The Central New Jersey Home News from New Brunswick, New Jersey (2024)

to to to to to to to to A OBITUARY Deaths- Funerals FREDERICK DE BLON Frederick M. De Blon, husband Lillian E. Betz Blon of 112 Braun avenue, Highland Park, died yesterday at St. Peter's Hospital after a few hours' illness. A resident of this city and Highland Park parishioner for 26 yeapauhe Church.

Mr. De Blon was for 10 years shipping clerk for the Loyal T. Ives Company. Before that he was associated with Strong Hardware. Mr.

De Blon was known for his activity in minstrel shows and he was also a pigeon fancier. Survivors are Mi.S widow; one son, Pvt. Fred De Blon with the Army, four daughters, the Misses Annette Claire Gertrude M. and Charlotte P. De Blon; one sister, Miss.

Clara M. De Blon of Teaneck; one brother, George J. of Teaneck. Funeral services will be held Monday at 8.30 a. manat the Gleason Funeral Heme at 9 a.

m. at St. Paul's Church. Interment will be in St. Peter's Cemetery.

Friends may call from tomorrow at 4 p. m. until the time of the funeral. FRANK J. KOLONICS Frank J.

Kolonics, infant son of Frank J. and Helen' Banko Kolonics of 9 Central avenue, Highland Park, died yesterday at Middlesex Hospital. He was two years old. Funeral services will be held at the home tomorrow at 2 p. m.

Interment will be in St. Cemetery under the direction of Gleason. MRS. JOHN BOHN JAMESBURG, May 26-Funer- al services for Mrs. Catherine Bohn, widow of John Bohn have been arranged for tomorrow at 10 a.

m. at St. James Church. The Dwyer will officiate. will be in St.

James cemetery. Mrs. Bohn died on Wednesday. FIRESTONE TWINS Mr. and Mrs.

Michael Firestone, of 46 Easton avenue, have the sympathy of their many friends in the loss of their twin infants, Michael and Veronica, who died at St. Peter's Hospital, a few hours after birth. Interment took place in St. Peter's Cemetery yesterday afternoon. Funeral arrangements were under the direction of William F.

Harding Company. STEVEN BREZA Funeral services for Steven Breza young son of Pvt. and Mrs. Steven Breza of 9 Church street, were held yesterday afternoon at the Gowen Funeral Home. Services were conducted by the Rev.

Andrew Kosa. Interment was in Elmwood Cemetery. McDOWELL-In this city on 24, 1944, Warren husband May, late Emma Terhune McDowell. Relatives and friends, also members of New Brunswick Lodge of Foresters of America, O-on-0moo Tribe 240 of Red Men, and the Pennsylvania Railroad Voluntary Relief Association, are respectively invited to attend funeral services at the home, 183 New street, on Saturday, May 27, 1944, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Interment in Dayton.

BEAUDOIN In this city, on May 23, 1944, Philip, husband of Elizabeth Beaudoin, of Lindeneau. Relatives and friends are respectfully, the invited residence, to 20 attend Second street, Lindeneau, on Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock and Cemetery Monuments ARTHUR H. COOK 457 Somerset Street (Opposite St. Peter's Cemetery) Open Sunday Phone 5411-5412 HENRY B. BRONSON Funeral Director 152 NO.

MAIN STREET Milltown, N. J. Tel. Milltown 151 DIED W. H.

QUACKENBOSS SON Funeral Directors Phone: 8 156 Livingston Ave. Lady Embalmer W. F. HARDING CO. Funercl Director 102 Somerset Street Phone 607 J.

H. MAHER AND SON Funeral Serrice Phone 1100 25 EASTON AVE. JOHN E. GLEASON Funeral Director and Embalmer Phone 700 44 Throop Ave. at St.

Theresa's Church at 10 o'clock. Interment in Holy Trinity Cemetery, Perth Amboy. DE BLON-Suddenly, in this city on May 25, 1944, Frederick husband of Lillian E. Betz De Blon. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from the Gleason Funeral Home on Monday at 8:30 o'clock and at St.

Paul's Church, Highland Park, at 9 Interment in Cemescipeter's tery. Friends may call from Saturafternoon at 4 o'clock until the time of the funeral. MARVIN Suddenly in New Brunswick on May 26, 1944, Walter Taylor, husband of Adelaide Hoffman and father of Dorothy Hope Marvin, M. and the late Hoffman Marvin. Private funeral services at Christ Episcopal Church, New Brunswick, on Saturdavin May 27.

Friends of are invited to attend memorial services at Kirkpatrick Chapel, Rutgers University, on Sunday afternoon, May 28, at 4:30 o'clock. Please do not send flowers. CHAPLIN DENIES GIRL'S COMPLAINT Actor Says She Named Him As Father of Child To Get Money LOS ANGELES, May 26 (AP) Joan Berry's suit alleging that Charles Chaplain is the father of her child was instituted in the hope that he would settle out of court, the film comedian has charged in answering the action. Chaplain's answer formally denied fatherhood and contended that his 24-year-old former protege needs $150 monthly for support of her daughter, 7- months-old Carol Ann, pending determination of the case. The paternity suit, filed by Miss Berry and her mother, Mrs, Gertrude Berry, before the child was born, asks $10,000 for medical attention, $5,000 for court and attorney's costs, and $2,500 monthly support.

