Her Majesties' Champions - Chapter 4 - Haedrean (2024)

Chapter Text

Quests And Punishment (How I Met A Handsome Goat, A Bull and A Dying Tree)

It happened so quickly.

Mother left and Jason half expects the legion to just stand in shock. What he did not expect was the Legion to start gunning for his head.

There’s a beat of silence as everyone takes the time to just digest the revelation. Some looks at him in betrayal, some looks like they’ve just come to a realisation, and a few just looks in shock. His own Cohort looks like they’ve been struck.

He gets it, he does.

Lies that could inadvertently harm the Legion is a crime.

Praetor Connor straightens himself and those blue eyes turn to him with something akin to resolve. He eyes Jason warily like he’s about to bolt, looking, searching until he finds it and turns grim.

Jason’s never been a good liar. What did he see? Was it the guilt? Or was it resignation?

“Centurion Grace,” The title feels like acid now in his tongue, “You’ve been caught red-handed committing the crimes of falsehood.”

“Stop!” Surprisingly, it’s the Praetor Candidate that steps forward. Jason blinks at the furious teen and wonders why she’s so upset. “You have no proof of him bearing knowledge of his parentage.”

“Come on!” Octavian, who has since been in a state of shock, balks. He points at Jason with a sneer. “He clearly knows! He doesn’t look surprised.”

“Have you gained the ability to read people now Octavian?” Reyna sneers back.

“Typical.” The Augur scoffs. “Always defending Grace.”

“This has nothing to do with that! This is about the law and procedures that needs to be followed.”

Jason turns to his cohort and frowns when they just turn away. Yeah, he’s guilty, there’s no doubt, but it’s nice to know someone has his back. [1]

“Umm,” a voice squeaks from the crowd. The troops in front of the voice parts and Jason could see a small boy with platinum blond hair and striking brown eyes that glistens almost deep vermillion red. He hisses at [Archive] as the gift vomits all information it can find on the boy.

Cale Crossman.

Son of Fides

First Cohort.

Ten years old.

Probatio for the next one month.

Gift: [Veritas]

‘f*ck.’ Jason winces. He’s screwed.

“And you are?” Praetor Diaz asks.

The boy marches, his heavy armour dangling over his small frame. He lifts his helmet and give the Praetors and Reyna a salute. “Probatio Crossman m’am. Son of Fides. First Cohort.” [2]

“The Goddess of Good Faith, Trust and Honesty.” Reyna surmise to Octavian who looks confused. He can’t blame them. Fides is not that well known and the Daimona rarely has children if not at all. [3]

“And how can you help?” Octavian asks. His voice is void of the usual sneer. It might be because the boy is well, a boy, or it could be because he’s from Octavian’s cohort.

“My gift sir, Octavian, sir!” The boy graciously inform while dooming Jason in that cute pre-pubescent voice equipped with his boyish face. It’s always the children that damns you. “It’s [Veritas]. I can make people tell the truth.”

The sick gleam in Octavian’s eyes is all Jason needs to know that he’d been caught. He has to wonder why his Mother does this. She’ll never let harm befall him. What’s her reason? Does she think that her issuing a personal quest would bypass the Senate? Claiming him as hers would ensure him more protection?

Jason knows she doesn’t mean harm but well, she’s not human. She can’t possibly understand mortal nuances.

And lies…

The punishment for that.

“I think.” Praetor Diaz’s voice broke the scene. She steps forward with a fierce glare and her black curls in a high ponytail. “That we all need to step back.” She raises her hand at her partner’s indignation. “By law, we cannot judge Centurion Grace without a trial. Considering that Lady Juno has issued Jason Grace a personal quest and appoint him as her ambassador, we shall expedite both issues. Summon the senate.”

The centurion’s of each Cohort nodded and march away. Alexandra looks torn but a nod from Jason makes her nod. She assigns Gwendolyn and Dakota as her replacement and left.

Praetor Diaz continues her steps until she’s standing before him. She slips her hand into her pocket and pulled out a pair of golden cuffs. Resignedly, Jason offers his wrists. “Jason Grace, by law, you are detained until trial. Have faith that you’ll survive this.” Rosalita Diaz tries to reassure him. She doesn’t have to. He already knows he is.

“The Fifth Cohort won’t survive this.” Jason grimaces. They’ll end up right back before Jason take charge. They’ll become the outcast again. The one looked down on and hazed against.

Praetor Diaz nods in understanding. Politics is a game they both know well. The only way to salvage this is to prove his innocence. Any less, despite his punishment, then the Fifth Cohort would be smeared in shame.

“I’m sorry.”

It doesn’t matter. He knows how this ends.


He never thought he’ll be behind bars.

Technically, he’s behind golden bars but who’s arguing semantics.

Falsehood. [4]

His charge is falsehood against the Legion.

The punishment is normally death. Ugh… What’s with Roman laws and death. Jason spent years trying to make up judgements that could at least lead to demigods surviving. Now he’s on the other side and the first person’s going to ask for his death would be Octavian.

Footsteps echoes down the hall. Jason perks up, heart beating wildly between elation and worry.

‘Alexandra.’ His mind supplied as he sees glimpses of olive skin and short hair. He’s surprised to find a familiar boy walking next to her with a shy looking girl.

“Jason!” Oliver frowns at the bars. He wraps his fingers around them and pulls at one of the golden bars. “They shouldn’t do this to you. You’re pack!”

Jason can’t help the sad smile he gives the boy.

“You knew.” Alexandra whispers. She looks at him with deep brownish red eyes and frowns. “You knew about being Juno’s son. You kept it a secret. Why?”

He can give a million excuses. He can tell her it’s nobody’s business but, “It was mine.” He confesses. “It was something of mine that nobody gets to know, gets to hold. Being a Son of Jupiter means nothing is mine.”

Alexandra nods. Jason wonders if she really does get what he mean. “This won’t end well. Oliver here is being assigned to the Fifth and he heard about you. This is Clorinde.” She points to the short girl next to Oliver who has beautiful brown hair. “Daughter of Cardea. She’s joining the Fifth as well. Saw them coming here and looking shifty and had to make sure they’re not planning a breakout.” [5]

“I wasn’t!” Oliver scowls. He crosses his arms and lifts his chin. “If I were, I wouldn’t have gotten caught!”

“Umm… Aren’t we?” Clorinde blinks shyly.

“No, Rin! Shh.” He shushes her and the poor girl leans back red in the face.

Alexandra sighs and signals to Jason to say ‘See what I mean?’

Jason chuckles and turns to the two Probatio. “Please don’t get into trouble for me. Welcome Clorinde. And I’m glad you’re in my cohort, Oliver.” Though he’s not sure how the Fifth is going to be when this is all over. “How bad is it?”

Alexandra purses her lips and scrunches her nose. “Not good. They’re gunning for banishment.”

Banishment. [6]

[Arbiter] is silent. His gift always is when it concerns crime Jason commits. Banishment is a punishment no legionnaire wants. They’ll be forbidden from entering the gates. The magic around Camp Jupiter will ensure so.

“I’m sure Octavian is happy.” Jason tries finding the good in this. If anyone would be glad Jason’s leaving, it would be him.

“No he isn’t.” Oliver says. Jason blinks at him. “He’s reminding people that Juno appointed you as an ambassador. He has a daughter of Moneta out there replaying the scene like a movie.” [7]

“He got Alice?” Jason feels stunned. Alice never likes to be part of court matters. Jason tried for years.

“Oliver’s right.” Alexandra nods. “Octavian got her to prove his case. He’s arguing against banishment.”

“Does he want my head?” Because frankly, that’s the only reason he can see why Octavian is defending him.

Alexandra looks equally confused and shrugs. There’s another sound of the doors opening and Jason sees a familiar pair of child of Mars and child of Spes.

“Centurion Candidate Alexandra?” The daughter of Mars stops in her tracks. She looks at two of the Probatio confusedly. “Why are you three here?”

“Susan. We’re visiting.”

“Visiting…” Susan mumbles to herself in disbelief then shakes her head. “There’s nothing to be done.” She looks at Jason somewhere between scorn and pity. “They’ve already decided. He has no right of say. His crimes are too serious.”

“Surely there’s something?” Alexandra pleads.

“Please, don’t make this harder.” The Son of Spes sighs. He passes the three cohort members and unlocks the door. Jason stands and offers his cuffed hands. “At this point, I normally give people hope to ease them in facing punishment.”

Jason grimaces. There’s no hope for him. He knows where this is going. Mother won’t allow him to be killed. It would mess with her plans and she’ll raze Camp Jupiter to the ground. “It’s fine Marco.”

