had a heartbreaking note hidden deep inside, you were reminding me that they hadn't yet completed the mission to capture Naruto. While I was getting dressed I thought about the fact that we had been interrupted, we had learned that Naruto was actually in the company of his master Jiraiya in a nearby city, they were looking for Tsunade who would be a candidate for the role of Hokage. If it had been up to you, you would have left immediately, but I reminded you that every now and then it is necessary to eat. We set off towards a small village about halfway to our destination, the smaller the place the more we could go unnoticed, even if that stupid disguise couldn't go unnoticed. My heart was heavy like a stone, I glanced at you from time to time, you staggered with a dull look, this time it was different than the day before, I had seen you like this too many times now, sleepy and with a thick voice, if you needed drugs why hide it from me so tenaciously? It was now clear that you had health problems, even though you always treated me like a naive person who didn't notice anything, you hadn't taken into account my highly developed senses, a long time before your illness was so evident I had already I started to smell something wrong, the smell of your skin and your breath, imperceptible things, but my instinct couldn't escape anything, only that initially I attributed it to the martyrdom you carried inside thinking that it might have ended with upsetting your body. In an attempt to show you respect, I too had ended up too silent, excessively idle and intent on self-indulgence. I had the impression that you also abused these mysterious pills a little, nevertheless I let you do it, maybe they managed to soothe your pain even in your soul a little. Since it was still quite early, there wasn't a soul in the tiny restaurant where we decided to stop. Normally in those surroundings I would have literally been starving, but my morale was so low that it made me lose my appetite. It was a very simple place, a small room on whose brownish walls only four miserable sheets of paper containing the menu were hanging.

Entering through the glass door, I would have liked to take a seat at one of the five tables in the space immediately behind, I was heading towards a two-seater when you passed me and, without even looking at me, you positioned yourself sitting at the counter on one some stools with red padding. I was already moving the chair away from the table I wanted to position myself in, your attitude froze me for a second in that position, it was clear that you wanted to avoid sitting in front of me and that you preferred to give me your side, looking me in the eyes was now for you something to rule out a priori. I slowly approached, looking at your slender curved shoulders with my heart shattering again. Sitting on your left, I ordered the elderly waiter in a white uniform with a handkerchief of the same color on his head, something I'm crazy about, grilled prawns, hoping to regain a little the desire to put something in my stomach. You were served quickly since you only asked for three onigiri and a glass of green tea, you ignored me to the point that you started eating without waiting for me to receive my plate, however you did it so slowly, that when they served me you still hadn't finished the first piece. I had noticed this too, lately it had become an enormous effort for you to swallow food. I couldn't resist the urge to have some white wine to drink, usually you didn't approve of me drinking alcohol during missions, but that time I wasn't even worthy of a reproach, you don't know how bad it made me feel, I had gotten to the point where preferring a lecture from you rather than your silence, I wondered who the hell you thought you were for having changed me like this, ending up disrespecting even myself. Putting something in your stomach I noticed that you regained a little color, I noticed it, naturally, as I noticed everything that concerned you, this was enough to make me feel a little relieved and to make me finish what was in front of me more willingly. The wine had lifted my mood, I looked at you, the desire to caress that head that was barely visible came over me again, naturally I had to stop myself. You didn't want to stop a minute longer than it took you to eat, I just had to thank your slowness if we stopped marching for a while. We knew exactly where Naruto was, as soon as we arrived in that city we immediately headed to the hotel where he was staying with Jiraiya, we entered inside by passing through a window. We were lucky enough to find the blond boy alone, his teacher wasn't there, knowing him it seemed normal to me, this thought almost made me laugh. You went straight as a bolt to open the door to Naruto's room, he came out, stopped in front of you with his mouth wide open and his blue eyes wide. They were interminable moments, I had the clear sensation that Naruto's forehead was wet with sweat not only from simple fear, he was still young at the time but I seemed to perceive the fibrillation of his heart and the trembling of his legs, only that it was something very different from terror, my refined senses could not deceive me. You told me that he had never met you but I don't know why at that moment I was certain of the opposite, he had fixed his clear eyes on yours, didn't he know how much he was risking? He was starting to annoy me with his insolence in staring like that at a Sharingan user as dangerous as yours. I tried to defuse the situation by making a joke, commenting on the choice of having sealed Kurama inside such a brat. Nothing, you were still standing eye to eye. Naruto came forward leaving the room and forcing you to take a step back since you were standing in the doorway, you continued to stare at each other without saying anything and it was really making me nervous. I begged for a look from you for entire days while that blond boy had all your attention in a spontaneous way, I felt your emotions, both very intense. Was he perhaps the cause of the resumption of your cold and detached attitude? I had to stop that situation, maybe if I had shown you my admiration and respect again you would have understood that I was worth more than that little boy, so I stated that I had not approved the way in which he had walked past you without any respect and that, if you gave me your consent, I would have gladly sliced it up. I was about to do it, seriously, that blond was really annoying to me, if I hadn't been interrupted by the arrival of another boy, roughly the same age as Naruto. I was amazed, he looked almost identical to you, in fact you confirmed that he was talking about your brother Sasuke.