By stipulation, Chaplain has paid Miss Berry more than 000 on condition that the suit was to be dismissed if blood tests indicated he was not the child's father. Although the tests supported Chaplain, Superior Court declined to dismiss the suit, and this decision was upheld by state Appellate and Supreme Courts. The comedian thereupon answered the suit yesterday. Federal, Chaplain Court on last a month Mann Act acindictment which alleged that he transported Miss Berry to New York and return for immoral purposes. JOB OPPORTUNITY MUST BE BOOSTED SALT LAKE CITY, May 26.

(AP) "Mass unemployment or mass government employment after the war can be avoided only if five jobs can be created by industry, business farming where four existed before," P. G. Johnson, west coast industrialist, told regional representatives of the Committee for Economic Development. Johnson, president of Boeing Aircraft Company of Seattle, is conducting a western states conference of the committee of which he is a vice chairman. The committee's job, he said, is a double-barreled one aimed at "winning the peace without a tailspin into depression." First it must learn what maximum postwar employment will be and then tackle the problems presented.

Pre-war employment figures can be increased, Johnson contended, through expansion of business, industry and farming by development of new markets for each. The war itself, he added, has shown us how to do it. RESERVES TO MEET There will be an important meeting of the Police Reserves tonight at 8 o'clock at the Hamilton School on North Third avenue, Highland Park. All members are urged to be present, for important matters are to be discussed. Coffee grounds and tea leaves clean short-napped rugs if sprinkled by handsful over the rug to be cleaned, allowed to remain for 15 minutes and brushed off with a stiff bristled brush.

NOTICE! There will be a special meeting of the South Brunswick Township Board of Education on Friday, May 26, at 8 p. m. in the Dayton School. The matters which would come before the regular June meeting will be considered at the same time. FLORENCE A.

WRIGHT 126-1t District Clerk. BANKRUPTCY NOTCE To the creditors of Michael John Janowski and Leonard Mitchell Janowski, otherwise Leonard Adam Janowski, co-partners, sometimes trading as L. M. Janowski of Jamesburg and South River, in the County of Middlesex, and District of New Jersey, bankrupts: Notice is hereby given that Michael John Janowski and Leonard Mitchell Janowski, otherwise Leonard Adam Janowski, co-partners, sometimes trading as L. M.

Janowski, were adjudged bankrupts on a petition filed by them on the 1st day of May, 1944, in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, and that the first meeting of their creditors will be held at Trenton, New Jersey, in the Bankruptcy Court Room, Post Office Building, on the 14th day of June, 1944, at 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon, at which place and time the said creditors may attend. prove their claims, appoint a trustee. appoint a committee of creditors, examine the bankrupts. and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated at Trenton, N.

this 24th day of May, 1944. C. H. WEELANS, m26-1t Referee in Bankruptcy. EXPERT RADIO REPAIRING ALL WORK GUARANTEED J.

ADAM FRISCH Exclusive -Carlson Dealer 282 GEORGE STREET PHONE 4272 PAGE 22 THE DAILY HOME NEWS, NEW BRUNSWICK, Middlesex Deeds Latest real estate transfers in Middlesex county are shown by the following list of deeds that have been recorded office of County Clerk Edward J. Patten. New Brnswick: Anna F. and Sam S. Micale to 180 Seaman street, New Brunswick N.

Incorporated, lot, Seaman street. Highland Park: Borough of Highland Park to Lillian Cohn, lot, Graham street. North Brunswick township: Henrietta C. and Norman E. Van Heuvel to Lena Bishop, lot, lonial Gardens; Joseph Liechtle to George Gonzalez, plot.

Piscataway township: George W. and Florence M. Skelly to Naomi S. Fessler, two lots, Amboy avenue; Skelly to Carolyn S. Morgan, two lots, Amboy avenue; The Diocese of Trenton to Our Lady of Czestochowa Catholic Church, South Plainfield, four lots, Plainfield two lots, Tremont avenue; Walter E.

and Lester E. Nelson, executors, to Margaret and William J. Ternay, acre, Stelton road. Middlesex borough: Grace A. and Frank Power to Calogero Zafarana, plot, New Market road.

Raritan Township: Martin and Rosalie Lindkvist to Franklin B. Ackart, lot, Central avenue; same property, Ackart to William H. and Ella Rossmeyer; Raritan Defense Housings Corporation to Jacob and Elizabeth Zahn, lot, Garden Terrace. Milltown: Joseph S. Booream and others to J.

and Mary A. Rosing, lot, Cleveland avenue. South Amboy: Alice Kelly and others to Mae and Joseph Strong lot, block 26. Sayreville: Raymond B. and Julia E., Sadie Dowdell, two lots, street; same property, Dowdell to Novak. South River: Herbert Bertha Colfer to Arthur S. and Catherine Smith, two lots, DeVoe street. Monroe township: Maria Rao to Phillip and Mary Tancredi, plot, Matchoponix avenue. "East Brunswick township: Fred Ehrenkranz and others to Daniel A.

and Anna Gamble. Plot Spotswond-Tanner's Corner road. Metuchen: Mary Malenecsh to C. Christian Jr. and Ruth E.