The Son of Spes nods.

Oliver runs towards them and tugs at his shirt hard. “I’ll always believe in you.”

The Son of Jupiter smiles and reaches out to ruffle the boy’s hair. “That means a lot.”

Susan and Marco pulls at his cuffs. He’s lead through familiar halls that he always passes to visit any accused. He’s never been on the other side. The path is adorn with pictures of historical criminals and depiction of punishment. A son of Orcus and his sister went crazy when designing the prison halls. The picture looks so lifelike that he thinks they’ve gotten a child of Minerva to draw the tapestries. [8]

He passes through the small arch and is blinded by how bright the Senate House is. It’s not usual for it to be this way. The roof is tilted open and Jason realises that this is bigger than he thought. They only ever open the roof when they’re making it a scene to the Gods. [9]

Jason stands by the podium with his guards flanking his back. The seats are full that even the older retires Legionnaires are in attendance. Jason makes out his old Centurion when he was three, a legacy of Jupiter, and has to fight the scowl. He notes how Octavian is shuffling uneasily in his seat next to the Praetors whilst Reyna looks resigned.

“Silence.” Praetor Connor commands. His voice rings with power and every mouth snaps shut, leaving only a silent buzz and the sound of heavy wind. “Jason Grace, you are on trial for the crimes of Falsehood. By law, your testimony would be inadmissible. Luckily, we have a way to pull out the truth.”

“Praetor Connor.” Octavian speaks. “He’s an Ambassador of Juno. Surely we can’t be putting him on trial for this. As her charge, we would be angering her.”

“For once, I agree with Centurion Augustus.” Reyna supports. It’s rare to see them on the same side but Jason can feel a sense of long standing camaraderie between them. It feels like this a routine they’ve fell back on that have been left in shambles for years and only now they’re picking up the pieces.

“Your complaints are noted.” Praetor Connor waves them off, earning a scoff from Praetor Diaz. “The fact that Juno herself has yet to strike me is a sign in my favour. Legionnaire Crossman, proceed.”

The ten years old nods and gone was the shaky boy. He walks with purpose, looking every bit a practiced leader. Jason’s [Archive] clicks into place. It’s rare for the gift to add supplementary information. It only happens when [Archive] found something else of importance.

Cale Crossman.

Firstborn son of Alver Crossman.

Heir to Roan Corporation.

‘Great. An heir. What did I expect from the First Cohort.’ Jason scowls. The Cohort is filled with heirs and heiresses. Jason would have been in it if he didn’t get picked up by the Fifth because nobody knows how to take care of a toddler in the First.

“Sorry, for this.” The boy apologises. He reaches out with tiny stubby fingers and grabs Jason’s wrist. His eyes glows red and Jason can feel the urge to run his tongue coming strong. Something in his head seems to still and he feels both [Arbiter] and [Archive] recoiling. They don’t like it when something inhibits their control. The boy turns to the Praetors and nod.

“Begin the questioning.” Praetor Connor orders.

The boy licks his lips and looks at Jason steely. “State your name and age.”

“Jason Grace, fourteen.”

“Where do you live?”

“Camp Jupiter, Twelfth Legion Fulminata, New Rome, California.”

“Everything’s in order.” Cale reaffirms. The crowd leans in anticipation. “Are you a Son of Jupiter?”


“Are you also a Son of Juno?”

“Yes.” Jason answers defeatedly. The crowd clammers in shock. It’s a play on their reaction as if they didn’t see what Alice showed them earlier. Jason would have believed it he didn’t know the Daughter of Moneta was involved. There’s whispers of blasphemy and some outcry that Jason can’t be a child of both gods if he’s a half blood.

“Did you know, before today, that you were a son of Juno?”

“Yes.” The Senate House stills and the air crackles with static. The Senators look to the sky where the clouds have turned grey.

‘Father is witnessing. He’s angry. He didn’t know.’

“How long have you known?”

“Nine years.” Thunder booms in the sky.

“That’s enough.” Praetor Diaz speaks. Legionnaire Crossman pulls his hands back and Jason’s gift re-settles. “The crimes have been establish.” She turns to her fellow Senators who nods quickly. They all seem to not want to make a further spectacle in case his Father decides to strike him here and now and kill the rest of them in close quarters. “I believe we’ve decided on the punishment?”

“Indeed.” Praetor Connor agrees. He straightens in his chair. Jason looks at him from the podium and he refuses to cower before a son of Hercules. “Jason Grace, the Senate had voted prior to calling you. You are called merely to establish guilt. One I’ve suspected and now everyone witnessed.”

“How long have you known?” Jason asks.

“It’s a blessing from my father, to always be aware where Juno is.” In other words he’s always known. Due to Hercules’s past with Juno he must have grown paranoid and gave all his children the ability to be aware of her. He’s never had a chance. “The Senate has agreed that should you be found guilty, you are to be banished.” The Senators all stares in silence. Jason’s old Centurion looks practically gleeful. Octavian looks like he’s mourning something. “Considering you are an Ambassador to Juno, we cannot simply restrict your entry to our borders. Hence, our ruling.” Praetor Connor turns to a teen with muscular arms and pale grey eyes. Jason recognises her as his substitute when he can’t stand trial.

‘Gillian Pierce.’ Jason notes. ‘Daughter of Justitia, Second Cohort. Gift is [Divine Scale].’

A lesser form of [Arbiter]. It can’t punish but rather just imposed a sanction and reward simultaneously. Often used during civil cases where [Arbiter] is mainly not needed.

“Jason Grace.” Gillian stands. She unfurls her scroll of judgement and reads. The air around her condenses and he can see it in a way that only children of the Big Three can. A large silver scale shimmers above her with a sword as the pillar. It’s weighted heavily on the left side. “You are found guilty of Falsehood. By vote, we declared that you are no longer to serve the Legion and as such the Legion shall no longer serve you.” The scale tips slightly to the right.

Banishment and excommunication.

Jason trails the brand on his hand with a bitter feeling. Eleven years of service and they throw him out for one secret. It’s only proof that a flawed child of Jupiter is a dead child of Jupiter.

‘What did you expect?’ The voice in his head sneers. ’We’re failures as a Son of Jupiter.’

“However, following your appointment as Juno’s Ambassador prior to your treachery,” Just wait until he actually works with the Greeks. Then they’ll see treachery, “you are permitted re-entry only as an agent of another institution.”

He’s screwed.

She’s basically saying that he has to join another camp before he can come back. He’ll be cementing his position as a traitor to them. To make it worse, they don’t know there is a Greek Camp. They’re hoping for him to die in the wild.

“So decreed.” Gillian finishes.

The scales behind her equalizes and the sword pillar glows. The scale breaks into silver dusts and the wind carries into the sky through the open roof. Jason has never been more thankful for [Arbiter]. Nothing can bind him other than his own gift. But he knows they’ll at least make sure to act on it.

Jason turns to the crowd. They’re smiling in satisfaction. His own Cohort looks on their podium and are afraid to meet his eyes. Alexandra and Oliver are glaring at Praetor Connor. Reyna looks tired and Octavian looks stoney.

“Centurion Augustus.” Praetor Diaz’s voice silence the crowd. “Let him pack his things and then lead him out. No Legionnaires are to approach him. He is now in exilium.” [10]

Octavian’s eyes met his and Jason flinches when he sees an unfamiliar feeling.


“Yes, Praetor.”


“I never thought you’d be the one to send me off.” Jason grimaces. He steadies his backpack filled with his meagre belongings; a map, three sets of clothes, his favourite yellow hoodie, his favourite water bottle, some ambrosia, two vials of unicorn draught and two pouches of aureus. [11]

Octavian seems content to ignore him as they walk straight to the gate. Jason tries his best to ignore the whispers amongst the Legion but [Archive] is not having it. He would prefer to hear Octavian rant and raves. Jumping Jupiter, he would take Octavian gloating even. The silence is just eery. Octavian’s rarely silent. It’s honestly freaking him out.

They walk in that eery silence until they pass the main gate and Jason internally cheers at the lack of gossip.

“You know.” Octavian’s voice is soft that it makes Jason stumbles. His entire life in the Legion he has heard Octavian screaming, laughing, talking, being dramatic and even wailing. He never heard soft. “I never wanted this.”

“This?” Jason says intelligently.

“You being banished. I never have a problem with you.”

Jason blinks at the confession. The world tilts around him and his perspective of Octavian moves and slots like puzzle pieces finally finding the right spot. “Then why did you?”