I had been convinced up until that moment that you had eliminated him too, another of your mysteries, or probably, you were ashamed of even admitting that you loved your brother, but why did you want to pretend not to have feelings at all costs? Sasuke tried to hit you with the Thousand Hawks, you immediately dismantled him without even moving, all you had to do was raise your hand to grab his, breaking his wrist, I was often saddened by realizing how you had wasted your considerable talent and your life. Samehada and I took care of Naruto, my faithful sword had just drained all his Chakra, reducing him to impotence, trembling and quivering with pleasure, when his master Jiraiya arrived, he seemed drunk and was holding an unconscious girl on his shoulder, not you know how much effort I made not to laugh at such a crazy scene, I couldn't believe that this was one of the three Legendary Ninjas, the promise I made to you that day on the pier was coming true, that is, that I would do anything because you and I together we could have as much fun as possible. The more heated the situation became, the more stimulating I found it, you know how I am. Sasuke lashed out at you again, shouting to demand his revenge and his desire to destroy you, Samehada and I kept Naruto and Jiraiya at bay, you had stated that it was a matter between you and your brother and that you didn't like interference, so I did what you asked me for the umpteenth time. You literally beat the sh*t out of Sasuke and then used your Hypnotic Sharingan on him, you seemed infinitely ruthless at that moment, but only later did I understand that it was for his good, to give him love you forced him to hate you, it was for this reason that you destroyed your life, deep down I already knew then that you had a heart, so big that you were often the first to lose sight of it, as you can see, nothing ever escaped me. I was distracted for a moment by seeing Naruto disobey the order I had given him not to intervene in your matter, this allowed Jiraiya to imprison us in the belly of one of his toads. We were immediately surrounded by a prison of slimy and rubbery flesh, I couldn't move, my feet sank into it, that sort of giant chewing gum was sucking even Samehada and I couldn't pull her away, I confess to you that fear and nervousness they were starting to attack me, I tried to keep them at bay but in the end everything came to the surface so much so that I expressed my concern to you about the fact that that stuff was faster than us. You, on the contrary, remained calm as usual, and started running, ordering me to follow you, I obeyed, moving with great difficulty even though I didn't know at all what you intended to do. Having reached the end of the wall I saw you use one of your best moves for the first time, Amaterasu, the inextinguishable black flame capable of never letting go of his target until it completely dematerializes him. There's no point in explaining how stunned I was. We could have easily defeated them, I was gradually discovering what kind of prodigy you were, but even that time you wanted to retreat, explaining to me that you were very tired. At the moment I was a little surprised and disappointed, then I thought that maybe you were afraid of hurting Sasuke, but looking at your face beaded with sweat I understood that you were sick again, now the situation worsened every time you used your skills. At that moment I made the decision to completely take on all our future work, it was true that you had little time left but I wanted to extend it as much as possible. Yes, I wanted this exclusively to be with you. I persuaded you to stop our escape by holding you back with an arm around your waist, as always measuring my strength for fear of hurting you. The apprehension for you crushed me in a vice again, you avoided me but there were more important priorities than my pride, I decided to hurt him by lowering myself to offer you my willingness to carry you to alleviate your fatigue a little, you didn't put up the slightest resistance, on the contrary , you climbed into my arms of your own free will, snuggling up to my chest. The joy given to me by this gesture was immediately overshadowed by the fact that you excluded me from your world by closing your eyes and hiding your hands inside the sleeves of your cloak and crossing them in your lap, I would have wanted them wrapped around my neck! These contrasts tore me apart, I didn't know how to behave, I thought back to how you and Naruto had looked at each other, it was now a fixed nail in my mind that no one in the world could have removed.