Stockel, six tracts, Metuchen heights; same property, Stockel to Malencsh. Perth Amboy: Edward and Mary Seman to Rose Bacha, lot Elizabeth street; Rose John Bach to Edward and Mary, Seman, lot, Elizabeth street; Josephine Main to Michael T. Sr. and Adelaide G. Berris, lot, Rector street; John and Rose to, Joseph and Aranka Vollman, two lots, James A.

Smith map. Carteret: John and Emily Beisel to John and Katherine Estok, four lots, Central parkway; Beisel to Walter and Irene Niemiec, two lots, Central parkway; Samuel B. and Bertha Brown to Joseph and Elizabeth Walko, two lots, Grant avenue. Woodbridge: Township of Woodbridge to Chauncey E. and Theresa M.

McSpiritt, four lots, block 484-A; Township of Woodbridge to David B. and Patience N. Clarkson, lot, James Township of Woodbridge to Thomas C. and Rosamund B. Cochran, two lots, Middlesex road; Boynton Investment and Securities Company to Anna Szucs, lot, Grove avenue; Middlesex Title Larsenany to Lars and Margaret lot, Louis street; Ira I.

Schwarz and others to Harold and Edna M. Anderson, lot, Green street. NOTICE Take notice that Peter Stefan has plied to the State Commissioner of Al- apcoholic Beverage Control of 1060 Broad street, Newark, N. for a State Beverage situated at Distributor's license for premises 811 George's Road, North Brunswick Township, N. and to maintain a warehouse nad salesrom at the same address.

Objections. if any, should be made in writing to Alfred E. Driscoll, State Com1060 missioner of Alcoholic Beverage Control, Broad street, Newark. N. J.

PETER STEFAN. 811 George's Road, New Brunswick, N. J. fri-m26-j2 NOTICE Take notice that Carl Scholz as Farrington Lake Rest, has applied to the Township Committee of North Brunswick Township for a Plenary Retail Consumption license for premises situated at Church lane, R. F.

D. No. 4, North Brunswick, N. J. Objections, if any, should be made immediately in writing to Nelson Birch, Clerk of the Township of North Brunswick, N.


No. 4, New Brunswick, N. J. may 26-2t-Friday MIDDLESEX COUNTY SURROGATE'S COURT NOTICE TO CREDITORS David C. Weidner, executor of Minnie E.

Tapken, deceased, by direction of Frank A. Connolly, Surrogate of the County of Middlesex, hereby gives notice to the creditors of the said Minnie E. Tapken to bring in their debts, demands and claims against the estate of the said deceased, under oath or affirmation, within six months from this date or they will be forever barred of any action therefor against the said executor. Dated DAVID' 1944. C.

WEIDNER, Executor. GEORGE R. MORRISON, 46 Paterson Street, New Brunswick. N. Proctor.

fri-m26-j2-9-16-23 BOROUGH OF SAYREVILLE, N. J. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Pursuant to a resolution adopted May 17, 1944, the mayor and council will receive at its meeting June 7. 1944, at 8 p. EWT sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering F.

O. B. Sayreville, N. J. One (1) Three Man Cab Fire Engine with 750 gallon GPM pumper and equipment.

Specifications and proposal forms may be obtained at the office of the Borough Clerk. As part of the above proposal there shall be made an alternate proposal marked "Alternate No. 1" in which the bidder shall specify what allowance will be made for a used 1927 Graham Brothers Fire Truck with Buffalo Fire Appliance Company equipment. now owned by the borough which allowance if accepted shall constitute part of the purchase price of the new fire truck. Bidders may inspect this used apparatus at any time at the Melrose Fire House, Sayreville, N.

J. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bid bond in the sum of one hundred per cent of the bid, drawn to the order of the Borough of Sayreville, as a guarantee that if the proposal be accepted a contract will be entered into for the performance of the contract. The proposals must be filed with the Borough Clerk at the meeting above mentioned, when the same shall be ed for by the Mayor Borough Council. The said council reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or alternate proposals. The borough will furnish an AA-5 WPB priority for the furnshing of this apparatus.

BOROUGH OF SAYREVILLE. By FRANK P. KOLB. m26-1t Borough Clerk. FRIDAY, MAY 26, ON THE AIR Rockefeller Makes Negro College Appeal; Nero Wolfe Involved in New 'Leg' Mystery John D.

Rockefeller keynotes a special program on behalf of the United Negro College Fund when he outlines the work of the Negro colleges in the United States tonight at 6:15 via WEAF. Bert Lytell, president of the Actors' Equity Association; Marian Anderson, prima donna, and Alec Templeton, noted pianist, also will appear on the program. Twenty-seven Negro colleges and universities throughout the country are members of the United Negro College Fund, whose purpose is to solicit donations and administer the money received by each college. Once again Nero Wolfe and his sidekick, Archie, get themselves involved in a thrilling mysterypurely by accident. Tonight will find the "terrific twosome" wrapped up in the "Case of the Wrong Leg Murder," at 7 p.

m. over WJZ on "The Adventures of Nero Wolfe." The whole thing really starts with Archie going on a sit-down strike, and thus causing Nero to rise from his famous easy chair to close a drafty window. On the street below he beholds a strange apparition, a lame man weirdly arrayed and obviously disguised, which need we say more, arouses the perpetual curiosity of the arm-chair sleuth. Then things begin to happen. BROADCAST BRIEFS: Looks like Cantor Night on the "Stage Door Canteen" when the banjoeyed comedian pops in with entire entourage.