Octavian turns and for once, he looks his age. Just a sixteen years old boy who’s sad and tired. Not the politician sneering at Jason’s every move or the Augur playing at the dramatics. He’s just Octavian Augustus.

“It’s never about you.” Octavian wipes his face with an exasperated groan. “It’s about the position and my ambition and just…”


“It’s about Reyna…”

“Reyna?” Jason flinches like’s he’s being slapped. “Why? And how? And…” Nothing about Octavian’s action makes sense if it’s about her. Then, come to think of it, Octavian was never mean to him before Reyna appears in the Legion after some time. He looks at Octavian’s scowl and the way his eyes seems to trickle with held-back tears.

“She’s always talking about you.” The Augur whispers. “Since she knows about you she goes on and on about you. I was jealous. Still am…”

“Are you into her?” Because that’s the only conclusion he can think of. “Because, look. I’m not interested at all. I don’t get interested in people unless I’m close with them and —”

“What?” Octavian blinks owlishly then he laughs. It’s also the first time Jason hears him laugh. His body shakes and the laugh dances all the way into his bouncing hair. Jason never thought he says this but Octavian actually looks soft. If he smiles more, he’ll get guys and girls coming at him like bees. The guy wipes the tears from his eyes and tries to calm himself. “Oh, gods. That’s a good one.” He shakes his head then straightens with a deep breath. “No, no. I’m gay. I’m as gay as they come. Apollo himself doesn’t need to give an oracle for people to see that. I mean look at me.” The teen teasingly grins as he waves over himself.

“Oh… I didn’t want to assume.” Now he just sounds lame.

“No, I’m not into Reyna.” Octavian’s smile drops. “She was my best friend you know? We had dreams together and wanted to build a life around one another. Then one day she saw you and everything just falls apart. It’s suddenly Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter, Fifth Cohort Hero! I’m a Centurion too but all they see is the Augur. If they could just give me chance to prove myself!” [12]

“I’m sorry.” Jason croaks. He doesn’t quite feel bad for it. It’s Reyna’s fault for dropping Octavian and leading to Jason’s miserable, at least until ten minutes ago, tenure as Centurion with Octavian at his heels.

“It’s fine. You’re not to blame.” Octavian shrugs. He reaches into his jeans and pulls out a small panda purse. He shoves it at Jason’s chest and struggles to catch it.

Jason fumbles and glares at the teen but is caught surprised by a purse full of, “Mortal money?”

“It’s the least I can do.” Octavian ducks his head and Jason he can see his ears reddening. The teen clears his throat and once more he’s the Octavian Jason knew all these years. It must be the nostalgia hitting him that he finds it comforting.

Does nostalgia hit when you haven’t left home?

The Augur stands tall and raises his hand in salute. “Fare travels, Centurion Grace. I shall pray to the gods to bless your journey.”

Jason swallows, his throat closing tight. He blinks the tears away and clenches the purse tight. He copies Octavian and raises his own salute. “Likewise, Centurion Augustus. May the gods guide you to victory..”

They both drops their hands and Octavian gives him one last smile. “I’m going to miss fighting you.”

Jason nods. “Same.”

The Augur steels his face into a frown and turns around. Jason stands there and watch as his life long rival crosses the gate. It strikes him that this is the first time he understands Octavian. It truly feels like a chapter in his life is ending.

As the gate closes before him and the glow of Jupiter’s blessing trickles over the golden bars, Jason firms himself and looks to the mountain sky.

“A new chapter awaits.”


He’s lost.

The realisation came about as the sun begins to glare at him. He tried flying to find out where he’s headed but the trees are too thick that the winds seem to be blocked.

It’s about ten minutes in, with the sun above him and his stomach growling that Jason begins to wonder whether this is part of New Rome’s defences against outsiders. He heard rumours of electric fence, hidden landmines and supposedly a dragon.

He must have gone crazy because he can swear that the trees are talking. They’re rhyming words he can barely make out.

“Seven half-bloods…”

“… Fallen prince shall rise,”

“… Final stand.”

“… See the world…”

“To storm…”

“What on Gaea’s green earth.” Jason whispers. He pulls out IVLIVS and flips it. It lands as a gladius that Jason gratefully clenches. The only sound he can hear, other than rhyming, crazy trees, are his own sneakers digging into dried leaves. It’s another oddity since he knows it’s supposed to be snowing and Camp Jupiter is the only place free of snow due to the enchantments.

If he wanted snow, he’ll visit New Rome instead but the outside world should snow.

A whirring arrow flies past him and Jason’s immediately on guard. He turns to the direction of the archer’s smell and sees a mostly naked young man dressed in vines with grapes dangling around his waist. The guy glares with steely pink eyes and his wild brown curls sway parts around curly horns.

Overall, the man looks like an R-Rated ram-horned much handsome and mature Peter Pan, if Peter Pan has pink eyes.

There’s a giant silvery dog next to him that looks adorable if not for how it’s ready to bite Jason’s head off.

Emphasis on the giant.

The dog’s bigger than the Faun. It doesn’t smell wolfish and it has a shorter snout than one. It smells canid but more. It also has flecks of golden feathers littered around its hinds, scruff and ears. The feather seems to reflect light and crackle with static.

“You’re trespassing, demigod.” Goat Peter Pan glares. His fingers tighten on the fletching and the dog’s blue eyes narrow. “We don’t do well with trespassers in the groves.”

“Wait!” Jason turns IVLIVS back into a golden coin and lifts both hands up. “I’m just trying to find my way out. I’ve been walking and I got lost.”

“Likely story. You reek of the Ouranic King’s scent. Surely you can fly out?”

‘Ouranic? Is that another word for Olympians?’ He shakes his head and focuses back on the angry archer.

“Something’s in my way.” Jason says. “I can prove it! I’ve tried but I’ve been blocked. I thought it was the forest itself.”

He would fly to prove a point if not of the risk of being shot like a hunted eagle. The Faun looks at the sky with suspicion then turns to the large fluffy bear-like dog. The dog yips and the Faun un-draws his arrow and places it back into his wooden quiver.

“If Laelaps finds you tolerable, then you bear no ill will.”


“Aye. Your folks call him Canis Major now.”

‘Us folks?’ Jason blinks. ‘Romans? Is this a Greek Faun? What were they called again? Satyrs? Wait, that’s a dog!’

“You’re a Satyr?” He eyes the lack of goat legs.

“I am the One Who Tames the Wild, the Vines of Intoxication, the Essence of Desire. I am Ampelos, the immortal Deity of the Grapevine. It is from my blood that the first wine is made.” Goat Peter Pan — Ampelos — puffs his bare chest. “And you are Roman, no? I believe they still tell my tale?”

“Yes, Lord Ampelos. Jason Grace, Demigod Son of Jupiter and Juno.” Jason bows.

He’s heard of the god. At least he thinks a god? The Faun lover of Bacchus and the first grapevine. Killed by Selene out of jealousy when he brags for managing to riding a wild bull. [13]

The god grimaces. “I see. You are more divine than mortal then. The second of your kind.”

“My kind?”

The god shrugs. Ampelos looks behind Jason in worry then motions for him to follow. “Let’s continue our conversation elsewhere. There have been trespassers abound lately. Stay close less you be lunch to our guards”

Jason cautiously glances to the trees and tugs his backpack tight. He can make out slitted eyes and vague hissing. Ampelos turns and the giant dog waits for Jason to jog next to them before following. The dog sways his large bushy tail made of pleated golden feathers.

“You mentioned my kind?”

The god looks ahead in silence. After a few seconds, Jason of the opinion he’s been ignored. At least until the god speaks. “Aye. A few decades back, the Chthonic Royals celebrated the first of your kind; A Prince of the Dead. As their in-laws, I was naturally invited. It was a lovely celebration, despite the pain. I believe it’s been seventy years since? More or less.” Jason gapes. Could it be? But Nico doesn’t look anything close to twenty, let alone seventy. “Where are you headed, demigod?”

“Oh, umm. I’m heading to the Underworld, Lord Ampelos. A quest for the ropes of Ocnus.”

“Ocnus’s ropes. Many are searching. Much like the groves.”

“What do you mean?” Jason asks. He stares at the dog-bird thing as he circles in front of them, waiting for the two to catch up.

‘Laelaps… King Minos’s dog?’ Jason queries. [Archive] ruffles through his mind and pulls out a vague information Jason had read. ‘Zeus’s gift to Europa. The name means ‘hurricane’.’ [12]

“There’s been divine blooded mortals trying to reach the grove. Each time Laelaps and I manage to drive them off.”