I kissed your thick lowered eyelashes, the dimples on your face seemed even more hollow than usual, I gave you another kiss on your forehead and the tip of your nose with such a harmonious shape, barely touching them, nothing, no reaction from yours, just a slight movement of the lips, I captured them for an instant with mine, feeling their velvet. My heart literally shriveled as I discovered that you were much lighter than Samehada, a miserable cold bundle, an even more impressive image than the day of your recruitment when I saw you hiding under the covers. This time you definitely needed to rest in a real bed and not in our usual makeshift beds, so I headed towards the village where we had had lunch that same day in total silence. I put you on the ground as soon as we arrived at the place, our clothes were already enough to attract too much attention. You made me do and decide everything without protesting, I opted for the worst shack that came to hand, a tiny inn with chipped walls and a few broken shutters, we needed to rest and nothing more, but in the meantime I suffocated with painful resignation thinking about this and the your indifference. It was already evening when we entered the miserable little room that had been assigned to us with the wall peeling off even on the inside, the white plaster giving way to a greenish one underneath, the dresser, whose drawers turned upside down when they closed badly, had a mirror stained with humidity, the floor is made of rough, chipped tiles, gray in color with irregular black spots. On the wall hung a small glass picture with a simple brown frame showing the building's plan for escape in case of fire. I had to laugh, we had just escaped from the belly of a toad that was about to digest us! There was no other decoration, just faded green curtains covering a drafty window with a peeling paint frame, still the same color. I decided to go take a shower while you were finally taking off your cloak. The bathroom was accessed through a wooden door so thin that a child's fist would have been enough to break it. The very small sink with nothing to cover the gooseneck, the opaque mirror and the only window was almost against the ceiling, inaccessible and narrow, the faded pink tiles gave the room a surreal atmosphere. I barely managed to get into the shower cabin with the corners black with mould, as soon as I opened the tap the old pipes emitted an ominous hiss so much so that if some rust had also flowed out I wouldn't have been surprised at all. I relaxed in the warmth as I watched the clouds of steam rise. Water also knew how to fly when someone gave it the chance, to do so it needed heat, if it succeeded no one could stop it from rising freely into the sky without the obligation of having a shape. I was made of water, I was the sea itself, I commanded it, I needed your fire to fly, I needed you and your love. I felt like crying while I was soaping myself, I was more and more sure that I wouldn't be able to survive your loss, I would never find anyone capable of making me fly again. I let the tears fall to mix with the jet of water, who knows, maybe one day they too would find someone capable of transforming them into steam, making them free. They had only given us three very small bottles of soap, for my enormous body they would normally have needed all of them, I thought about leaving one and a half for you. I dried myself by returning naked to the room, you had already undressed and laid down in the double bed. I approached slowly and silently, you were exhausted and breathing slowly keeping your eyes closed, your hair, even though you hadn't untied it even then, invaded the pillow and part of your face, I pulled the covers tightly over your bare and white chest, pressing them delicately with a hand. I was willing to bring some food to your room but I made you promise that you would eat it, you nodded without opening your eyes, I kissed your head softly before putting on my usual clothes to go downstairs, we would absolutely have to wash them the next day. I had to get something to eat too, the small room of the restaurant always had that hovel style, dark, the walls yellowed by the damp. By now it was night outside and the artificial lighting was really weak, luckily my vision was as sharp as all my other senses.

One of those plants that live well indoors because they are disturbed by any atmospheric event or temperature, was positioned on one side of the entrance door, on the wall to my right were hanging some masks similar to the one you also had when you were still a ANBU, except they weren't exactly those, they just looked like us, the memories gave me a little jab. While I was waiting for the roast chicken I had ordered, sitting at a small round table on a very hard chair from which it seemed as if splinters would break off at any moment and slip into my meat, I realized that I was attracting the gazes of the very few diners who were there. in the room, I could understand, it's not every day a giant with shark-like features and blue skin, dressed extravagantly and carrying a gigantic sword, yes, Samehada was with me. One of these guys who were staring at me had a really strange look, his eyes were asymmetrical, his beard was bristling and graying, he was chewing slowly with grease dripping down his lips, he couldn't get that disturbing expression off of me. Even when I got up from the table after finishing eating, his brown, age-dimmed eyes continued to follow me as if he were a robot programmed just for that. I couldn't help but wonder how far Pain's Rinnegan and Zetsu's camouflages could go. I took a bowl of broth for you, hurrying to bring it to you while it was hot. I had to shake you and force you to sit down to make you eat, I was also sorry but it was necessary, you finished everything albeit with an exhausting slowness, I couldn't take my eyes off you, I needed to fly as long as I was allowed to do so. I know that you swallowed everything just to make me happy even though you didn't say a word, I helped you to lie down again by stroking your hair for a few minutes, I wanted to reassure you that from that moment on I wouldn't disturb you anymore. I undressed completely to lie down next to you, I hugged you softly making you rest your head on my shoulder, you had now slipped into sleep but you instinctively snuggled up against me, this made me calm down, I assumed that your keeping me at a distance wasn't real, the the truth was that you also loved me and needed someone to give you affection at your side, I was sure that you were recognizing that person in me. Your fragility hurt me again, I felt the pain that life had forced you into even in your breath which at that moment grazed the skin of my neck. I perceived the very irregular beat of your heart, it seemed to stop for a few moments and then suddenly start again with a sort of dive, I sensed that it was getting tired of living crushed by torment, I held you even tighter to me, I didn't know what else to do apart from loving you, I too surrendered to the torpor.