(WABCchis apparently is be- THIS AFTERNOON Wife. WOR-Talk-John Gambling WJZ-Blue Frolics, Variety WABC-Broadway Matinee WMCA-News; Western Songs Dallas Recorded Music Jones WOR-Stanley Orchestra; Jean Merrill, Hugh Thompson, Songs WJZ-News; Westbrook Van Voorhis WMCA-News; Recorded Music Widder Brown WJZ-The Sea Hound WABC Scott Orchestra a Girl Marries WOR-Uncle Don WJZ-Hop Harrigan WABC-Eddie Dunn Show WMCA-News; Recorded Music Love and Learn WOR--Archie Andrews WJZ--Dick Tracy Plain Bill WOR-Chick Carter WJZ--Jack Armstrong WABC-Talk-J. Stewart Baker WMCA-News; Recorded Music Page Farrell WOR-Superman WJZ-Captain Midnight WABC--American Women EVENING Reports WOR-Sydney Moseley, News -News; John B. Kennedy WABC-News, Quincy Howe WMCA-News; Music; Talk Negro College Fund WOR-Imogene Carpenter; Songs WJZ-Terry and the Pirates WABC-Lyn Murray, Orchestra Singiser WJZ-Stories; Music WABC-Arthur Godfrey Show News Stern Thomas WOR-Sports, Stan Lomax WJZ-Henry J. Taylor, News WABC-The World Today, News WMCA-Sports-Steve Ellis C.

Harsch, News Orchestra WOR-Fulton Lewis News WJZ--Nero Wolfe WABC-I Love a Mystery WMCA-News; Recorded Music. TOMORROW Sweetheart of the Farm Emmert WOR-News; Farmers' Digest WABC-Arthur Godfrey, Talk and Shine Music Arthur Godfrey Pat Barnes Music WOR--News; Musical Clock WJZ-Ed East, Variety Show Crosby Records Western Songs WABC -News Reports WMCA-Help Wanted Ads Minute Men, Music WOR-News; Music; Talk WJZ-Kibitzer's Music; Comedy WABC-News; Variety Program WMCA-News; Recorded Music Viewpoint--Talk Songs WOR-Talk-Pegeen Fitzgerald WJZ -News Review -Missus Goes A-Shopping WMCA-News; Recorded Music Arlen; Talk Piano Quartet WOR-Songs for Saturday WJZ Club -Variety King TOMORROW Consumer Time WOR-Hollywood Melodies WJZ-Blue Playhouse WABC-Theatre of Today WMCA-News; Youth of Tomorrow Farm-Home Hour Spotlight WOR--News; Juke Box WABC-Stars Over Hollywood to Youth WOR Orchestra WJZ--Report From London WABC--Grand Central Station WMCA-News; Recorded Music Quiz WMCA-Health Talk Be Announced WOR-Lopez Orchestra WJZ-Swing Shift Frolics -Country Journal WMCA-Dale Belmont, Songs MacVane, News NOTICE! IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY Docket 151-491 To Fred Fitzrandolph: By virtue of an order of the Court of Chancery of New Jersey, made on the day of the date hereof, in a certain cause wherein Bertha Vannuis Fitzranis petitioner and you, Fred Fitzrandolph, are defendants, you are required to appear and plead, answer be- or demur to petitioner's petition on or fore the 26th day of June, 1944, or in default thereof, such decree will be taken against you as the Chancellor shall think equitable and just. The object of said suit is to obtain a decree of divorce dissolving the marriage between you and the said petitioner. Dated: April 25, 1944. JOSEPH J.

MUTNICK, Solicitor of Petitioner, 127 Watchung Avenue, Plainfield, N. fri-a28-m5-12-19-26 SPECIAL MASTER'S SALE IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY Between Florence Lilley, Complainants and Jeanette Lilley, et Defendants. By virtue of an order of the Court of Chancery of New Jersey, made on the 9th day of May, 1944, in a certain cause in said court depending, wherein Florence Lilley, et are complainants, and Jeanette Lilley, et are defendants. the subscriber. one of the Special Masters of the said Court of Chancery, will, on Friday, the 16th day of June, 1944, at two o'clock in the afternoon, sell at public vendue in the sales room of the Sheriff's Office in the City of New Brunswick, N.

all that tract of land and premises situate, lying and coming an annual Memorial Day -the presentation of "Corporal Hardy," on "Author's Playhouse," will be heard tonight at 11:30 a medley of songs for Memorial Day highlights Dr. Black's concert at 8. p. m. via WEAF Norman Rosten, author of "Ballad of Bataan," is saluted on "Freedom of Opportunity," via WOR at 8:30.

RADIO PIONEER Begining his 22nd year in radio is Alois Havrilla, announcer for "Double or Nothing," which is heard on airlanes each Friday at 9:30 p. m. via WOR. AND TONIGHT Robert St. John WOR-The Answer Man WABC-We Who Dream WMCA-Five-Star Final Roth's Orchestra WOR-Variety Musicals WJZ-The Lone Ranger WABC-Renard Orchestra WMCA-Johannes Steel, News V.