“Divine blooded? Do you mean demigods?” Jason can’t fathom why. New Rome has never sent anyone to scout this deep in the forest and Jason doesn’t think that the Greek Gods would allow their demigods this close to enemy camp. “Why? What’s so important about this grove?”

Ampelos glances at him from the corner of his eyes and sigh. “This is Rhea’s Grove.” [14]

“You mean Ops.” Jason corrects and shuts his mouth at the god’s glare. The god stops and turns at him with rage filled face. He never thought that a man who looks so youthful could also look so angry.

Rhea is her name. Ops and Rhea has no difference. Some of us prefers that way. I myself bears no distinction amongst your kind.” Laelaps barks and whines at them and the two continues their trek with Jason feeling properly chastised. “I apologise for my rage. The conflation of Romans and Greeks have cause a lot of my friends pain.”

Jason turns to the god with a frown. Laelaps trots next to Jason with a huff, clearly tired of their slow travels. “Is it that bad? I always thought they evolved to become Roman. More like growing up?”

“Nae.” The Satyr shakes his head. “The Greeks have been here since the dawn of time. The Roman Gods were born alongside them but they became entangled with their worshippers and even then, some begin taking and changing the Greeks. The Merging occurred and the gods begin fighting with themselves and eventually, they succumbed to madness and rage. Only a few of us were spared. I see my lover torn into three and it was a scene I never wanted to see again.”

“Three?” As far as Jason knows, Dionysus is only known as Bacchus.

“It doesn’t matter. The point remains that many is trying to reach the Groves.”


“Power and wealth, lad. What else do mortals desire from the ability to see the future? One half of the Grove is near the Greeks, another is here. It was meant to help the demigods but the Romans had forgotten. The lack of protection makes it easier for others to seek it.”

Jason purses his lips in thought.

Ampelos has a point.

Jason had lived eleven years in the legion and he had never noticed the grove. In fact, Octavian has been lamenting and mooning the Sibylline Books since forever and would have gunned for Ops’s Grove if he knew.

“I think it’s because the Grove is Greek that we Romans are not aware of them.” He offers as an excuse. Even that feels wrong in his mouth.

“It does not matter. It had given refuge for us.”

“Refuge? Us?”

They reach an arch made of oaks. The trees around them are still rhyming prophecies in incomplete lines that they sound gibberish. It’s maddening to know that they’ve been in dire need of an oracle and there’s just a bunch of trees right outside their gates. Ampelos pulls out a pan flute from somewhere and starts playing. There’s nothing coming out of the flute but Jason could feel a wave of divine surge floating in the air. The arbor in front of him glows and he could make out a faint trace of two figures, one kneeling and the other lying on a wooden something.

“Get on the dog. Only us two may walk in.”

Jason nods. Laelaps stares at him and barks. He reaches out to scratch the bird-dog by the ear and smiles at the content face it makes. Slowly, he tugs on a feather and earns a growl. He switches and touches the silver fur instead. He jumps up and the dog shakes his head, causing Jason to struggle to sit in place.

Ampelos walks on and Laelaps follows. They past through the arbor with a gentle wave of static prickling his skin accompanied by a scent of grapes.

The first thing Jason notes is that there are two gods in the space they entered. The trees around them are denser but they also shimmer like an illusion. It’s as if the trees exist outside of wherever this is and that they merely curve around in a dome of divine protection.

There’s a burly man with curly brown hair dressed in clothes that makes him look wrapped in tree barks. It’s a simple leathery tunic with green sash. The man’s eyes are a faded green and he’s lying on a bed of a large wooden stump with heavy breath. The worse parts is that the man’s form is translucent.

‘A fading god.’ The voice in his head whispers. For once, it sounds sad. ‘It’s always sad when a god passes.’

Jason turns to the other man, a youthful androgynous man with ashen pale skin and strong jaw. His hair is a wild long trail of deep neon purple that tapers into glowing burning blue tied in a long braid. The man has a large black bull horn that turns glowing blue at the tip. The horn itself has seven ridges each and it curves around the man’s hair like a crown. The god, obviously, is dressed in a deep purple waistcoat over his bare body, baggy white pants with emerald and gold cuffs that matches his shining emerald and gold bangles.

Jason honestly mistakes him for Nico at first. He can see the similarities between this man and the demigod. If Nico grows a bit and decided horns and purple are his thing and dresses like a Rapunzel vagabond then, yes.

“My Love?” The vagabond’s voice ripples in a soothing tenor. His ruby eyes turn from Jason to Ampelos and then back to Jason.

“I bring a lost soul. He seeks to go to the Underworld.”

“So he needs my help?”

It’s then Jason processed the endearment and realises,

“You’re Bacchus.” He expects the god to flicker but nothing. The god raised his eyebrow and delivers the most unimpressed look he can muster, which is also quite scary on his androgynous look.

“Ah, my Roman cousin.”

“We’re half-brothers.” And Jason’s screaming alongside the voice in his head to shut up.

“No. You’re thinking of Old Dionysus.” The god shakes his head and stops with an amused smile. “Often a mistake thanks to the many Dionysus in myths. I am the first and second Dionysus. The son of Hades and Persephone, twin-born to Zagreus. Dionysus Chthonios at your service, or Dionysus Bromius, God of Epiphany, Wine, and the Medium between the Dead and the Living. You can call me Dio.” [15][16]

“What? How can you be a son of Hades?”

“Ah, you’re talking about that whole Zeus turning into a serpent. I blame Orpheus’s people.” The god waves him off and begin fretting on his coughing and smiling friend. “Did you know that Zeus’s name is not his name?”


“Yes, Zeus was first and foremost my father’s name; Zeus Meilichios. When he ruled the Underworld, he took the epithet of Hades, the Hidden One, as to not confuse more mortals and it stuck. And that snake thing with mother? That was a sex thing.” [17]

“A s-sex ….” Jason stammers into a squeak and presses his hands against his warming cheek. Laelaps snickers from under him. He then freezes. “You mean, my dad was not Zeus?”

“He is and he was. Rhea loved Hades and so she name her surviving son Zeus, after him.”

Jason can see why a mother would do so but he can also see why his father would be bitter and somehow ensure he became King so he can surpass his older brother’s shadow.

‘It’s a huge shadow.’

‘Yet, Hades seems to be a better god.’ The voice notes and Jason recoils at the knowledge he has on that.

He numbly climbs down the dog and pats it. Laelaps licks him with a long stripe causing him to be drenched in drool with his hair sticking out. Dio chuckles and snaps his fingers. A gust of grape scented wind and Jason’s entirely slobber free.

“Thank you.” Jason combs his fingers through his hair. He walks closer to the two gods with Ampelos walking behind him. He can feel the power radiating from the fading god but it feels more mortal. Laelaps whines sadly. “What happened to you?”

“That’s quite rude.” The god chides then chuckles with a cough. “I am fading mortal.”

“He’s a victim of your stupid Roman and Greek conflation.” Ampelos sneers. [18]

“Victim?” Jason swallows.

“My Love, please.” Dio pleads. “Not in front of Faunus.”

The god, Faunus, raises a faded hand to rest on Dio’s. “It is fine my friend. Ampelos only speaks the truth. My time is waning and perhaps,” he looks at Jason, “our friend here can help.”

“How can I help?” Jason asks eagerly. He normally doesn’t offer help to gods incautiously but there’s nothing he won’t do to help someone on their death bed, god or not.

“Listen to my tale, child. All I want is for someone to know my story before I pass.”

Jason nods easily. He slides his pack to the ground and takes a seat beside the god and next to Dio.

Faunus shuffles until he’s more comfortable on the stump and looks to the sky where the trees part. The light breaching the leaves cascade in golden waves and his eyes turned cloudy with a faraway look; memories hidden beneath his hazy the mind. “There used to be many of us in the beginning. Gods, that is. We were born of nature and we shall remain with nature. I was one of the oldest Romans, a grandson of Saturn, wild and free. I had a close friend, Pan, son of Hermes. One day, the Romans saw us and began telling tales of our appearance. We were mentioned together, and then we became one.”

Jason blinks and gape. He turns to Dio, wondering if that’s how gods merge and why? Dio grimaces as if remembering a pained past. Ampelos’s fist tightens next to him and digs into the stump, chipping away on the wooden surface.

