Swapnaneel Roy on LinkedIn: I recently rewatched the movie "Margin Call" to understand what happened… (2024)

Swapnaneel Roy

Finance Intern | MBA Candidate

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I recently rewatched the movie "Margin Call" to understand what happened and analyse critical financial concepts. The film starts with the firing of Eric Dale, a veteran risk analyst, and his young protégé Peter Sullivan completing his analysis. Peter discovers that the firm's financial models are flawed, and their portfolio of mortgage-backed securities (MBS) is on the verge of collapse. As the news spreads through the firm, the employees face a difficult decision - to expose the truth and risk their careers or to remain silent and continue to profit from the impending disaster.What is a Margin?A Margin allows investors to borrow money from their broker to purchase securities. The investor must maintain a minimum equity percentage in the account, known as the maintenance margin. If the value of the securities falls below this threshold, the broker triggers a margin call, demanding additional funds or securities to bring the account back above the maintenance margin. In Margin Call, Peter's discovery exposes the firm's excessive use of the margin. They were heavily reliant on borrowed money to amplify their gains on MBS, so as the value of MBS declines, the firm's equity also declines.Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS)Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are financial instruments pooled together and sold as bonds to investors. This system allows investors to gain exposure to the housing markets without directly getting involved. Margin Call focuses on a portfolio heavily invested in MBS. As the housing market collapses, many of these mortgages default, leading to a decline in the value of MBS and the portfolio.Credit Default Swaps (CDS)Credit Default Swaps (CDS) allow buyers to protect themselves against the risk of default on a specific debt. The firm uses CDS to hedge their risk associated with MBS. If the mortgages default, the CDS would pay out, mitigating the losses. However, the film reveals that the counterparties to these CDS are similarly exposed to the failing market. This creates a chain reaction, where one loss is interconnected to the other, explaining the interconnection of the financial market.Mark-to-Market accountingMark-to-market accounting requires financial institutions to value their assets at their current market price, regardless of their original purchase price. As the housing market collapses and the value of MBS declines, the firm's mark-to-market value plummets rapidly, triggering the crisis.These were some key concepts referred to in the movie. By understanding these concepts in detail, we can gain an understanding and a deeper appreciation of the complexity and inter-connectedness of the financial system that led to the 2008 crisis.Would you like me to post an analysis of the 2008 Financial Crisis?

  • Swapnaneel Roy on LinkedIn: I recently rewatched the movie "Margin Call" to understand what happened… (2)


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    Associate Partner- kkc & associates LLP

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    Understanding the Nth Default Probability in Layman’s Terms…Let's begin with defaults. In finance, a default happens when an obligor (like a company) fails to meet its debt commitments. The Li model views each obligor's default occurrence as a random event, akin to rolling dice to determine when a default might occur. This randomness is modeled using a Poisson process. Think of each obligor's default risk as a ticking clock, where the time for the next 'tick' (or default) is unpredictable.Each obligor has a distinct "ticking rate" known as the hazard rate, denoted as h_j(t). This rate changes over time and is instrumental in predicting the likelihood of default. The model employs these hazard rates to figure out the probability of default before a specific time, based on a formula involving the exponential distribution. It's akin to estimating the likelihood of rain tomorrow, given today's weather patterns.Defaults do not happen in isolation. The Li model utilizes a mathematical construct called a copula to interlink these individual default probabilities. Picture a spider web, with each strand representing an obligor's default risk. The copula is akin to the web itself, demonstrating how these strands (defaults) are interconnected.Central to this web of connections is the correlation matrix, symbolized as ρ. It assesses how the default of one obligor might influence another. For example, if two companies are closely related, the default of one might raise the likelihood of the other's default.To compute the nth default probability, the Li model employs a Monte Carlo simulation — a technique that uses repeated random sampling to forecast outcomes. The simplified process involves generating random numbers, transforming them into a normal distribution, applying a correlation matrix, converting the results to predict default times for each obligor, and finally evaluating the financial impact of these defaults over time.In real-world applications, this model aids in pricing and managing risk in financial products like CDOs (Collateralized Debt Obligations). It offers insights not just into when an obligor might default but also how these defaults are interconnected and their financial ramifications.The formula pivotal to this model, which calculates the probability of default before a certain time T, is:P(τ_j < T) = 1 - e^(- ∫_0^T h_j(s) ds)Where:- P(τ_j < T) represents the probability that the default time τ_j for the j-th obligor occurs before a specific time T.- The expression e^(- ∫_0^T h_j(s) ds) involves the exponential function and the integral of the hazard rate h_j(s) from 0 to T, calculating the likelihood that the j-th obligor does not default by time T.- 1 - e^(- ∫_0^T h_j(s) ds) yields the probability of the obligor defaulting before time T.#LiModel #CreditRisk #DefaultProbability #RiskManagement #CreditDerivatives #CDOs #QuantitativeFinance #HazardRates #PoissonProcess #CopulaModel #CorrelationMatrix

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Swapnaneel Roy on LinkedIn: I recently rewatched the movie &quot;Margin Call&quot; to understand what happened… (28)

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Swapnaneel Roy on LinkedIn: I recently rewatched the movie &quot;Margin Call&quot; to understand what happened… (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.