Kaltenborn, News WMCA-So The Story Goes Manners, Soprano WOR-Cecil Brown, News WIZ -News Comments -Kate Smith Show WMCA-News; Recorded Music. Smoothies, Songs WJZ--The Parker Family Hit Parade WOR-Freedom of Opportunity WJZ-Meet Your Navy, Variety Henry, News Munn, Tenor: Evelyn MacGregor, Contralto WOR-Gabriel Heatter, News WJZ-Gang Busters WABC-It Pays to Be Ignorant WMCA-News; Home Heroes of Nick Carter are Funny--Quiz WOR-Double or Nothing--Quiz WJZ-Spotlight Band WABC-That Brewster Boy WMCA-Norman Jay--Talk Music Story 'n' Andy-Comedy Boxing: Joe Baksi vs. re Lee Savold, Madison Square Garden WJZ--Leland Stowe, News WABC-Garry Moore; Jimmy Durante, Comedy WMCA-News: Man of Magic of the Evening Stern WJZ-Letter to Your Service Man WABC-Stage Door Canteen WMCA-Frank Kingdon, Talk Be Announced WJZ-Kay Lorraine, Songs WMCA-Bing Crosby Records -News; Music WJZ. WABC- Music WMCA-News; Talks; Music -Author's Playhouse WJZ-Kay WABC-Mrs. Armen, Miniver--Play Songs.

WABC-News; Music WJZ, WMCA-News; Music MORNING WMCA-News; AFTERNOON WMCA-News; Recorded Music Sherwood--Talk WABC-The Garden Gate Hawley, Talk OPA Talk Talk WMCA-News; Religious Gracey, Baritone WOR--Claire Wilson, Talk WABC-Golden Gate Quartet and Madness WOR-News; Rainbow House WJZ-Yankee Doodle Quiz WABC-Youth on Parade WMCA-News; Recorded Music Moore WJZ--Ozark Ramblers WABC-Mary Lee Taylor-Talk WMCA-News; Recorded Music -Dogs-Bob Becker -Musical Round-up WOR-News; Talks; Music WJZ-On Stage, Everybody Warren Sweeney WMCA--News: Recorded Music. Pretend Windows WOR--Hello Mom WJZ-Land of the Lost WABC-Fashions in Rations Recorded Music -This Is Our Orchestra Town WOR-McIntyre Orchestra Women in Blue WIZ Men and Books WMCA-News; Reviewers' Corner Rice WOR-News; Music WJZ -Sherwood Orchestra WABC-Pan-American Music WMCA--Children's Bible Class Music WOR--This Is Halloran WJZ-Slanguage Quiz WABC-Detroit Musicale WMCA-News; Novena Service Orchestra -Strong Orchestra WJZ-Minstrel Show WABC-Visiting Hour WMCA-News Reports Page Drama being in the Borough of Carteret, County of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, and better described as follows: BEGINNING in the westerly line of Lefferts street, at a point distant three hundred and fifty and fifty-seven hundredths (350.57/100) feet northerly from the northerly line of Rahway avenue running westerly on a line parallel with (formerly Union Landing road); thence said line of Rahway avenue, one hundred and sixty and seventy hundredths (160.70) feet to the most westerly line of a tract of land conveyed by Lizzie B. Colwell and husband to Herman Sha26, 1906 by deed recorded in Book 375 of Deeds for Middlesex piro. January County on Pages 534, formerly said line owned being also the line of land by C. H.

Crowell; thence northerly along said last mentioned line seventyfive (75) feet to a point; thence easterly on a line parallel with the course first run one hundred and sixty-four and seventy-five hundredths (164.75) feet to the said westerly line of Lefferts street, thence southerly along said line of Lefferts street seventy-five and twelve hundredths (75.12) feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Known as No. 23 Lefferts street, Carteret, N. J. Being a part of the same premises conveyed to Herman Shapiro by Lizzie B.

Colwell and husband, by recorded deed dated January 26, 1906, and Middlesex in book 375 of deeds for county on pages 534, etc. Said conveyance is recorded in Book 477 of Deeds for Middlesex County on Together with all and singular the pages 302, rights, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. JOSEPH T. KARCHER. Special Master in Chancery of New Jersey, 61 Main Sayreville, N.

J. ELMER E. BROWN, Solicitor. fri-m19-26-j2-9 Lost and Found LOST-Marcasite initialed pin, T.R.F. Reward.

Tel. 3596-M. RATION book No. 4, Mamie Oakley, 17 Schureman St. LOST- Gas ration book A.

Frank Smith, 224 Blake Ave. LOST -Male Dalmatian. Reward. Tel. N.B.

1494. tricycle in Buccleuch Park. Reward. Tel. 17-R.

LOST-Ration book Elsie Zavecz, 107 Lafayette Milltown. LOST--Elgin pocket watch, initials, J.J., George and Easton, weeks ago. Reward 39 Elm, Met. LOST--Ration books 3 and Mary, Mike Stasienko, R.F.D 1, Box 37, Wilmot St. N.