Faunus turns to him, raising a hand to pat Jason’s own. “Pan and I cannot co-exist. We are two very different beings. I am a god who changes gender and am an Oracle deity and he is the god of the Wild. I govern nature and oracle as Faunus and Fatuus and the act of intercourse as Inuus whilst Pan only governs the wild. My friend, my best friend…” Faunus broke into soft whimper. Ampelos gently rakes his hands through the dying god’s hair. “He begins fading as the Wild recedes. He doesn’t want me to do the same. So, like an impulsive fool, he took a measure to split us and he ran and hid. One day, words came of sailors beckoning, “The God Pan is dead!”” Jason jumps in his seat and Faunus chuckles. His voice sounds hollow like it’s fading alongside his body. “My Romans thought to mean it was me and despite my friend’s best effort to spare me, I was dragged. My impulsive friend… Now I am fading and soon, this grove, Rhea’s Grove, Tibur’s Grove, will disappear with me.”[19]

Jason swallows the lump of grief in his chest and breathes back his tears. “There must be some way to save you. Lord Pan did not sacrifice himself just for you to die!” A soft, barely there, touch squeezes against Jason’s hand.

“Lad, a god fades in time but new gods will be born. That is the way of life. I might be the first Faunus but I shall not be the last. It is best that I die now.”

Jason scowls but sighs tiredly.

Faunus then grimaces and turns to Dio. “Are the intruders still here?”

“Yes. They have the Sorcerer King with them.” Dio notes. He co*cks his head as if listening to something and frowns back. The trees around them flicker and turns solid for a moment and Laelaps growl, his muzzle pulling back to unveil glistening sharp teeth that looks like diamonds. “They have breached my leopards. That blasted son of Helios is burning the groves! It will not be long, my friend.”

“What’s happening?” Jason can feel the urgency rising in him. The static caused by [Arbiter] is pulling taut at his very being. The Centurion part of him is already planning a war strategy. [Archive] plays a mental map in his head of the forest and runs through all probable points from the arbor. “Why are they doing this?”

He doesn’t get it. Who are the ones attacking? Where did they come from? Why are they after Oracles? There’s so many missing informations and it’s frightening.

Faunus squeezes his hand once more to steady him. “Child, what is your name?”

“Jason Grace, Lord Faunus.”

“Do me a favour?” Jason nods. “When I pass, Dio will seal my essence to avoid a calamity. The grove, my powers, all of it will be bottled. You are headed to the Underworld correct?” Jason nods again. “There are whispers that the royalty there has a lover who was once a woman and now a man.”

Dio’s eyes widened and Jason asks Faunus just to make sure. “Do you mean Tiresias?”

“Nae.” Ampelos shakes his head. “Tiresias is honoured but not loved by my in-laws.” Jason files that note for later.

“Is he back?” Dio frowns. “Mother has kept silent on matters. Last I heard, Zagreus is training our brother.”

‘Brother?’ Jason’s head snap to Dio before turning back to Faunus.

“Find him and give him my powers. He will be the new Faunus. He will take my name and my throne and, with Inevitability’s blessing, he will be spared my Fate due to being a new god.”

The grove flickers again and this time the forest stayed solid stronger. Dio stands and sweet-scented wind coalesces in his hand with whispers of the dead into polished white thyrsus. [20]

“My serpents have fell.” Dionysus glares at the arbor. He tilts his head again and Jason can see his red eyes glowing like boiling blood. Power radiates in full force out of him, squeezing Jason’s very being. “Chariclo… They are joined by Perses’s daughter. Traitorous nymph of Chiron.” [21]

Ampelos stands and walks next to his lover with his bow ready. “Then we shall make our stand.”

“It is dangerous love.” Dio whines, tracing his fingers over Ampelos’s chin then jaw. Jason blushes furiously at the displayed devotion. It seems like Dio is trying to seduce the other into not fighting.

“I am still a god.” Ampelos defiantly glare. “As old as you are, I am as powerful. Chariclo is a menace. She and the Sorcerer King are of no concern. I can handle them. The mortals are easily fell.”

“I can help.” Jason stands with his shoulders wide. The two gods look at him sceptically. “I have [Arbiter].”

Ampelos sighs. “That means nothing to us child. We are not Romans.”

“It’s a gift of Jupiter. It allows me to punish people. They’re trespassing, hunting.” Jason lets his anger flow into his voice. He lets the venom he feels churning rise.

‘A god is dying.’ The treasonous voice whispers. ‘A god is dying and they dare defile his sacred resting place!’

“I can throw them out, permanently.

Dio looks impress but still wary. Ampelos’s frown turn thoughtful. It’s Faunus who speaks for him. “Let him help, my friends. I would need Dio now. I have not much time.”

Jason turns to Faunus and his chest fills heavy with grief that has yet to come. “Is there no other way?”

Faunus’s smile is soft and melancholic. “Even the gods cannot escape the passing of Time. When I die, I’ll be amongst my brethren and Grandfather in the skies.”

Jason nods despite knowing where Saturn is. He turns to the god, Dio, who opens his mouth probably to correct the dying elder only to be stopped by Ampelos’s gentle touch to his chest. The Grapevine god turns to Jason. “Do you need sight of your prey?”

Jason shakes his head. “As long as they can hear me and I know who we are fighting. But,” he looks around at the frantically shimmering barriers, “not here. The divine power around this place could rebound the effect.”

“My leaves can help.” Ampelos turns to Dio who looks incensed. “We will only be beyond the gates my beloved.”

The Chthonic god sighs and folds his arms with a glare. “Fine.” He grits. “But if I’m done and you’re not, I’m blasting everyone with my divine form!”

“Is that bad?” Jason knows a divine form can incinerate mortals but Dio makes it sound worst.

Ampelos’s nose twitches. “Chthonic divine forms can burn through the soul. No more afterlife and no more coming back.”

Jason pales and turns to the cheekily grinning god. He’s terrifying. He can’t imagine how more Hades would be.

Laelaps pushes his snout over Jason’s cheek and he giggles as he ruffles the dog’s fur. He snatches his backpack and climbs on the hound. Ampelos marches them pass the arbor. Jason gives Faunus one last look and watches as the First Dionysus raises his thyrsus and green envelops the dome. They pass through the prickly barrier to be met with blue fire towering around them. The trees are charred and smoke dances from the leaves but otherwise the fire seems aesthetic.

At least Jason hopes so.

‘They’re not.’ The voice in his head notes. ‘There are burnt carcasses on the ground and the smell of burning dust in the air.’

Jason turns to the sky as he sees a tanned skin man with brown hair undercut and brown eyes flying with wings of white feathers with red edges. Small cyclones dances around him in sentinel and feathers float in the skies like sharp blades.

“Notus.” Ampelos growls.

“Do you mean Auster?” [22]

‘So he’s the one blocking the sky.’

“Nae. Kronos cares not to recruit those in conflict. Auster and Notus are one and the same. Spared the pain but mad still.” Ampelos raises his bow and shoots between the trees. There’s sounds of groaning and a few demigods fell to the ground bleeding. It’s never a good feeling when he has to fight his kind. “We have company. Do it now before — ”

“Ampelos.” A woman melts into form from a nearby unburned tree and her skin solidifies into shining brown. Her long green hair is tied in a bun and for a nymph, she looks more like a tailor with needles in her hair and wearing a patchwork dress.

“Mother of Heroes, why have you forsaken your charge to die a one-sided battle?” Ampelos asks. More demigods climb out of the shadows and Jason can see traits of Argus, Pothos, Himeros amongst others.

‘They’re minor demigods.’ Jason’s heart stutters in horror. ‘Children of minor gods.’

Chariclo’s eyes hardened. “Forsaken? I am protecting the forgotten ones, the disowned ones. Where are the gods who bears them? The same one who uses them to cast them aside?”

“You’re Chariclo, the one who nurses Achilles.” Jason notes.

“And you’re a son of Jupiter.” Chariclo tilts her head and grins. “Strange, I sense Juno in you.”

“Stop yapping.” A man with messy long black hair and beard appears wearing a velvet robe. “Give us Faunus.”

“Sorcerer King, you are not welcomed here.” Ampelos shoots and his arrow hits an invisible blue shield. “Both of you leave. Bring your charges and no more blood shall spill today.”

“I need a few seconds.” Jason whispers and hopes only the god can hear him. “They have to stop moving for a few seconds for me to finish.”

“Either tie or evade them. Use Laelaps.” Ampelos says. He gently tugs behind him and plucks a leaf from his shorts. Jason discreetly take it and hide the leaf in his fist.

“And what are you planning?” The Sorcerer King scowls. He snaps his fingers and the forest flickers again, this time harsher. “Faunus is dying and the barrier can only hold so long. What can a mere fruit do? I am Aeëtes, the immortal Sorcerer King and brother of Circe. And you,” He raises his hands and a thick book appears in a flare of blue flames, “you tire me.” [22]

Aeëtes began chanting in latin and Jason can make up the word flame and pillar. He stops and stares dead at them. “Surge: Venenum Servio, Sabnac!” Green flames devoured the blue and the trees began to darken with rot. The air turned heavy and fumes begin to enter their lungs smelling like bitter almond and some cinnamon. [23]

“Go, now!” Ampelos begins shooting. His arrows bursts into several more and strikes at the demigods. The soldiers crumple and those standing has a mad look and begin attacking randomly.

