Love Potion. - Chapter 3 - RandomFandoms65000 - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

They finished the potion, and Albus let one drop spill on each animal before they let them out of their cage just like the directions said. The little lizards crawled out then immediately to each other and rubbed their heads against one another. It was very cute to see them be so cuddly when typically the creatures are rather ravenous.

“We did it!” Albus cheered

“You did most of the work. I'm so proud of you.” Ginny kissed his head

“Mum, not in front of everyone.” Albus whined a little embarrassed

“Right, sorry.” Ginny rolled her eyes with a shake of her head

“Aw but you love mummy's kisses.” Rose teased from across the table

“Shut up, Rose.” Albus huffed

“Don't fight now.” Hermione told them as she cross her arms

“Sorry I mean you love someone else's kisses.” Rose grinned cheekily

Harry and Ginny looked at their flustered son before they were interrupted.

“I see you completed the potion.” Draco said now standing on the side closer to Harry and Ron

“Yes Professor Malfoy!” Rose smiled

“It wasn't so hard.” Albus said as the blonde observed their work

“And you worked with your parents, right?” Draco asked them

“Yes!” Both students answered

“Of course they did.” Ron frowned

“I wasn't talking to you.” Draco retorted

“There's no reason to be rude, Malfoy.” Harry found himself saying, and those ice gray eyes found his dark green ones

“I wasn't being rude. I wasn't talking to him, nor you for that matter.” Draco replied, looking him up and down before returning his attention to the kids

“You two did very well. Full marks.” Draco told them

Albus and Rose smiled as they looked at each other, and just as quickly as he arrived, the platinum blonde left again. Harry wasn't sure how to feel as he watched him walk away once more to tend to another family. When his eyes drifted too low, he tore them away, frowning at himself. Why did he almost do that? What did he almost do? No. He would never do that. Draco just has a peculiar body shape for a man. Thin, narrow waist, prominent hips but not too curvy. Strange, Harry wondered if he always looked like that. Maybe their uniforms and cloaks just hid it. Wait, what was he thinking?

“Still an aursehole.” Ron scoffed with a dramatic eye roll




After the class was finished, everyone was making their way out of the room. Scorpius joined them again and was chatting with Albus and Rose as the parents walked a few steps behind them. They didn't want to linger too close like a line of helicopter parents. No kid wants that, especially when your parents are so famous. Granted most of the generation here has a famous parent or two since most are children of the people that taught in the Battle Of Hogwarts but still. No one likes a parent who hovers when you just want to talk to your friends.

“Hermione, I thought Malfoy worked at the Ministry with you.” Ginny said as she walked between Harry and the brunette

Hermione nodded.

“He did until a few months ago.” She said

“He just… quit?” Ron asked since he was on the other side of his wife

Hermione shrugged.

“Well things were still tense even after all these years, with him being a Malfoy. He told me personally about his resignation.” She admitted as she glanced towards the stone ground like she was almost sad about it

“I can't believe he would just give that up.” Ginny shook her head

Harry wasn't sure what to think. Working at the Ministry paid very well. Being a teacher at Hogwarts did not. Maybe Draco was just tired of it all. Maybe he wanted to get away and pass on his knowledge. He was always very smart.

“Honestly, I thought he quit because of his wife's death.” Hermione said as she looked at the younger redhead

Ginny nodded immediately, looking sympathetic.

“Right, I heard about that. Incredibly sad.”

“Maybe he took the teaching job to be closer to his son. He is all Draco has left since he cut contact with any of his family that's alive as far as I know. Plus the Ministry takes up a lot of our time so maybe he just wanted to be around more.” Hermione sighed wishing she had better answers

“Yeah.” Harry agreed with that last bit

It did take up a lot of their time. It was one of the reasons why he and Ginny split. He made time for the Ministry and for his kids, but not enough for her. He always felt bad when he let her down, and when she wanted a divorce, he didn't argue. It was for the best. She deserves someone who would make time for her. Harry never understood how Hermione made time for Ron and their daughter while being the Minister of Magic. Granted, they only have one child. Harry and Ginny had three. Maybe that was the difference. It could be easier when you only have to split your time three ways instead of five.

“Who knew Malfoy could be so caring.” Ron said snidely

“We're all different now, Ron. You should really let go of old grudges.” Ginny told him as she leaned forward a little to eye her brother

“Kinda hard when he's still sh*tty.” Ron huffed scratching as his stubble

“You butted in. He was clearly talking to the children.” Hermione commented as she looked towards him, her wavy hair swishing with the movement of her head

“But he was rude to Harry first.” Ron argued

He was referring to earlier when Draco told Harry to help Albus. It was in a rather rude tone but he wasn't really in the wrong. Harry is sure a lot of people might or would have seen it that way if they were watching. How dare he tell Harry Potter what to do right? Or how dare to boss around a parent? Either way it can be perceived as pretty rude. Somehow Harry didn't though. He understood what Draco meant by his words. Albus needed his help and he should be doing that instead of expecting his son to just immediately know how to do everything.