B. LOST -Man's amethyst ring, ini. tials AJN; corner Hardenbergh and Somerset Sts. Reward. 307 Townsend St.

Tel. 8661. LOST -Brown wallet containing social security and draft cards. Sanchez, 8 Cleremont Ave. Tel.

8295-R. LOST Gas ration, book A. Brown wallet, driver's license, registration card, telephone Co. Miss Anna M. Helias, ANNOUNCEMENTS First George's Rd.

LOST plastic bag Sunday, Penn. Station, 4 ration books 4, Joseph, Gloria, Geneva, 3 and 4, Margaret Muscle, 5 Central H. P. Reward. 7340-M.

LOST New Brunswick Nat'l Bank folder containing A gas ration book, registration, driver's license, tire inspection. Reward. Lucille Wolosz, 117 Marine Brooklyn, (9) N. Y. 4.

Business Personals WATCH and clock repairing. Frank Wheatley Meadow Tel. 5290-W. COMFORTABLE health supports with flexible stays. Bertha T.

Kulas, Spirella Corsetiere. Tel. So. River, 1178 evenings, AUTOMOTIVE 11. Automobiles for Sale FORD 1938, deluxe 2-dr.

sedan, excellent condition, special motor. Tel. 5110-W-3. 1937 FORD convertible, radio, gas heater, spotlight, good rubber, good paint. 35 Hiram St.

'37 LINCOLN ZEPHYR 4-dr. sedan. radio. Styles, 284 Turnpike South River. 1940 NASH 6-cylinder 4-dr.

dan, radio and Kwick Tire Service, 158 French St. 1937 STUDEBAKER coupe, one owner, excellent condition, just overhauled. Phone 852, 8 a. 2 p. m.

after 2 Tel 6316-M. 1939 DODGE sedan, radio, heater; new ring job, extra good tires. Fredda, Matawan Old Bridge. CHRYSLER '41, blue, club coupe, Royal, like new, 24,000 miles, good tires. Make offer.

Tel. N.B. 3310-M. 1941 PLYMOUTH club coupe, raheater, 27,000 miles; 1936 Oldsmobile coach, $250. 96 Baldwin from 6-8 p.

m. 1942 PLYMOUTH club coupe: 1941 Chevrolet coach, radio and heater. Inquire Opera House Garage, Liberty Tel. 809. DEITZ MOTORS, INC.

Seventh and Raritan Aves. Highland Park. Tel. 4431 4433 COME TO VAN SYCKLE'S For a Reconditioned Used Car. Will Trade or Buy Your Present Car.

DODGE AND PLYMOUTH DODGE TRUCK SALES AND SERVICE FRANK VAN SYCKLE 259 George New Brunswick Phone N. B. 871 12. Trucks, Tractors, Trailers '36 CHEVROLET truck, panel body. Tel.

1928-R after 6 p. m. 1937 CHEVROLET 11 -ton panel truck. 422 Magnolia H. P.

upstairs. 1935 CHEVROLET canopy body. Cooper's Dairy, Iselin. Tel. Metuchen 6-1432-J.

14. Auto Accessories 265 Burnet St. MICHAELSON AUTO PARTS, PRE- WAR vulcanizing and recapping service. Brown's, 67 French St. AUTO-LITE Batteries.

Ignition parts, all Road service. Kwick Tire Service. Tel. 590. TIRES Recapped the factory way; also vulcanizing.

Bring in your casing now! B. F. Goodrich Stores, 67 Albany St. Factory Grade 3 Tires Grade 1 and Tubes. Ceiling Prices--All Sizes.

Recapping, Vulranizing. Sinclair gas, oil. Accessories. Victory Tire Exchange 2 Easton Ave. 206 French, St.

Tel. 7021 15. Repairing Service TIRE wear, shimmy corrected. Horvath, 19 Division. Tel.

3621. BEAR SYSTEM stops shimmy, saves tires. Middlesex Top Body, 89 Redmond St. Tel. 7848.

VULCANIZING RECAPPING Speedy Service. O.K, Tire French and Schuyler Sta. ALL MAKES speedometers repaired. Carter Strombergs Carburetor Service. Cal's, 29 Albany St.

16. Automotive Wanted WANTED-Used car, must be in good condition. Call Matawan 2042-J. MODEL in good condition. Tel.

Milltown 151. W. E. MOUNT SON 99 Albany St. Tel.

810 SPOT CASH paid for used cars. JAMISON'S CENTRAL GARAGE 223 Sandford St. Tel. 2982 '40 Pontiac. or '41 Must Dodge, be in De A-1 Potomat tion.

Will pay top price. Tey. 2886. WANTED Small business coupe or sedan, low mileage, 1938 model or later. Tel.

1365 or 8288-M. Private party. LATE MODEL CARS Bought and sold. Popular prices Opera House Garage, Liberty St. Tel.

809, ASK FOR BILL. USED CARS WANTED '37 to '42. All Models Deitz will more money for your used car. A telephone call will convince you; town can be made collect. Deitz Motors, Inc.