“Trickery! You dare poison my children!” Chariclo growls. She pulls out a spool of yarn made of vines and begin spinning as she bellows a high pitch tone. The wind cascades around her like an opera singer leading a backdrop of dancers. The ground shakes and rose to a beat of a silent music.

‘Right. Mountain nymph.’

Jason decides his seen enough. He gently kicks Laelaps side and the dog bark. He charges forward despite the towering poisonous flames. Jason pulls out IVLIVS in spear form and swipes at approaching demigods with a gust of wind. He coils one around him and Laelaps, filtering only fresh air. The dog keeps running aimlessly as Jason steadies himself by pulling at his scruff as he charges [Arbiter]. He unclenches his fist and brings the leaf closer to his mouth. A swift strike cuts him and the leaf slips from his finger and sways in the wind.

“Laelaps!” Jason reaches for the flying leaf. Some coherent demigods notice and rushes towards it. With a bark, the hound glows. For a split second, Jason feels weightless. He can’t breathe and it feels like he’s moving beyond what his brain can process.

The voice in his head feels excited.

They’re less than an inch from a burning wall of fire and almost a feet in the air. Jason dug his ankles around Laelaps’s side and throws his body off. His fingers grazed the foliage and he plucks it in between two fingers. He rights his self and kicks at a reaching demigod. He pushes a hand forward and a sharp jab of wind pushes another until they’re thrown back.

Jason tries again and almost barely able to dodge a few feather blades. Laelaps barks and with each sound they shimmer and reappear at some other spot. Chariclo has been pinned to a tree with sturdy vines and Ampelos is in a steady battle with Aeëtes.

“You’re tougher than you look.” Aeëtes’s grin is full of gleeful rage. The joy of sparring with an equal.

“Sorcery you may carry, Sorcerer King, but I am still a god. Even Circe cannot best me. What is magic if not madness.”

“Ah.” Aeëtes nods in understanding. “And what is madness if not a product of your wine. Well, then, between the arrow and the blade, let’s see who’s the more proficient fighter.” A steel blade materialises in the king’s hand and it burns with the same sickly flames. “Hecate, witness my might.”

“You always were so besotted.” Ampelos sneers.

Jason eyes Auster in contemplation, swiping at remaining demigods on instinct as the hound he rides phases in and out of existence. “Laelaps…” Ugh, the name rolls weirdly on his tongue. “I’m going to call you Tempest instead.” The dog barks agreeably. Jason leans next to Tempest head and points to the sky where Auster is. “See that bird man? We have to hunt it.” Laelaps’s — Tempest’s — ears straighten at the word ‘hunt’. With an eager bark the giant dog straightens and puffs it chest before barking loudly. Jason fists his scruff tight and the two of them vanishes in a shimmer. He holds his breath as air passes through him and they reappear in the sky, floating. Tempest spreads his feathers and tail and,“You can fly!” Jason cheers excitedly before he realises his mistake.

Auster turns with wide his eyes and flies backward swiftly. He sends gust of warm winds towards them and Jason clings as Tempest dogs a few. “Hunt, boy!”


They shimmer again and this time Jason readies his spear and jabs. The tip plunges against the god’s shoulder and golden blood spills from the wound.

“Not cool mate.” The god complains with a defined Australian accent. “Just because yer Daddy’s the King of the Skies, you go around ramming the birds?” Jason ignores him and slashes at a wing, earning a yelp from the god. Auster flinches back and glares. “I see you think you’ve bested me. Well, I’m about done here anyway. Can’t win what you can’t finish.”

The god’s body breaks apart into a swirl of warm winds and Jason lets [Arbiter] run wild.

“Auster, Chariclo, Aeëtes and all those who trespass this grove.” Electricity cracks in the forest. He lets them coil over the trees and the ground. It snakes through every dirt, stone and ant and laches at those Jason considers enemies. He feels his energy leaving his body rapidly. The current wraps around a specific breeze and it solidifies into a stunned wind god.

Jason stares at the scene and eyes Ampelos that has Aeëtes pinned by arrows into the dirt.

“I hereby find you guilty of trespassing and harming the forest with intent to cause harm to a god. I sentence you to banishment. You shall never again set foot, see or speak of the forest. You shall never be able to utter a word nor write on it. Break this order and suffer the pain of heaven.” The static charge boils over the leaves and Tempest growls as lightning dances through his feathers and furs. “I decree it!”

Tempest howls and lightning flashes all over the grove. It strikes in a symphony of divine judgement as the demigods crumple in pain.

He feels invincible.

Like a warrior of old riding on his fluffy steed.

Aeëtes’s roar can be heard from the sky and Tempest’s howl rains forth more bolts. Auster screeches and burns before falling in a smoking heap to the ground. He crashes hard, leaving a crater into dried earth.

A large burst of green energy flares to the sky from the arbor and Jason watches as the Groves slowly flickers and reduce in size. He doesn’t need to hear it to know. The God of the Forest is gone. The sky greys and Jason ducks his head. The battle is won but Faunus is dead.

‘May you rest amongst the stars.’ The voice in his head whispers.

Tempest shimmers and they both land next to a madly grinning Ampelos and an amused Dio.

“Savagery at its finest.” Dio compliments. In his hand is a small bulbous vial with swirling green mist. “Are they going to stay that way?” He points at the trespassers flinching and being periodically electrocuted.

Jason winces because he didn’t think this through. On the other hand, it makes for good deterrent. “The punishment is banishment. Until they’re out, they’re going to stay that way.”

“Oh.” Dio nods. “That’s easy.” He snaps his fingers and the demigods and the two immortals are thrown out with a boom.

“Wait! I haven’t interrogated them!” If none of them died on impact that is.

Dio smiles. “I don’t think they’re in the state to answer, kid. They were too jumpy.”

“It would have been effective.” Jason pouts. “Torture is the best way to gain information.” He chides because it’s true and he’s conducted many tortures before for the Legion.

“Savage little fellow.” Dio chuckles. He leans into Ampelos’s space and peck his cheek. He eyes the scrapes on the Satyr’s body with a frown. “You’re hurt.”

“Already healing.” Ampelos rolls his eyes. “How was Faunus’s departure?”

Dio’s eyes turned sad. “Peaceful.” He thrust out the vial and uncorks it. The mist inside glows and it spreads into foggy waves. It rolls over them and Tempest yelps at the cloud around his fluffy paws. Jason watches as each rhyming trees dissolves into green mist returns into the vial. It took a while until all of the trees are replaced with regular boring ones. Dio corks the vial and hands it to Jason. “Here, Faunus wants you to handle it.”

Jason gingerly reaches out and takes the vial carefully. He smiles at the bottle and grieve for the god who dies despite his friend’s effort. “I need to go to the Underworld then.”

Tempest whines. Dio giggles and scratches the dog. “Unfortunately, I do not advice you to traverse the Underworld alone. Father and Mother are in disagreement. We do not want you to face his ire. An Ouranic Prince? In the Underworld? Well, the last time someone did that they became Zag’s play thing.”

“Then how?” Jason panics. “I only have until the end of tomorrow!” And the day’s already more than half-way passed. Not like he’ll be in trouble but he doesn’t want to get Octavian into one after they had their parting moment.

“I’ve contacted Hermes Chthonia and Hecate, of the two, Hecate can help.” Dio waves his hand and pulls out a torn piece of green fabric. He reaches out to Tempest who sniffs the fabric and yips. “Take, what do you call, Tempest?” Jason nods and pats the dog he’s riding. “Take Tempest with you. Find the Prince of Magic and you shall gain a guide to the Underworld.”

‘The Prince of Magic? Is he talking about my third quest mate?’ Jason’s heart beats in anticipation.

Dio burns the fabric and looks gravely at Jason. “Be warned, the both of you are being hunted.”

“Why?” Because being hunted by monsters are normal. But being hunted by immortals and demigods seems like something else. There’s more to this than Kronos and Jason’s reminded of his mother’s warning of something far more terrible approaching.

“We’re not sure.” Dio tilts his head. “Hecate’s warned his son but all she can see is something impossible.”