“Technically, he was right. Harry is good at potions. He was just telling him to help Albus.” Ginny retorted

“It was his tone.” Ron frowned as he crossed his arms atop his belly

Harry decided to butt in before the siblings really started to argue.

“Ron, it's fine. I should have been helping more, but I thought Al could handle it on his own.” He said

It wasn't that Albus couldn't, but help from his father was needed. Draco saw that and pointed it out. Harry should have noticed he was struggling. Needing help doesn't make Albus a bad wizard. He could learn from it and use it to understand better. It's just like he did today. They had enough time, so Albus went through the process on his own after Harry and Ginny helped with the first potion. The dark-haired boy completed it all on his own when he tried the second time. Harry was so proud of how quick he learned. He loved seeing Albus find work arounds when he had trouble and Harry liked seeing his son's happy face when finally completed something all on his own.

“Don't make excuses for Malfoy.” Ron insisted

“I'm not.” Harry replied

He really wasn't though he knows his stubborn redheaded friend will never see it that way. Ron has never liked Draco and Harry is sure that won't change any time soon just because they’re adults. Don't get him wrong, Harry understood where Ron was coming from. Draco was horrible to then right up until the battle, but his family made bad choices and he had to do what he was told or they would all die. Imagine having that weight on your shoulders? Harry could sympathize where Ron just couldn't. They were both valid.




After Herbology class with Neville, whom Harry was happy to see again, it was the end of the day for the parents. Students had a few more classes before their day would come to an end. Harry was walking towards the parents' quarters with Ginny when she spoke up.

“Harry.” She said softly as they stood on the moving stairs

“Yeah?” Harry asked, leading her onto the landing

“You were looking at Malfoy a lot today.” Ginny glanced at him to see his reaction

Harry frowned while they walked down the corridor.

“I was shocked to see him. I thought he was still working at the Ministry.” He said

Ginny nodded understandingly.

“I was too, but…”

Harry looked over at her as they stopped “But what?” He asked

Ginny let go of him.

“The way you looked at him just seemed… different is all.” She shrugged

Okay, she was implying something, but Harry didn't know what it was.

“Gin, what are you getting at?” He questioned her

Ginny sighed, glancing down both ends of the hallway they were standing in before looking back at Harry and taking his hands into her soft ones.

“I don't mean to pry, but we are still friends, aren't we?” She smiled a little

“Of course.” Harry nodded immediately, but didn't understand where this was going

Ginny nodded back.

“Well then, we should be able to talk about things like being interested in other people.”

Harry felt awkward.

“We… do, you have a partner.” He said

“Yes but you never talk about going on dates or even wanting to start dating again.” Ginny told him

Harry shook his head.

“I don't do those things. I'm not interested right now.” He shrugged

“You're sure?” Ginny rose a red brow

“What does this have to do with Malfoy?” Harry asked, wanting to get to the point

“Harry.” Ginny said like she knew something he didn't

“What?” The dark headed man asked

“Are you really that dense?” Ginny let go of him to cross her arms under her chest

“Ginny, I have no idea what you're talking about.” Harry told her as he pushed up his glasses

“Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but I thought you might like Malfoy.” Ginny said, and it felt like a bomb was just dropped

Harry's eyes went wide.

“What?” He asked sounding more offended than anything

“You just kept looking at him, and one time I saw you looking downwards as he walked away. Don't think I don't know what that means.” Ginny told him

Harry blushed but frantically shook his head.

“No… No.” He said, walking off hearing her trail after him

“Absolutely not!” The dark headed man added as he stopped, and she almost bumped into him

“I do not… like… Malfoy.” Harry told Ginny as he turned around to look at her

The redhead put her hands up in defeat.

“Alright, sorry.”

“It was just an assumption.” She shrugged, then took his hand into hers again

“You know, though, if you do, it's fine.” Ginny smiled supportive

“The world is different these days.” She added softly

Harry glanced away. He knew what she was referring to.

“I'm aware, but not enough for me to like Draco in that way.” He replied

Ginny nodded.

“I just mean. I'm always here for you, Harry, no matter who you fall in love with next.” She kissed his cheek gently

All the emotions Harry had immediately left, leaving him calmer.

“Thank you.” He said quietly

He's not sure why he got so upset at the assumption. It was rather harmless. Was the possibility of liking Draco that bad? Harry doesn't think so. Truthfully he was more flustered by the idea than anything. He was also surprised that Ginny of all people would suggest such a thing then again; she's always been more perceptive than she lets on. She and Harry continued on their way though a little more awkward than before. He was glad to see most of his “roommates” were either doing something else or in bed taking an afternoon nap. Ron wasn't there so Harry assumed he was off with Hermione somewhere.

Love Potion. - Chapter 3 - RandomFandoms65000 - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.