The sun's rays managed to stimulate my sensitive vision even through my eyelids, waking up early in the morning the first thing I noticed was that you weren't in bed. The rush of water in the shower immediately dispelled the doubt, I smiled to myself like a fool putting an arm under my head, this meant that you were definitely better. I had to pee urgently, if I had gone into the bathroom I wouldn't have known what to do given your contrasting attitude over the last two days, but maybe if I had gone before you finished washing you wouldn't even have noticed. There was no time to waste in this case, I got up completely naked from the bed and headed towards the thin door. I quickly freed myself, but as I was about to go back the way I came, you turned off the tap and got out of the shower so quickly that the gesture seemed to me to be the same thing. You took off the cap you were wearing so as not to get your hair wet, making it fall again on your back and over your eyes, you never had anything to dry it other than the heat of the sun, you looked into my eyes giving yourself a quick dab with a towel to stay there, naked still staring at me in silence, a few spherical and transparent droplets remained on your white skin, the only objects you wore were your necklace with three very simple silver circles, and your vermilion ring on your right ring finger, this is a very nice, I had always found him the best of all Akatsuki. I remained paralyzed for a few seconds not knowing how to interpret the situation, I was tempted to apologize to you for my intrusion into the bathroom which clashed with that of getting close to touching you. You decided to take the initiative to remove me from the embarrassment by starting to walk in my direction, you didn't say anything as usual but your expression was serene. I followed your shape with my eyes, lately you had lost even more weight but you still remained toned, the part of your physique that has always had the ability to make me lose my mind are your pectorals, trained but not at all exaggerated, my gaze went down and lingered on your flat stomach on which your abs were drawn. My erection moved automatically causing me embarrassment, I swallowed feeling my cheeks flush, I hoped that the blue of the skin could at least partially mask the redness. You stood in front of me with firm eyes and slightly parted lips, we were both still staring at each other in silence, only my heart felt like an earthquake, I was almost afraid that you could hear it from several centimeters away. You raised your arms to place your smooth and delicate hands on my broad shoulders, you immediately used them as leverage to suddenly jump into my arms, tying my thin legs around my waist. My face and my heart melted into a smile at this unexpected gesture, I grabbed your firm and beautiful buttocks to support you while sudden happiness made me spin around laughing. You laughed too, your hair flying like black silk in front of your face. As soon as I stopped you looked at me intently arching your back and spreading your thighs to rub your tense sex on my iron-hard and bulging abs, you always looked adorable taking these naughty little boss poses, you buried your face in my skin sensitive neck covering it with kisses with those soft lips. My brain was on fire, I was already going crazy with pleasure I lay down on the bed positioning myself on top of you who didn't untie the fastening of your legs from my torso, we kissed frantically venting all the passion, tension and suffering accumulated in those few days. I was over the moon now that I finally had confirmation that your coldness hadn't been real, I had forgotten Naruto penetrating you with his gaze, I wanted to shout to you that I loved you, but I didn't. We rolled onto our sides, panting, you clung to the tense muscles of my back while I made our erections stick together by grabbing your waist to keep you in position. You ran your fingertips down the center of my spine, an almost imperceptible touch on my thick, smooth skin but it had the power to shake me with shivers and make me moan into your mouth that was devouring mine. You moved sinuously rubbing against my sex as hard as granite, I held your body even tighter, I loved feeling that movement in my arms, I found it incredibly exciting.