“The Fates are in flux.” Ampelos leans against Dio’s shoulder. “Faunus mentioned this before. Something is messing with them and the Great Prophecies are in disarray. The trespassers, they did not care for the grove before. They’ve returned because whatever Oracle they’ve procured must have been blinded. The grove have acted weirdly as well.”

Dio grimaces. “Somehow, Jason Grace, you are one of the three only things Faunus could see clearly. With you are the two other princes; my brother and Hecate’s Champion. Everything else, your quest, your Fates and even the Great Prophecies are blurring.”

He’s thrown back to Persephone’s words.

‘The only way to make change is to hijack the prophecy.’

“Persephone.” Jason mutters.

Dio and Ampelos exchange a tired look.

“Aye.” Ampelos sighs. “Mother-in-Law is playing a dangerous gamble. One that two other queens have joined.”

“If Persephone is Proserpina and she’s Chthonian, and my mother is Ouranic, what is Hecate?”

“She’s the Mortal Queen; The Magic Queen. She exists in the past, present and future of mortals. She is Spiritual and yet she traverses all paths.” Dio answers.

“But there’s one more queen; The Oceanic Queen. Is she involved?”

Dio purses his lips and closes his eyes in thought. “I don’t believe so. Mother mentioned Amphitrite as being a free-spirit. A calloused and flighty Queen. She cares not for dominion nor conflict, only her freedom.”

Tempest barks and the three turns to him. Jason chuckles and pats the dog again. Tempest wags his feathered tail and spreads it wide like a golden peaco*ck.

“Thank you, Prince of Ouranic.” Ampelos nods. “May your journeys be blessed.”

Dio offers his hand they exchange a firm handshake. “Hopefully other than Juno, do not expect help from your kin. They are bound to not interfere. We Chthonian are different.”

“I can see that.” Jason says amused. “Well, see you later, I suppose?” Tempest gives the two deities large wet swipe of his tongue. Ampelos chuckles while Dio looks annoyed, muttering about not being a dog person and something about his father. The dog turns and trots happily toward the open clearing. Jason’s body sways with Tempest’s jubilant ones. “It’s you and me now, boy.”

Tempest barks and his blue eyes sparkle. A small blue lightning brand sears itself on Jason’s right pinky. With another bark, they both shimmer and Jason takes a deep breath.

They plunge into breathless air with a laugh.


[1] This is based on canon. I find it weird that Camp Jupiter didn’t search for him nor did Reyna sent a search party for Jason. They’re supposed to be close friends and for some reason Camp Jupiter runs neatly for a few months with just her but the moment Percy’s in the picture, they have to make him Praetor. Sometimes, I think Percy gets all the boons and he be like, I don’t want it, just makes me feel so pissed off. It ’s not his fault but can you imagine how Jason felt when he found out about these things? How he feels? They basically easily replaced him and the only logical thought would be because they don’t care about Jason Grace but Son of Jupiter. They treated him returning like he’s a traitor.

[2] Fides is the Roman version of Pistis, the personified spirit of Trust, Reliability, Good Faith, and Honesty. Now I wanted to use a child of Apollo but this is better because Fides, unlike Pistis, has very strong connotation to persuasion, i.e. pulling out the truth. Hehe.

BTW, she’s one of the spirits who escaped Pandora’s Jar. It’s a jar, not a box. NEVER A BOX.

[3] Daimona are personified spirits. There’s a whole bunch of them that Rick sort of assigned as gods but they’re not really. They’re like lower than primordials but higher than titans. In technicality, all of them are gods but, the power scaling goes like this:

Forces> Primordials> Spirits> Titans> Olympians> Lower Spirits (Nymphs and the Lots)

For example, Thanatos and his siblings are Spirits. They’re the personified form of state of being with Thanatos being Spirit of Death given form, Moros being spirit of Doom given form and the Ker being spirits of malevolent deaths.

Like in that one myth, Thanatos was chained and suddenly nobody died. Yes, Rick make the Doors of Death as the reason why but by Mythological accuracy, it’s because Thanatos’s is Death. Imprisoning him stops Death, literally. Which is unlike the Olympians. You can trap Ares but at the same time war would still go on because Ares is a god governing actions.

Don’t get me started on how Ares was depicted by Rick! Ares, in myth is a feminist and he doesn’t like abuse because he himself was treated like dogsh*t. Why the eff did Rick do that to him in the books? Yes he’s violent but by history, he’s a good dad for a god. I’m gonna try and find a canonical way to fix that. Sorry for the rant.

[4] Falsehood is a much nicer name for the crime in Ancient Rome that I made. The crime is just Lies or Deceit. The crime often known nowadays as Fraud and Misrepresentation. Both are different crimes in modern days but I’m not going into that. Falsehood is something taken seriously in Ancient Rome. Lies, in general, stands the same punishment as gossiping. You’ll get clubbed to death. Now, the only exception to this is if you are someone important. In that case, if you’re lucky, you’ll be banished. Ancient Romes don’t imprison people. Prison is only meant to hold someone until they go to trial. Then, it’s death or no death.

[5] Cardea or Carda, is the Roman goddess of Door Hinges. You got that right! Door hinges. She’s associated often with two other solely Roman gods of boundaries; Forculus, the God of Doors, or double doors to be more accurate because those were the doors he often guards, and Limentinus, the God of Threshold. None of them has a Greek Counterpart, adding to my collection of Gods the Greeks should have no knowledge on. Forculus and Limentinus are considered archaic gods.

[6] Banishment. Wow. Okay. The thing about banishment in ancient Rome is that it’s rare. Ancient Rome has this belief that crimes are a rot to society so criminals are often just executed. You’re only banished under specific circ*mstance and so far, as far as I can find, records show that banishment is conducted against people who are renowned, respected, or have connections. But once you’re banished, it’s best you just die because to Romans, honour is everything.

[7] Moneta is the Titaness and Goddess of Memories. Her Greek equivalent is Mnemosyne and surprisingly, she’s also a Chthonic deity. I’m of the opinion that as rare as it is, it’s highly probable that Titans have children. Looking at Hecate.

[8] Orcus is the God of Punishment. He specifically handles broken Oaths. He’s a Chthonic deity often mistaken for Pluto. However, he’s more beast like in appearance. Media likes to portray him with tusks. As a result of the conflation, the Romans view him as the God of Cruel Punishment. He’s often avoided in cities and worshipped in rural areas. Though there’s no prove, historians tend to argue that he’s the Greek version of Horkos, the personification of Oath and son of Eris. Which makes him, somewhere on Thanatos’s level.

Between him and Styx, Rick should have made them swear on him because historically, if a god breaks the Oath on Styx, they’ll become mortal for a year whereas Horkos is the one who just inflicts punishment on broken Oaths. I can’t imagine Poseidon, Zeus and Hades being mortal a year after doing the do with their lovers. Though it would make a nice punishment of taking care of their pregnant lovers. Very awkward too.

[9] This concept comes from closed court and open court. Closed court is when the court is inaccessible to the public, as opposed to open court. It got me thinking, how would you open a court to the gods? Why not open the roof? So we have open roof trials now.

[10] Exilium is the latin word for exile.

[11] Aureus are golden coins that form Ancient Roman currency. One of the is equal to twenty five pieces of denarii/denarius.

Fun fact! Jason’s IVLIVS is actually an aureus!

Her Majesties' Champions - Chapter 4 - Haedrean (1)

[11] Octavian always wanted glory. In canon, his character is a tad wishy washy. Rick made him an antagonist but Jason doesn’t seem to know him but he’s been in the Legion as an Augur for a long ass time. It just doesn’t make sense considering he stays at Jupiter’s temple. I take that as Jason doesn’t really know him. But Reyna seems to. Reyna in the book sometimes defer to him and has a sense camaraderie. This points that they were friends somewhat. Hence, here I made them ex-friends.

[12] Laelaps! An extremely good boy. Well, sometimes he's a boy and sometimes he's a girl. He is the dog given by Zeus to Europa who then gifted it to Minos who gifted it to Procris who then allowed her husband to use it to lead to its death. Procris’s husband, Cephalus, decided to use Laelaps, the do that never fails to hunt anything, to catch the Teumessian fox, the fox that never gets caught. They both became a paradox and Zeus who kept watch grew dizzy and annoyed and decided they’re better off as the constellations Canis Major and Canis Minor, with Laelaps being Canis Major.

There’s no depiction of the dog much but, I picture a dog who never fails to hunt anything must be able to fly as well right? Then I found this pic. I give you;

Her Majesties' Champions - Chapter 4 - Haedrean (2)

So take a Malamute and just give them this doggo features. As a bonus, have some Malamute puppies!

