Reviewing Skin Elixir Collagen Builder by Arbonne (2024)

Reviewing Skin Elixir Collagen Builder by Arbonne (1)
Arbonne's Skin Elixir

I'm sure you've heard about the wonders of collagen as everywhere you look there seems to be a collagen supplement available these days! I'm here to talk to you about the collagen builder I take daily and absolutely love. First though, what is collagen? Let's have a look in more detail.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is the main component of connective tissue in our body (and in other mammals). Amino acids (aka the building blocks of protein) are bound together to form a triple helix known as a collagen helix. This collagen helix is mostly found in connective tissue, in other words cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments and skin.

Collagen has the ability (depending on the degree of mineralization) to appear to be really rigid, like in bones, or really compliant (like skin). As a side note were you ever told about gelatin being great for your nails?

My nan told me that if I ate a cube of jelly every day (in the UK jelly wasn't sold in crystals, but in highly concentrated gelatinous blocks that dissolved in hot water to make the jelly dessert that's known as jello in the US) I would have strong nails. I stopped biting my nails at 12 or 13 (to prove a point!) and started taking a cube of jelly a day as someone told me I'd never have strong nails because I'd bitten them for so long. My nails grew long and strong and as I loved eating the jelly I just continued to have a cube a day until I moved to New Zealand where they only sold the crystals.

Why am I telling you about my young nails? Well gelatin is actually collagen that has been treated with heat. My nan was very ahead of her time!

Of course these days the science has been developed even more as they have identified a number of different types of collagen, in fact there are 28 types of human collagen in the body. I'm not going to delve into the science much more as I'm not a scientist and some of the information I've read goes completely over my head!

Do I Need a Collagen Supplement?

Your body produces collagen itself, but as you age it produces less and the collagen is also lower in quality. This is why as you age you get wrinkles and fine lines, your hair gets thinner, you may experience joint pain, more gastrointestinal problems or problems with blood flow.

Most collagen products are marketed toward improving your skin, hair and nails, but you will find a lot of discussions on various forums about using them for some auto-immune diseases with some antidotal success.

How to Choose Which Collagen to Take?

There are so many different collagen's on the market that once you've decided you want to try collagen how do you choose?

Here's my reasoning - you need Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C to produce collagen so why not take a collagen builder that produces these two ingredients because your body will make the collagen it needs. Most collagen supplements on the market come from animals which means that your body has to digest and breakdown that collagen and then turn it into the collagen it needs.

Please note that I am not a scientist, nutritionist or doctor so these are just my opinions and what I think makes sense of what I have read. I do like to read up and look after my health as I have an auto-immune disease which I can control without medication.

Reviewing Skin Elixir Collagen Builder by Arbonne

I chose to try this product which comes in a sachet that you add to water, it is a lovely acai flavour which a lot of people enjoy just by itself. Personally, I add it to my Greens drink every morning.

This product's key ingredients are Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C to help build collagen along with botanicals to help provide antioxidant protection and to keep the skin noursihed. It also contains Biotin to help support and maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.

It is promoted to help your skin, hair and nails and in my case my hairdresser commented after a few months that my hair was getting thicker (being in my 50s this was the opposite of what most women would be experiencing!). At the time that I first started to take this supplement I was also getting my nails done once a month - I was started to need them done every three weeks as my nails were growing faster.

The reason that I have continued to take this supplement for a few years though is because of what happened when I stopped taking it. I decided that I didn't need it one month and a couple of weeks in I was noticing a stiffness in my joints and I then experienced a small flare-up (I have Rheumatoid Arthritis). I ordered some more of the skin elixir and will not go without it for any longer than one day.

No testing has been done on it's effects on joints, it is only recommended for skin, hair and nails, but I share my experience in case it helps anyone. You can purchase a 30-day supply of Arbonne's Skin Elixir Collagen Builder here and see how your body reacts, when you do please come back and let me know how you've found it.

This is a vegan supplement (collagen is not vegan, but this is a collagen builder).

Reviewing Skin Elixir Collagen Builder by Arbonne (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.