You started to touch the back of my neck with your fingers, I had the sensation of being caressed by a butterfly, it made me scream with pleasure as I bent my head back, exposing my neck, this gave you the opportunity to trace all its contours with the tip of your tongue. veins and ribs. I swallowed with a dry mouth as you licked the center of my pecs, I moaned very loudly, sliding your hands into your smooth and soft hair, you nibbled my nipples, stimulating them immediately afterwards with circular movements of your tongue. I panted as you kissed my abs, caressing my sensitive skin with your hot breath, your subtle ways on a body as big and strong as mine had the power to move mountains. I screamed again feeling your warm and slightly plump lips resting lightly on the tip of my sex so swollen it seemed about to explode. I had always feared that my considerable size could put you in difficulty, but I had never experienced the pleasure that you were able to give me in my life, you lapped my entire length with your tongue, stopping to insist on the tip at regular intervals, also granting small but hot kisses while you grabbed my waist with your little hands. I was trembling and felt the heat take over me as your hair brushed my balls and thighs, you don't know how long I had waited for this moment, now I was flying. You sat up when I was about to reach the limit, you always had an infallible intuition that made you stop just in time, you pulled your red elastic from your hair and put it on your wrist, you shook your head to scatter them in every direction, I understood that you were doing this gesture solely for me, having reiterated several times the annoyance that your left hair caused you. You were beautiful, I always adored you with your hair down. You guided me gently with your hands to make me understand that you wanted me lying on my stomach, your black eyes sparkled with pleasure, I obeyed happily, for once I really appreciated that you were taking the initiative. I felt your small but marble buttocks resting at the base of my powerful thighs, your fingers wet with saliva stimulated my opening, there would have been no need, I already felt myself melting. Grasping my waist with both hands, you slid into me like a hot iron through butter, all my muscles tensed in eagerness as I pulled the sheet tight, I moaned loudly. You didn't encounter any resistance as you made your way into my flesh, I felt your weight sink and rise rhythmically on the beginnings of my legs, every time you let out a sigh, I felt my mind float and lose clarity, the pleasure was immense, there are no right words to describe it, my skin was wet with sweat, my heartbeat made my whole body vibrate. Now I was free to ascend into the sky formless, free from pain. I sank onto the mattress, grunting loudly, my sharp teeth piercing the pillow as my hands tore the sheet mercilessly. Here too was my treasure inside me with a small jolt that caressed my insides like warm silk. You immediately collapsed on my back, kissing the base of my neck and the center of my shoulder blades while your hair submerged us both, your lips were moist. You slid down to lie on my left, I turned to you, our foreheads met and we remained panting in each other's faces for several minutes without needing to say anything. I felt a stab of pain hit me, noticing for a moment a gray patina clouding your pupils, so you had gone so far, to abuse your special eyes, I kissed them both slowly, making myself tickled by your eyelashes, I had never seen a person have such long ones . However, I felt the need to express to you what I thought. I explained to you the need that water had to fly but that, to fulfill his desire, it needed so much heat, it certainly couldn't do it alone. Only in this way could he abandon the pain and the obligation to have a form on earth. I felt my eyes getting wet as I told you that the water was me and you were the fire that should have set it free in the form of a cloud. You grabbed my hands, bringing them towards your lips to kiss them, you listened to me with a disarming understanding in your black eyes without having the need to explain it in words. I expressed to you my need for you to stay with me until the end, it didn't matter in the slightest that you now had little time left, I would have taken care of you but I needed your love only in that way could I soar in the sky. Your eyes also became bright, you caressed my crew cut hair before gently holding my head on your chest. I felt the beat of your shaky heart and your kiss resting on my head.

Chapter 4: Silver and turquoise

Chapter Text

Over the next three years you took on every responsibility and every hardest job. Although I had never confessed to you that the real reason why I withdrew from battles was my weakness and blurred vision, you insisted on completing our tasks alone more and more often. I was alone for an entire day when you went to capture Goku's jinchūriki. I was worried about you even though I didn't show it to you, I knew he would give you a hard time. However, I begged you to retreat in case the situation was disadvantageous for you, I knew that facing a jinchūriki was no joke, especially without the support of my special eyes, as you called them. I couldn't bear the idea of ​​losing you, without first making sure that you were ready to face life without me, flying without being afraid of missing me, but making it, as much as possible, a strength. I forced myself to smile confident in your success as I kissed you goodbye, but my heart was full of anguish. You, for your part, promised me to return as soon as possible, telling me all the qualities of your superhuman physical strength and Samehada, I pretended to calm down even if inside myself I wasn't at all. As soon as you left I sat under a tree swallowing my pills, I was getting worse and worse, I found myself thinking that if Sasuke hadn't tracked me down quickly maybe I wouldn't have had time to show up for that appointment I had thought for him in which he would transform into the hero who eliminates the traitor, redeeming the reputation of the Uchiha. The of him, being the only one left. I would have died soon anyway, I hoped at least to serve some good once in my life. A sudden pang in my chest made me bend over with a groan, I was grateful that you hadn't been there at that moment, you would have ended up feeling overwhelmed by worry. It was necessary, now, for my flame to remain solid and with its feet firmly planted on the ground, it should have represented the springboard to make you fly, you deserved all the love I was capable of. We both knew that you would soon have to deal with the loss of me, but I wanted to give you all the tools you needed to be as strong as possible in that moment. I knew that Sasuke had put together a team to track me down, I prayed that this would happen as soon as possible, of course I would have to organize everything so as not to involve you, I hadn't had the courage to explain all this to you yet, I was sure that I would see tears come down from your silver eyes, giving you these clarifications. I resolved to address the issue when you returned, it was senseless to put it off any longer. I had learned that Naruto and his team were also following me, the aim was to capture me by using me as bait to find Sasuke and, once I had convinced my brother to go back, proceed to eliminate me. I couldn't let it go like this, these were not the plans I had in mind for years and for which I was dragging out my miserable existence with the help of medicines. You probably also noticed this: every time I was forced to use higher doses, I inevitably ended up prey to side effects. I could see your eyes looking at me sideways as you tried to slow down or get me to rest, another topic to address as soon as I saw you again. You were gone a little while and I already missed you. Your consideration towards me was something wonderful, you did a thousand things, in my wretched life I couldn't have found anything better, I would have left feeling lucky. I lay down with my back against the trunk, closing my eyes, invaded by the drowsiness given to me by the drugs, I was breathing heavily and I hoped that this would not end up forcing me to take more pills, for the moment I limited myself to opening the front of the cloak a little to have more air.