250 GEORGE ST. Phones 4432-4433 HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID FOR YOUR USED CAR Sell now while market is high. Rutgers Chevrolet FIFTH AND RARITAN AVES. Phone 4232 Highland Park. Highest Prices Paid FOR LATE MODEI USED CARS Will Call For THOMASON MOTORS Middlesex Ave.


BOUND BROOK 300 16. Automotive Wanted WANTED- Used car, must be condition. Call Matawan 2042-J. If you want to buy or sell a good used car -SEEDE ANGELIS BROS. French St.

New Brunswick Telephone 1647 ANY CAR YOU WANT PRICED LOW 17. Garages STORAGE space available in public garage. Jamison's Central Garage. Tel. 2982.

BUSINESS SERVICES Building and Contracting GENERAL building contracting new, remodeling; also painting, paperhanging. 107 Alcazar Highland Park. Tel. 2680-J. Cesspools CESSPOOLS cleaned.

Thompson's, 194 Talmadge St. 4254. CESSPOOLS, septic tanks, cleaned. Forsire, Cranbury 686-R-2. CESSPOOLS, septic tanks cleaned.

Modern equipment. R. Reid, Middlebush. Tel. N.B.

1502-J-1. CESSPOOLS, septic tanks cleaned. Gasoline equipment. J. Holm.

Tel. Jamesburg 47-M-2. Electric Appliances ALL MAKES electric irons, toasters, waffle irons, househola appliances repaired. Paszamant's, 109 French St. Tel.

5058. Electric Welding SEIDLER Electric and Acetylene welding, radiator cleaning, 318 Townsend Tel. 2980. Floor Sanders FLOOR SANDING and ReFINishing. Modern, dustless 6598.

equipment. Church. Tel. FLOOR sanding with the modern dustless, "Speadliner." Sur. facing and finishing old and NeW floors.

F. Scheer, Tel. 8505-M. Insulation, Weatherstripping METAL weatherstripping for windows. doors.

Koury. 2691-R. Mattresses MATTRESS and box springs remade. Feather beds made into quilts. New Brunswick Mattress 44 Albany Br St.

Tel. 6312. Moving, Trucking, Storage for hire; day, week or contract. Phone Mill" town 1 413-R. Fleishman's City Service MOVING VANS Tel.

6627 72 French St. RATES quoted for storage of household effects in absolutely fireproof warehouse. Sisser Bros. Inc. N.B., Plainfield, Somerville.

MOVING Local and Long Distance. Insured Vans. H. R. TRUCKING 425 George St.

N. B. 3467 N. B. STORAGE WAREHOUSE Fireproof Warehouses.

18-20 Drift Su Tel. 981 LONG distance moving. proof storage. packing, crating. Agents Allied Vans, Sisser N.

B. Plainfield, Somerville. BRUNSWICK VANS--Local and long distance. Moving storage, crating, shipping. 75 Neilson St.

Tel. 7366. Overhead Garage Doors SOLD INSTALLED SERV. ICE-Rowe Mfg. Plfd 6-8541.

Painting and Paperhanging PAINTING, paperhanging, guaranteed. Brunswick Wallpaper 7 Church St. 1961-W. PAINTING A and decorating, including inside and outside. F.

P. Morton. Tel. 8515-J. WALLPAPER 65c and up per room.

Tel. 3939, Albany Paint Wallpaper Co. PAINTING, paperhanging, guaranteed, reasonable. W. Saiff, 114 So.

4th H. P. Tel. 6323. ROOMS papered sunfast, wash.

able papers, guaranteed. us, be satisfied. United Wallpaper, 16 Church St. Tel. 2392 or 5245.

Piano Tuning PIANO repairing, tuning. A. 1384-J M. Friesz, 27 Langley Pl. Tel.

Radios, Radio Service RADIO REPAIRS, All Makes 29 Langley PI. Tel. 7698-W. "SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO" N. VAN HEUVEL 120 GEORGE St.

TEL. 3340 RADIOS- Phonographs repaired. All makes, guaranteed. Frank's Radio Service, 49 Easton. 8675.

Refrigeration ALL makes household and store refrigeration service. Sundays, A. Niederman, 2329-R-1848-M. REFRIGERATION service on all makes, commercial and domestic. Paszamant's, 109 French St.

Tel. 5058. Rug Cleaning LORRAINE RUG CLEANING Old rugs look like new after a Lorraine Shampoo, with small cost to you. Tel 7838, days. Sewing.

Machines SEWING MACHINES Bought, Soid, Repaired. 3 yr. guarantee. M. Rechtschafer, 56 Church.

3084 WE BUY, sell, repair, all makes commercial and house machines. Guaranteed work. South River Sewing Machine Ferry St. Tel. S.

R. 1393. Vacuum Cleaners REPAIRS on all makes. bright's. 84 Albany St.

Tel. 1444. Washing Machine Service WASHING MACHINES, Vacuum Cleaners, Irons, Fans bought, sold and repaired. Every make, 290 State Perth Amboy. WASHING machines, vacuum cleaners, stove and boiler parts repaired, any make.

Phone 7055 after 3 p. m. EMPLOYMENT WAR MANPOWER COMMISSION RULING The War Manpower Commission has ruled that no worker presently or last employed in an essential or locally needed activity, may be considered for any other employment without a statement of availability Hirers of workers possessing critically needed skills will require U. S. Employment Service approval.