Her Majesties' Champions - Chapter 4 - Haedrean (3)

[13] Ampelos is a satyr lover of young Dionysus. He rode a wild bull, according to Nonnus’s Etiology, and Selene got jealous so she sent a gadfly to keep stinging the bull until it threw and gored the satyr. Dionysus then turned him into the first grapevine which I’m not sure how he became the personification of grapevine after.

The thing about Ampelos is, he’s a satyr but was never depicted with goat legs. Only ever the horns from Nonnus’s tale.

Chronologically, his story was before Ariadne. But it is a bit contrasting since the story of Ampelos was made after the one about Ariadne with it being around post-5th CE and the one about Ariadne is in the Iliad which is around later 8th to early 7th BCE.

[14] Rhea’s Grove is technically Dodona’s Grove. Its the oldest recorded oracle in Hellenist Greece. Like around 2 millennium BCE. Some construe it as the place Dodona and some view it as an oracle. Historically, the priests and priestesses would go to the grove and interpret from the rustling of the trees and leaves. Over time, it’s interpreted that they would interpret the sound of hanged bronze objects that bears similarity to wind chimes. The trees are said to be Rhea’s gift.

In TOA, the grove is located in Camp Half-Blood but was unknown til then, which is weird. Because the Grove went wonky due to no proper care. They all relied on that Oracle of Dead Delphi when they can just send a bunch of Demeter kids to rightfully interpret the trees.

Anywho, I have doubts that Rhea would gift the grove only to the Greeks, and yes I know the grove is Greek, so I came up that there are two groves. One Graecus and one Romans.

[15] Bear with me cause this is long and plays on a lot of assumptions. Now, Dionysus’s history is a shamble. There are many versions of who his parents are and if Dionysus is really Dionysus. So I decided to go from canon PJO and trace my steps back.

Old Dionysus and Young Dionysus - Diodorus Siculus states that there are two Dionysus, the younger more androgynous god of fertility and epiphany and the older which bears all of that, including wine and madness. He said that the older one have long beings and that the younger one has long hair and looks effeminate because of racist, sexist, historian views. Anywho, he said that eventually, the younger inherited the older’s deeds (history, actions and domain) that people were ‘deceived’ into believing there’s only one. Yup, he used the word ‘deceived’.

Twin-born to Zagreus - For this we have to go to Zagreus’s first life. The Orphic believed that Zagreus is the son of Zeus Meilichios and Persephone. To be frank, they believed that Dionysus Zagreus it the son of Zeus Meilichios and Persephone. To summarise, record have shown the existence of Zeus Meilichios and Zeus appearing at the same time. It was inferred by many historian’s that Zeus Meilichios and Zeus are not the same and can never be the same. Zeus Meilichios is often depicted as a snake and therefore, he is also equated to Hades. Therefore, when Zeus Meilichios did the deed with Persephone as a snake in the cave, he is actually just referred to as Hades. The conclusion is jumpy but yeah.

How did I get the Twin-Born? - By Myth, Dionysus Zagreus was meant to be the heir of Olympus. Something, something, infant and sat on Zeus’s throne and can use his lightning bolt. Hera was the only witnessed and grew envy and threaten on her children’s behalf. You have to note that Dionysus zagreus was beloved by all gods. So, he’s the favourite nephew. I sort of see him as the first nephew being the oldest son of Hades and so he’s spoiled. With that being said, Hera lead the Titans to Olympus during the war, they dismembered the baby and this super OP baby began shapeshifting like he’s on drugs, becoming Zeus, Cronus and a myriad of other animals. This lead to the gods finally striking the Titans down and tossing them into Tartarus. This is the death of Hades’s first born.

Now, the myth continues saying that Zeus took a piece of Dionysus’s heart and turn it into potion for Semele to drink to give birth to the demigod Dionysus. That’s where I diverge.

I’m of the thought that in grief, considering that they managed to safe only his heart, they chopped it into three, giving a part to Zeus in thanks. Similar to Semele, Persephone drank the potion and (I forgot the actual quote. Something about her womb blossoming and yuck).

So, you get it. two piece into Persephone who then gave birth to twins, neither which can live on the other side of the world alone. Zagreus who dies above and Dionysus who dies below. I postulate that as long as they’re together, or switch places, they act as repellants to their negative traits. Dionysus in the underworld allows Zagreus to live above and vice versa. This is because, by myth, Dionysus Bromius would often trade places with Dionysus Meilichios, which like Zeus Meilichios, actually refers to Zagreus, would spend three years in the underworld as a euphemism to the process of wine fermentation in caves. Woah that was long. This chapter tires me because of Dionysus’s three forms.

Oh crap.

[16] Dionysus’s Three Forms - Now we have Dionysus Olympia, the old bearded one, Dionysus Zagreus, which is just Zaggy and Dio, and we have Dionysus Chthonia, which is our resident effeminate beauty, Dio.

Now, Dio’s story begin in Ancient Greece. This Dionysus is more often connected with his Chthonic side. So I split him off. The thing is, he is associated with the Eleusinian Mysteries, making him a Chthonia. Records state that this Dionysus is born in Thrace and travelled to Greece as a foreigner. Due to his “foreignness’’ he is the God of Epiphany that’s sometimes called the God that comes. He also have a cult called the “cult of the souls” where he let his maenads, this crazy band of rabid chicks, to feed the dead via blood offerings which is kind of sweet. He also acts as a medium between the living and the dead.

Phew, I’m done with Dionysus.

In short, Older Dionysus, is Olympian, Younger Dionysus, is Zagreus’s twin and Chthonic, and Dionysus Zagreus is the dead first born OP drugged baby that was chopped up and have his heart handed like freebies.

[17] Zeus Meilichios - Both Zeus Meilichios and Zeus Eubuleus is just another name of Hades. In fact, by records, it’s a newer name of Hades but Chronologically the tales made it sound like Hades’s original name and that the name Hades is just a title like Despoina because the Greeks are afraid to call him by his real name so they call him The Hidden One (Hades).

[18] At this point, you should realise that I play a lot with the Chthonic deities. I’ll try and stay respectful of them due to religious reasons. You can see though that this story is now delving into aspects of gods more and how they affect the demigods and gods alike. I feel like the books showed headaches and the god being inactive but what about conflations that don’t mix well? What about gods who are different but got conflated?

[19] Faunus, grandson of Saturn and the son the first King of Latium Picus, is the Roman rustic god of the forest, plains and fields. When he deals with fertility and cattle fertility, he became Inuus. Unlike Pan, he doesn’t have a horn until later in historical conflation. And unlike Pan, he is not the shepherd nor rustic music god nor is he companions of nymphs and.

Faunus, according to Virgil, has a female form, Fatuus, by which she is the goddess of prophecy with oracles at the Sacred Grove of Tibur (you see the relation with Dodona’s Grove now, huh?), around the well of Albunea and on the Aventine Hill in Ancient Rome.

[20] A thyrsus is a staff with a pinecone. Dionysus’s, all variations, divine weapon.

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[21] Chariclo, daughter of Perses, is a nymph of the Mountain Pelion and the foster mother of many heroes, including Achilles, Peleus, and Asclepius. She’s the wife of the centaur, Chiron. That’s right, she’s that Chiron’s wife. Why are they on opposing sides? You will see. This marital spat is just surprising even to me. I didn’t want her here but her name is Graceful Spinner and my mind went places.

[22] Auster, The South Wind, is the Roman counterpart of the Anemoi (Wind Spirits) Notus. He barely has any myth other than of assistance, flooding the world and just hanging around with Zephyrus. The romans believe he symbolises Rain. Re; the flood he caused because he was free and joyful. I know Rick made him lazy and fickle but that’s during the Gigantes War. I want to see him being involved in this war. I maintained his fickle nature.

[23] Aeëtes, son of Helios and the nymphs Perse and grandson of Oceanus and Tethys. He was the King of Colchis and father of Medea, Absyrtus and Chalciope. He’s also the brother of Circe and Pasiphaë, which Rick made half-siblings because he wants Circe to be Hecate’s daughter. Which is not wrong because Perse, was written as Perseis, which is another name for Hecate. For this sake, let’s assume Hecate meddles with all of their birth and thus becoming a second biological mother to them. Either way, canonically, Aeëtes is not a sorcerer, but since his sisters are so why not. Plus, Madeline Miller who wrote the Song of Achilles casted him as the Sorcerer King in her book Circe.

[24] My latin is sh*t so anyone can correct me? Or else, be satisfied with google translate. ‘Rise: Poison Flames, Sabnac!’

Her Majesties' Champions - Chapter 4 - Haedrean (2024)


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