One of your many beautiful gestures came to mind, we had just learned the news of Deidara's death who had insisted on challenging Sasuke. I felt terribly guilty about this, if he had gotten to that point it was because he hated the Sharingan and their owners, it was I who brought him to this, albeit unintentionally, on the day of his recruitment. His obsession had started from there, when I had defeated him just by looking into his eyes while you told him all your admiration for me. If I had realized before that this would have the ability to hurt him so much I would have avoided using the Sharingan and I would have held back your words, even if dictated by love. That was one of the very rare occasions when I was unable to predict something. Every time I had made some mistake or oversight, I had always been punished severely by life and, in each of these circ*mstances I felt I fully deserved it. It was raining heavily and that's why we took refuge inside a large cave. While you were cursing the bad weather, the guilt towards Deidara had started to tear at my soul, bringing tears to my eyes. I was aware that the crying would explode at any moment, but since in my life I have always thought that I didn't deserve anything, not even the fact of feeling emotions, I had to come up with a quick solution so as not to let you see me. I started walking out of the cave to get the rain on my face, as soon as my face was completely wet, I let go of tears and a silent sob. I heard your voice calling me from behind, you were advising me to go back inside, telling me that I would get sick if I persisted in wanting to get wet any longer. Your words made my heart melt, you said them with a slightly gruff tone but underneath I felt that love that you had never reserved for anyone else. I couldn't answer you anything, I didn't even turn to look at you. You felt entitled to keep talking to get my attention, like that time on the dock when you ended up lecturing me about shark cannibalism. You told me in no uncertain terms that you had sensed that I was crying over Sasuke's death, even though I was such a cold and detached person that I never understood what was going through my head. You had the wrong person, but your intuition was more than correct, I was crying. No one in the world understood what was going through my mind except you, you always had the ability to read my soul directly and respect my silences and my moments of discouragement. My shy nature, naturally, prevented me from admitting the truth, did not allow me to rest my forehead on your shoulder and vent as would have been right and as you would have desired. I limited myself to expressing my certainty that Sasuke was still alive, while I found myself forced to return home since the rain had stopped, at the same time exhausting my freedom to cry. However, I had gotten soaked to the bone, returning next to you several coughs escaped me, I could never escape your furtive gaze, without saying a word you took off my rain-soaked cloak to see my hair dripping water everywhere. You let out a sigh of resignation as you hung my dripping cape on a protrusion of the irregular stone, you lit a small bonfire with the few dry twigs that were inside there probably blown by the wind, you advised me to undress completely since my clothes were completely get wet, and sit by the fire. I hesitated for a moment since I was freezing, but then I did as you asked, realizing that you were right, my gray uniform ended up keeping company with the cloak hanging on the wall. You immediately sat next to me, surrounding my trembling body with your incredibly muscular legs. You opened the front of your cloak to let us both enter inside it, you literally lifted me bodily with just one hand under my ass to remove me from the cold floor by placing me on your powerful legs. I snuggled up against your broad, warm chest while you untied my hair, spreading it with your fingers so it would dry more quickly. I've always loved your skin, so smooth and warm, with just the slightest bit of rubbery feeling. I pressed a kiss to your neck, making you smile before my body started to twitch from coughing. It was so sweet the way you hugged me and cradled me until I passed. The anguish that shone through your light eyes hurt me, I felt nauseous but I tried to push it down so as not to worry you any further.

You held me like that until my clothes I don't know dried in the heat of the little flame and I could put them back on, we lay down and you covered me lovingly as always with my cloak. Our bodies were attached, you hugged me tightly as if to protect me from who knows what catastrophes, presumably you were thinking that I had lied to you about the fact that Sasuke was still alive and your intention was also to console me for the loss of him. He was sure that you weren't acting like this simply to keep me warm, I could sense it from your attitude and the sweetness of your gaze. You kissed my forehead, eyes and lips softly, telling me that I was your treasure. I slowly ran my left hand over your back and his right over your abs, still amazed at how developed they were. I felt your erection pressing against my legs but I knew you were too worried to let yourself be carried away by passion, I understood you fully from the first day even though you were convinced of the opposite. I touched your pectorals with small kisses, despite your size your heartbeat was slow and reassuring, which is why my head fell asleep on your shoulder before I could say I love you.