32. Help Wanted -Women ALTERATION HAND Experienced, full or part time. Apply Brooks, 337 Georg. St. WAITRESS, good wages.

Lenox Diner. 116 So. Bridge Somerville. OPERATORS and floor girls wanted on dresses. Apply Chaskes Kulback, 279 Burnet St.

WAITRESSES and counter girls. Stollman's Restaurant, 108 Somerset St. GIRL for light housework, no cooking. no heavy laundry. 214 Howard St.

Tel. 2287. MAID WANTED Sleep in or out, small family, no heavy laundry. Tel. 5219 or 2689.

GENERAL housework. light cooking, sleep in small adult family. $25 week. Write K-115, Home News. HOUSEWORKER, 4 or 5 times a week, from 10 to 3, white preferred.

Call 1557. WANTED Secretary for law office. No previous legal experience necessary. Write G-57, Home News. HAND PRESSERS Steady work, good earnings.

Brunswi Knitting Mills, 32 Courtlandt New Brunswick. MIDDLE- AGED woman for kitchen work, part time. 8 a.m. to 1 p. m.

Quality Bakery, 70 Albany St. CHAMBERMAID Apply Mrs. Reisert Roger Smith Hotel EMPLOYMENT 32. Help Wanted-1 -Women YOUNG LADY, for general housework. Good pay to a hard worker.

Write X-96, Home News. SALESLADIES, full and part time, good pay. Apply Nugent's, 342 George St. SALESLADIES wanted, full time and part timef general dry goods store. Fair Store, 65 Church 1 St.

YOUNG GIRL or woman in neighborhood Livingston and Delevan. Couple hours light work daily. Tel. 483-W, evenings. HOUSEKEEPER for two adults, no laundering, room and board' furnished, centrally located, references required.

P. O. Box 791, New Brunswick. OP PRATORS and girls willing to learn Singer sewing machines. Also floor girls.

Good earnings. Brunswick Knitting Mills, 32 Courtlandt St. SEWING machine operators for children's coats, steady work, top wages. 14 Water South River. Call S.

R. 1584-J. WOMEN to take charge of Women Core Makers Grimm dry Chimney Rock Road, Bound Brook, N. J. SALESLADY, experienced in better ready to wear department, good pay.

Inquire Bon Ton, 336 George St. MEDICAL STENOGRAPHIC STENOGRAPHER able to take medical dictation is needed by Middlesex General Hospital. Part or full time. Please ask for Mr. Johnston.

GIRLS WANTED Experience Not Necessary NEW SYSTEM LAUNDRY 190 Townsend St. COOK Experience unnecessary, Excellent wages. Best of living conditions. Six day week. F-142, Home News FOUNTAIN GIRL 7:00 a.

m. to 4:00 p. m. No Sunday Work Rosevear's 40-42 Albany St. AN established organization has place for one additional employe capable of general clerical work.

Interesting, responsible and permanent position for person with the right qualifications. Write K-117, Home News. BOOKKEEPER, Office Appliance Co. experienced and one who can type and take dictation preferred. Essential business work, light, interesting, splendid opportunities.

Write details in first letter. Write G-54, Home News. Girls Able to sew on Singer machines or by hand. Experience not necessary. A.

Bernstein 1 BROOKSIDE AVE. (No. 8 Bus to Louis St.) New Brunswick. N. J.

SALESWOMAN For Rug and Furniture Department. Preference given to lady with experience. Knowledge of interior decorating helpful. Good starting salary, Permanent sition. Apply to SEARS, ROEBUCK CO.

101 ALBANY ST. BOOKKEEPER, knowledge of social security, unemployment insurance and withholding tax reports, general ledger work. Permanent position with firm now doing war work with plans to re-convert to civilian production after the war. Excellent opportunity. U.

S. employment certificate necessarv. Apply at U. S. E.

Carroll N. B. or at our office. Sagamor Metal Goods Corp, 40 Washington Milltown, N. J.


356 George Street WMC Rules Apply. OFFICE GIRL For full time position. tunity for high graduate to secure a position offering an excellent future. Must be able to type. Excellent working conditions with many employe benefits.

Apply immediately to SEARS, ROEBUCK CO. 101 ALBANY ST. WAITRESSES And COUNTER GIRLS Pleasant Working Conditions Good Pay Experience Not Necessary HOWARD JOHNSON Tel. N.B. 5454 TIMEKEEPERS (2) (Female) Prefer High School Graduate Pleasant Permanent Positions Apply Personnel Office E.

R. SQUIBB SONS GEORGE'S ROAD NEW BRUNSWICK 12 or 58 Bus to Plant WMC Rules Apply WAR WORK Telephone Operators Are, Needed Now To Put Through Calls Vital to the War Effort. Telephone Operators Are Essential During Peace Time. No Previous Experience Needed to Start. Ages 17 to 25 preferred.

-Apply at18 PATERSON New Brunswick, During Business Hours Or Call the CHIEF OPERATOR -OnNew Brunswick Official 15 for Appointment. Workers now employed in sential activity will not be availability sidered without a statement of BELL TELEPHONE CO. NEW JERSEY.

The Central New Jersey Home News from New Brunswick, New Jersey (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.