A hand untied my forehead protector dragging me out of this memory, my head ached and I was too dizzy from the medicine to open my eyes. So you had already returned triumphant from the battle with Roshi, Goku's jinchūriki, or you may have lost, but at least you were alive. I regretted that you had now caught me red-handed in those conditions, I still felt the air entering me with difficulty, I sucked it from my slightly open lips. I sighed, basking in those hands that pushed my hair back from my face while simultaneously stroking my head. However I sensed something wrong in them, your skin was normally much smoother and warmer, with that slightly rubbery something, and then these hands were much smaller. I jumped as I heard Naruto's voice calling me to ask how I was feeling. It was over, they had found me, my distraction this time was unforgivable, my heart jumped as I opened my eyes to find his turquoise ones just a few centimeters away, he was crouching in front of me. He slowly placed a hand on my chest, reassuring me since he was alone, he explained to me that, yes, his team was not far away but that he had gone away making an excuse, he had been the only one to perceive my presence, he hadn't I'm going to do nothing to myself. He sat down next to me offering me some water, I accepted it since perhaps there was no escape for me anymore, if we had engaged in a fight the others would have arrived in a few minutes and I was in no condition to resist for long , my only hope was your return. That water was very fresh, it did me so much good that I almost finished it, I immediately felt better. I apologized for not holding back while he stared straight into my eyes like when we'd tried to catch him in the hotel three years earlier. Except that at the time he was still a little boy, now he had grown into a young man with very pleasant features. I didn't know how to interpret this attitude, he had come all the way there with the aim of capturing me and then he lied to his team just to come and give me a drink? It seemed strange to me that he suddenly gave up on his plan to use me as bait to lure Sasuke. Naruto smiled sparking more memories in me. I remembered him when, still a child, he had come to our house on some occasions to play with Sasuke, they were the same age, they attended the Academy together and were friends. To tell the truth, my little brother always treated him with disdain since he was at the top of the class while Naruto found studying a big bore. At Sasuke's age I too had been an excellent student, but, unlike him, I had never dreamed of being arrogant, on the contrary, when I received the inevitable compliments, I slipped into embarrassment feeling that I didn't deserve them, I always hated being at the center of attention. However, I was happy that they were friends, Naruto, with his cheerful and joking nature, I hoped that he could melt Sasuke's ice a little. The first few times the blond boy entered our house I naturally introduced myself and tried to start a conversation with him, if only out of politeness since he was our guest. Soon, however, I noticed how this caused him embarrassment, with my mere presence he suddenly became silent, his pink skin flushed, he could only giggle stupidly while he massaged his short golden hair by passing an arm behind his head. There was a circ*mstance in which he even made an excuse to go home since I had dared enough to sit at the table where he and Sasuke were. Since my brother was annoyed by this attitude of his friend, I ended up retreating to my room every time they were together, I quickly said goodbye to Naruto and then went to the upper floor of the house where the rooms were located. I would lie on my bed reading, smiling while I heard them having fun downstairs. On a couple of occasions when Sasuke had been forced to leave for a few minutes, perhaps to go to the bathroom or because our parents called, I had heard the dull thuds of Naruto's feet quickly climbing the wooden stairs. Shortly afterwards his blond head appeared at my bedroom door, he looked at me smiling without saying a word. When I lowered the book to look at him and smile back at him, he would put his usual hand behind his head, blushing, and then run away again. I didn't know why he behaved like this, or maybe yes, he liked me, but we were just kids at the time, he certainly inspired me with great sympathy. After this I saw him again three years ago in that hotel, and then there, on the day he found me half dazed from the pills and from breathlessness, I was waiting for you.

Naruto leaned forward to get closer to me, his turquoise eyes still fixed on mine, he stretched out a hand with which he first put my hair behind my ear then slid it to gently grasp my shoulder. That hand came down again to encircle my waist, I didn't know what to do, maybe I stiffened even if my face remained impassive.

Kisame's face stared at Itachi darkly, he had never known about this episode as he was absent at the time.

“Kisame, you have no reason to be upset, the trust you have always given me has never been betrayed, you are always as impetuous as usual, at least allow me to finish my story”

"I understand very well, Itachi, but I know you can understand my reaction, I have never managed to remain as unperturbed as you, even though I sometimes admire you for it."

The shark man's face calmed down under the caresses that his companion was leaving on his hair.

Itachi continued, his voice seemed to directly touch Kisame's soul as if it were made of violin strings: "Naruto is a dear boy, he always tries to be positive and have a good word for everyone, even forgetting about himself, in some cases; the love he wants for Sasuke is intense and sincere, I couldn't have entrusted my brother in better hands, he is skilled, perhaps even more than me, but he is still too naive and impulsive. If I am now deciding not to hide anything from you anymore, it is because I have always cared about you, allow me to finish and you will understand it yourself."

I was convinced that my adamant expression would be enough to make him give up, but I was wrong, his embrace became even tighter as he reassured me that he didn't have the slightest intention of capturing me, his team would have found Sasuke without problems even excluding the use of me as bait, it wasn't necessary. He told me that I was beautiful and that he had always admired me, all things that he, of course, could never confess to Sasuke. He was certain that my talent and intelligence had always been superior to those of my brother and that he was not interested in the accusations made against me, his esteem for me had never been diminished at all, on the contrary, he considered me a very good strategist for having managed to get by all those years. He even confessed that Konoha would have solved all its problems if I had been the Hokage. I didn't move, I didn't say a word, perhaps also out of gratitude for the fact that he was keeping me away from his team. He pulled me towards him with the arm he had passed behind my back while he sat on my legs holding me tightly with his arms. He admitted that he had spent countless sleepless nights thinking about me and wondering if I was okay, he had never been able to vent these doubts to anyone, obviously, and it had worn him out. I immediately activated my Sharingan, for the moment it was just a warning, in reality I felt understanding and tenderness for him following what he was telling me, I wasn't used to having so many thoughts from others and they always ended up leaving me amazed and taken aback. He wasn't at all intimidated by my eyes, after all he too was a supporting force. He held me so tightly it hurt, I sensed that he was holding back anyway, he claimed that he had never forgotten my face in all those years. By now our bodies were adhering, I felt his erection pressing on my abs from under the trousers of his orange uniform, his lips barely touched mine, the sun made the gold of his hair shine as if it had its own light, my eyes rose to the higher level I showed him the three-pointed star of the Hypnotic Sharingan to make him understand once and for all that I didn't want it. Breathing faster, he begged me not to make any rash moves since he noticed how my pupils were starting to blur as he kissed my neck. He definitely had to love me to say something like that to me, and I know he had been doing it since he was still a child, but by now I had decided who my heart belonged to. It was starting to be too much, when he looked into my eyes again I saw the silver of yours overlap with that turquoise, it clouded it, canceling it completely, it was you who filled my entire heart and this left no room for anyone else, not even one of infinitesimal proportions . I freed myself from his grip with a shove that made him tip over backwards and land awkwardly on his butt, while I jumped to my feet. He rubbed himself, half-closing one eye and showing off an asymmetrical smile somewhere between surprised and sly, it seemed as if he had been somewhat expecting such a reaction and that, absurdly, he had been pleased. He stood up and approached me again, his face was serene, he gently took my hands. I took a step back, slipping out of his grasp and asking him why he cared so much about Sasuke, maybe this would distract him from his intentions. His face suddenly became serious as he replied that, unlike me, he had always considered him a brother. He couldn't have given me a better opportunity than that. When the truth came out that I had exterminated my entire clan, I had already foreseen that Sasuke's anger and thirst for revenge could explode against Konoha to avenge me. A very probable eventuality since he was still very naive and impressionable, I would have already been dead by that time so I wouldn't have been able to stop him and Naruto certainly wouldn't have used extreme means against him, not even in case of necessity, that's why it came to me like lightning an idea, I certainly couldn't accept that the sacrifice of my entire life could be in vain. I decided to donate part of my power to Naruto, I implanted within him the eye that Shisui had entrusted to me, ready to intervene in case of need. The operation took less than a fraction of a second so the blond didn't even notice. His expression changed, the features of his rosy face relaxed into a sympathetic smile. He came towards me calmly this time, I calmed down by making my eyes go black again. He was so serene that he seemed to shine with his own light.

He held me in a gentle hug, telling me that he sensed my pain and my physical difficulties and that the affection he felt for me would prevent him from causing me further suffering, he would let me go, betraying his team, he probably sensed that I was dying. He didn't care if I didn't want to, he would have continued to love me by respecting my decisions. He kissed me on the forehead before walking back the way he came smiling. Even on that occasion I was unable to find the right words to say.

I started looking at the sea, letting my eyes fill with its reflections when I heard you return. I turned to hug you but the fact that you had Roshi hanging on Samehada like a sack of potatoes made me stop. Instead of thanking you for completing the job, I could only blame you for capturing him more dead than alive and for the fact that you had certainly made too much of a spectacle by attracting too much attention. You replied that doing it on your own hadn't been easy and this immediately made me feel guilty. Even though you were exhausted from the recent fight, you immediately proposed to me that if I wanted, you could gladly do other jobs without me. You did it to keep me from getting tired, you took great care of your sick partner, and I didn't know how to do anything but criticize you, if there had been someone else in your place he would have certainly abandoned me somewhere, or complained to Pain , if not actually killed to get rid of the trouble. This time I was really wrong with you, Pain's order that came immediately afterwards to immediately seal Son Goku saved my eyes from tears at the last minute.

How water learned to fly - SoleBerlandieri (2024)


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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.